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Everything posted by SWAMP_THING

  1. ok, thanks which is the best emu and does any one have any games?
  2. is there anywhere i can download pc games music? i am looking for a track out of little big adventure (or Relentless as i think it was called in the US).
  3. we dont have a topic about this! are there any pc emu's ou there?
  4. is there any sites where i can find out how to get my DC online? do u still have to pay for the call though in the uk?
  5. Post your favorite jokes here,. this might be a good topic. try not to make them too long as i have a very short attention span. Two kids are sitting up stairs one is 7 one is 4. the 7 year old says, " its time we started swearing, when we go down for breakfast, say something bad." so they go down for breakfast and mum says "what do you want?" the 7 year old says "i want F****** co co pops mum" and the mother says "dear God! get to your room!" the 7 year old runs off crying the mum turns to the 4 year old and says "what do u want?" he says, "i don't know but i dont want F****** co co pops!"
  6. oh no! i cant believe that site is down, it one of the first emu sites i ever used! i cant believe that they could really upset anyone or spoiling profits why bother closing them down? i want a minutres slience in respect *plays last post on Bugle*
  7. he is too short range for me, i like him in soul edge, but i am getting ticked off with soul caiber now, i block i lose, i attack i lose, (when against a human!) i liked the weapon gauges of the first one alot better
  8. what character which appears in a fighting game do you think is the worst and unplayable? i would go for colusus or or ice man in marvel vs capcom 2 zangief in SSF2 and the nunchuck guy in soul calibur
  9. has anyone else seen this movie? this is one of the greatest films i have ever seen if you liked donnie darko and wierd stuff watch this. oh, and question: which movie had the biggest impact on you? (this might not be your favorite film) i would go for brazil
  10. jelly boy? 2? thats my only guess but it looks like it might be on the lynx?
  11. i agree gamecop i just got M vs Capcom this morning and the music is already driving me mad but it is one of the best fighting games. i would also give a shout to soul calibaur and soul edge. does anyone know why they got rid of the weapon gauges?
  12. i just remebered another couple! citites of gold and dogatian! oh and does any one remember the name of the cartoon where a little brown dog had to find his master who i think had moved and think it was by hanna barabara and he had lots of dog friends?
  13. has anyone played this game? we dont have it over here in the uk but i might get it on import, we are suposed to be getting animal crossing 2 though
  14. for anyone who plays guitar here is a great tab for all the super mario music it sounds cool let me know if u c any other good music tabs for game music. http://www.tabcrawler.com/archive.php?acti...&file_id=112405
  15. the DC games that disapointed me the most has to be sonic adventure, i cant even get the chou's to save ! i u seem to have very little control is number 2 any better?
  16. i get all my DC games from cash converters they are very cheap. i have just got onto the third disk of shenmue 2, its very cool, i am also realy impressed by soul caliber and jet set radio, i wil also be getting the mighty marvel vs capcom 2 off e bay! i cant wait for that one
  17. my name is the same on DC++ i will get theme setup to share
  18. yea!! i back i have just got crappy AOL back online so what have i missed?? i hate moving house, this is the 5th time i moved in ten years! and i have only moved a 5 minute walk upthe road i have been buying a lot more dreamcast stuff, i got shenmue 2 for £6 and street fighter third stike for a fiver!
  19. right lets carry this on i am back and will try to answer at least twice a week or u can ignore me
  20. i have most of those theme tunes, so u could get them off me at dc ++ i have ulysses and chip n dale loads of the one u mentioned included the racoons end tune as a proper song! . for epidoses i have seen this place but cant try it cos off my 56k modem http://www.aowz68.dsl.pipex.com/cartoons/ its quite easy to find web sites with themes on with google
  21. the best 80's cartoons must be dugeons and dragons, jayce and the wheeled warroirs, transformers, willy fogg, cities of gold, willl o wisp, he- man and jem, if anyone needs any theme tunes just ask me, i have everything. PS add any others u think r classics cos the 80's was the best decasde for cartoons ever!
  22. hulk opens on the 18 july in the uk but i went to the preview last night and i thoiught the hulk looked great and, true, it was slow paced at the beginning and a bit confusing at the end, i cant see why kids would want to watch it. but i did enjoy it and i liked the changes to the origin apart from the nanomeds, what r they, small medical robots? oh and it was great when he grows larger when he gets angry
  23. like i said i wil b away 4 a bit as i have no internet in my new house yet however no i am not sonic Q7: no, i am not from a RPG Q8: no, i am not an animal
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