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Everything posted by aarenlainey

  1. The fall of 2009 has got various loopholes in it. Apparently the seasons are supposed to become less interesting as time goes by because the more you see, the less there is to see. Of course, that rule doesn’t apply when there’s 4+ series you’d be psyched up for in any season. Having all four at once is just a bonus (and mildly troublesome actually).
  2. This is quite offensive act by Adam Lambert , that too in an award function. He blew this very badly. This is disgusting and mortifying. American Music Association should make a public apology. And I hope Good Morning America cancels his performance in other functions of finales like this.
  3. I think cmos battery dont have anything to do with ur case, Ia m working with board for 8 year even without cmos battery your board will work, unless your board has dirt that may because poor contact (memory, video card, etc).
  4. I have just finished watching Card-captor Sakura.
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