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Well you put The Legend of Hero Tonma in there - thanks for doing that. Some PSX games work. Tekken 3 doesn't, and I overwritten it with my purchased image and it still dies. I haven't had the time to check everything. I saw some lag in between selections in the game and after the WMV sound track finishes, but that is minor. If I had more time available I would take a shot of managing your project, as it looks like fun. I agree there is quite a bit of change information in that thread, marrying it to a restricted timescale would be a challenge. I will keep testing EPIC, and I will PM you a review of my findings. Thanks again for this great Xbox application. Happy Holidays!
Sorry I missed your Vote BP. I was thinking about DaphneX and how it could be implemented into Coinops without getting the source. I just managed to get Epic, and it is a big boy to unrar and FTP - looks like a weekend job! Excellent work there mate Could I be cheeky and ask you to make a container for CoinOPS in the form of a XBMC release? It would be so cool to have the Xbox on 24/7 playing movies and arcade games. I know that is asking a lot, and I won't be surprised if you say no. Thanks again for all your hard work. It is really appreciated.
Works fine for me. 80gb PATA Maxtor 9. Softmod. Used both my stock .84 sets and the one that came with X. Both work fine. Sorry BP I haven't had time to test X out with the mouse and spinner. Hope you found the time to keep the settings saved. I'm grateful for your efforts BP, even if the haters in this forum do not. Well what can I say...children act like children, especially when they are not children. Why I do not know. Keep up the excellent work BP. Maybe next time you can realease your builds to the adults rather than the children.
Still interested in what you ment by corrupted and if you did a sfv check and what the outcome was. I haven't used Usenet for ages, so I dusted off my copy of free agent and jumped into hyperspace (VPN) and took down the files you posted. Some were ok but there were a bunch that failed and showed that the Rar(s) were corrupted. Thus I could not "Get" the files. I found X on MU so its not a problem, and will test it out on my fresh newish xbox and report back if I see any errors. The MU copy does not have the roms, so I will use my gold and BAED roms instead. Hope that clears up your question Grr. Thanks to whoever for upping it to MU. Oh and BTW watch out MU is banning IPs on that upload. What do you mean banning IPS? Hope someone can upload the full version *with roms included* to maegaupload. MU and RS - probably others too are being watched. Enough said. The worse part is for those who are on dynamic IPs. I guess it was a matter of time until this kind of Big Brother tactic is used, but with a traceable IP address a degree of caution is required. My suggestion is just to release CoinOPS without the roms! Besides most of us hobbyists are resourceful enough without the roms being handed to us on a plate.
Still interested in what you ment by corrupted and if you did a sfv check and what the outcome was. I haven't used Usenet for ages, so I dusted off my copy of free agent and jumped into hyperspace (VPN) and took down the files you posted. Some were ok but there were a bunch that failed and showed that the Rar(s) were corrupted. Thus I could not "Get" the files. I found X on MU so its not a problem, and will test it out on my fresh newish xbox and report back if I see any errors. The MU copy does not have the roms, so I will use my gold and BAED roms instead. Hope that clears up your question Grr. Thanks to whoever for upping it to MU. Oh and BTW watch out MU is banning IPs on that upload.
Its OK now I got it off MU. Thanks for your help Grr.
Yeah I see them and they are corrupted.
Please PM a link so I can test it out. Thanks
Question: Do I need to patch this or will the patch be in the next release? Reason why I ask is because I cannot download that patch file. It would be cool to play trackball/spinner games in CoinOPS for the cabinet. Did anyone manage to find a flash player that was compatible with XDSL? So many flash games out there..... Since we are asking about additional cores - will this release feature some sort of DOS EMU? Many thanks.
Yes please, unless you want me to add it in myself, as my programming is a little bit rusty......
Hi, I don't want to sound like a broken record, but did anything on your "to-do" list get incorporated into this final build? I.E. controller.ini saving?
BP, How difficult would it be to sort out the controller/mouse settings saving issue? What is needed to get it implemented before the final build? It is really mega important to me to get this functionality, would there be an option for a custom build? Many thanks.
I'm having issues using the mouse and trackball support. As soon as I reconfigure the settings per game, they are lost upon reloading of the rom. I thought there was a read-only flag open when I transferred the files over FTP (or something like that) and the settings do not get saved. I think I had this problem since R5, and to be honest its real hard to figure out the sensivity settings, especially for games like star trek or Star Wars, basically any spinner trackball games have this problem. Please can there be some sort of controls.ini file I can update globally then tweak locally with respect to each game/rom? Something in the advanced settings screen would be very helpful. Do we have lightgun support too? My LCD TopGuns are getting dusty!!! Many thanks again for R8. Just love it.
I just tried R8 and i like it. One question though: Where is SMB support? I would like to share my roms with other devices on the network and my NAS has lots of them. Thanks