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Everything posted by SWAMP_THING

  1. well i tried kaillera and kawaks but because i hav such a high ping 160-300 people won't play, also it takes me about 1 and half mins to load marvel v capcom so people give on me, impatient *****!
  2. i hav just heard about this is kaillera, the best for arcade internet play? does any1 here use it? i would love to play against some of u and show off me "skillz".
  3. yup marvel vs capcom is my fav as well, we should hav a high score competition or something on this forum. i also love alien vs predator i have played it thru so many times i might do a review for it!
  4. you can have a game on a limitless amount of CDs but i dont know any game on two carts so on a cart if something dont fit in they will remove it. most importantly u can mircowave cds and make a cool lighting effect in your microwave (if you dont care about your face too much)! so in conclusion i would say i am for carts. (loading times really tick me off)
  5. i think it was definetly a good thing to rid the world of saddam even if they are not doing it 4 the right reasons. i did not like the media reporting of the war cos they missed all the other important world news such as massive new offisves by US troops in afganistan (excuse my spelling pls!). also the fact that japan lauched a spy satillite which the N. koreans took as an aggressive act!
  6. how do u get it to play mp3s and emulated a snes? i would like to know as my cd player has just packed in and i think a DC would be a great replacement
  7. oh right! how about "clone this!" from sixth day, theres another great one from that film but i haven't seen it for a long time. i also love that bit in commando where he rips the womans seat out of her car for no reason, just so he can crouch down. also when u see all the bad guys go flying on the spring boards on the lawn cos they could b bothered to cover them up
  8. http://retrospec.sgn.net/ this site has pc updates for classic games klass of 99 is great!
  9. "there eez a freezez coming!" i cant think what that quotes from, is it commando?
  10. ok whats your fav arnie quote? mine is "consider this a divorce!" from total recall or predators "CIA got ya pushin' too many pencils?"
  11. whats every one been listening to lately? i have been listening to a lot of ramones, cure and KISS. my top five albums would be (in no order) 1. Greenday-Dookie 2. GNR- Appitite for destruction 3. Jimmy eat world- clarity 4. Less than jake - boarders and boundries 5. Smashing Pumpkins - mellioncollie and the infinute sadness
  12. whats your fav arine film then? i think mine would have to be total recall, its still great today and no matter what any nerd says u cant work out if its in his head or not! i also like commando where his nemisis is a pumped up freddy mercury
  13. here one of my fav artists, probably because i feel the same things are going on in his head that do in mine, such as space monkeys telling him what to do
  14. i have not broke any controllers since the old C64 days of Hyper Sports! i went thru about 5 or 6 of those cheap micro switch joysticks
  15. how about jill and chris in resident evil? it takes them ages to work out the "THINGS" are zombies, jill and barry split up to "cover more ground". jill finds a piece of paper telling her to kill the zombies by shooting them in the head but carries on shooting them in the chest
  16. i was thinking about Metal gear solid and remembered the guy in the cloaking suit, he is near invisable and decides to fight you in a lift. cue cries of "ha ha ha you can't s.. AAGGH!" think of any others?
  17. i think i would like the power to..ANNOY
  18. i live in the liverpool in the swamps of the mersey where i hav finshed a zoology degree and want to get a job in computing, buti am not sure why thou
  19. the frog in crono trigger, i dont think he had a name
  20. i like comic zone, toe jam and earl two and road rash, oh and the one where u r a ghost and scare people out of your house
  21. http://agtp.romhack.net/ this site had translation patches for games like clock tower 1 and other snes games such as gudam wing.
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