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Everything posted by SWAMP_THING

  1. I hear that, are taxes in crease wile are services decrease... We need a band like system of a down for england only, i would personaly smack tony blairs head. Oh yeah i think blue yonder do a meg connection and its based in england. blues yonder do a 2mb connection now! but they are only based in brum and liverpool
  2. what do u think of the new characters? i think that raphel is a bit too good, he is way too fast and powerful my fav would have to be necrid, what the hell is he anyway?
  3. defenders of the earth on the C64 RUBBISH! oh and the dizzy one where is is in a shape factory *yawn!*
  4. i haven't posted for a while as i have started a new job and an MSc in information systems. very hard work! i am going to buy a new Pc base what odo you guys think of this? AMD Athlon XP 3000+ Processor 512Mb DDR RAM 120Gb Hard Drive DVD & DVDRW separate Drives 128Mb FX5200 Graphics 1 Firewire Socket 56K Modem Windows XP Home Operating system Works v 7.0 plus many more 1 Year Free Onsite Guarantee should run H2!
  5. ganulet dark legacy! its the only game i ever play on my cube now
  6. emsley u should watch dark water its's got the same writer/director as ringu and i crapped my pants at it but its a real slow burner PS u know the matrix reloaded is just an ad for the next one AND its really boring but then again i did enjoy hulk and T3! i saw sixth day last fri Arnie :"u should clone yourself" bad Guy: "why? so i can c things from your unique perspective?" Arnie "no, so u can go F**k yourself!" classic!
  7. mine are 1. matrix reloaded (the crappest film ever) 2. dare devil 3. contreal damage (arines WORST film) 4. chain reaction (reeves again) 5. US marshalls 6. men in black 7. star wars II (worst than 1!) i really hate these films with a passion
  8. question for DClover really (sorry didn't know where to put it) i just got a DC scart lead and i get no picture from it only sound! is my scart broke or am i just stupid? is it worth using a scart lead anyway?
  9. i have just finished alan moores swamp thing and have started reading vol 3 of the spectre which is quite good next i want DC's crisis on infinite earths
  10. nice quote emsley! i like it! i have one too "saying a man with faith is happier than one without is like saying a drunk man is happier than a sober one"
  11. err... god didnt make dinosaurs first (if at all) single cells in the sea thingscame first and before them strings of protein. followed by loads of freaky things! i dont see why creationists get so angry about evolution, they can think god just made it all happen but i suppose they take the bible seroiusly and literally word for word
  12. i found it conquers of the new world by interplay it was older than i thought (1996) anyway i found it using the univerisal video game database at http://uvl.arteh.com/ PS think the game will work on win 98?
  13. US has "paler" beers such as rolling rock for a crisp taste. i think it depends on the hops you use too as stelar artois is 5% just like bud but it sends me loopy after two pints! in britain we also have a lot of bitters (boddingtons & john smiths) and stouts (guiness & murphys) do they have them in the US?
  14. i want to find an oldish pc game (1999 or there abouts) about the colonisation of america. you had to walk around to reveil the map and if u found a mountain or river you could name it, any ideas?
  15. i get the obsever and go straight to the reviews section to see whats happening in music and film. also to see if anyone good is playing up north
  16. i have been searching 4 songs(or somewhere to buy their albums) by Guitar Vader who have a song on JSR. kazza is rubbish i got about 5 of them from there but they r too rare, does any1 else have any of them or know a web site i can get them from?
  17. i think six too, but the first time i looked my eyes missed all the "of"'s!
  18. looking at my favorites list i would say: alien vs predator APB asterix bells and whisltes chirea beast combat school empire city x men beat em up and HARD YARDAGE!
  19. i think birmingham will beat u all, we beat leeds last year!
  20. i think we just need more people to join in i start boring conversations and no one joins in plus with few people talking it means that you have to wait longer 4 a reply
  21. i think the answer is, very carefully making sure u make no mistakes
  22. i have just bought dc games power stone 2 £3, rez £3 and shenmue £5. i could have got shenmue 2 for a fiver too but i already have it! i might get it and put it on ebay £££ whats your best bargin (games related?)
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