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Everything posted by SWAMP_THING

  1. "i dont know what clothes to wear? could some one rccomend some?" use your imagination! or use a site with rom reviews such as http://members.madasafish.com/~neofooty/download.html oh i would recomend earthbound on the snes
  2. yeah but there too much there too much of it in the film! it boring!
  3. i went to c this yesterday, i think it was average at best what was all that zion stuff? all the Pseudo philosophy was complete nosense the effects were good though and the bit a about the one and the matrix any1 else seen it?
  4. i would take my cd collection, its taken me years to get all of that and with no insurance i would b screwed in a fire!
  5. i got 68! but i do have to sets of grand parents die of cancer so that might by y and the fact i dont exercise took the gay test and ended up not gay enough at 26%!
  6. heres another great fact: the male gender was only produced to bring about genetic varabilty so dieasese wouldnt wipe out a speices, we were never needed b4 that
  7. i love the Snes, so easy to use i would like to use more amiga stuff but its too difficult for my PC!
  8. the thing that everyone mis quotes darwin on is that we are all came from monkeys the real thing is that we all shared a common ansecestor that got wipe out on the past. evolution happenens over many milliions of years and has very little to do with mutation
  9. i think newer games still try to use the same game play style of olser games. eg collect the key, ok easy in a 2d platformer, boring and impossible on turrok 2, they might have well just said see that haystack over there? find that needle
  10. i can answer this being a BSc in zoology its the egg because dinosaurs and reptiles laid them before birds were around! there are some intetresting things going on in evolutionary sceince and we have only touched the tip the the iceburg. my fav fact is that of all the species on earth we have only given names to 1 million. It is Conservatively estimated that there are 14 million we havent even named! i saw a video of a professor in the rain forest going up to a tree, put some paper underneth, shook the tree. he examined the paper and all he was saying was "new species, new species, never seen that before..." makes you think
  11. by the way the rules are no special "iron shoes!" its just you and the animal in one big fight-for-life-survival-of-the-fittest ruck. i dont think anyone could take down a donkey or cow they would beat the crap out of you i would say at a push i might take on a chimp
  12. im a bit confused! what site was this and what did you want?! is this just a random message you got sent back? i think you should play along say you like cats farting on your face!
  13. whats the biggest animal you think you could kick to death? i would go with dolphin if i had the land advantage
  14. i think on line gaming is a load of b*****ks. i cant work out why people would cheat in this way ok in a single player game where u are stuck, but in a multiplayer game? what do they do? sit there at home thinking they are the greatest players of all time? it ruins it for every1. i remember in the old days of team fortress when you could move around for more than 2 secs b4 being shot. you can always work out when there are cheaters as you never improve with time.
  15. thanks thats just what i was looking for, now i just have to learn card counting
  16. one of the sections thats overlooked on this forum would be the reivews section. i think we should start it off again (every1 do one game, ill have Alien Vs Predator Pls! ). Also maybe introduce a section where we can vote for our favorite games of all time for each system so anyone new to the forums could see what we are all into and people could uncover gaming gems they have never heard of. let me know what you think!
  17. have you tried the tex mex whopper? its the bestburger ever, a bit hot thou
  18. i was wonering if anyone knows any good betting games on the Snes, i want to practice b4 i try it for real
  19. Good British words there. The word jobby is also great. I used to say it all the time when I was little but I don't use it anymore. BRING BACK JOBBIES!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah and shafted, wee wee and shagged out!
  20. i like MSM. i used to use ICQ but people keep sending u porn sites all the time i can find my own! i dont thibk u really choose which 1 to use. u use the 1 all your freinds do.
  21. i thought it was trying to link one set of eyes to two lips and vice versa and thats what gives u a head ache!
  22. poo or willy
  23. ok ill be the inquizitor if they make a RD game i want to remove people from history! http://quiz.ravenblack.net/videogame.pl this site tells u what game charachter u are by answering some questions i am a gauntlet man
  24. wow, isnt that to do with the face recogination part of your brain and its tring to seperate the head into 4 different faces and thats why it hurts?
  25. yeah, but i dont want to go to the moon i want to play dreamcast games!
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