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  1. Agozer, what is your favorite video filter in FBA shuffle? If it varies from game to game, then which one do you use the most? I take it that you're using the latest version, FBA shuffle v2.0.0 test build, am I correct?
  2. If it wasn't for countries like China and India we would not have groups like this in existence.
  3. Here you go: http://www.vhemt.org/
  4. In my opinion the most reliable source for news is "The Associated Press". The Associated Press http://www.ap.org/ -As the backbone of the world's information system, The Associated Press serves 5,000 radio and television stations and 1,700 newspapers in the United States, and an additional 8,500 radio, television and newspaper subscribers in 121 countries overseas. More than one billion people count on this media Goliath to supply their news to them every day, 24 hours a day. The least reliable source for news in my opinion is "ALJAZEERA" ALJAZEERA http://www.aljazeera.net/ http://english.aljazeera.net/HomePage -These guys are low lives, scum of the earth. If you want fair and balanced don't look here. If you want bogus news, stories and facts, look no further. Some of there interviews are staged and they love to print anti-american and anti-israeli news (propaganda). They are definally a one-sided news source.
  5. You download NeorageX Test version 4.4 from this site: http://www.dream-emulation.com/Main.htm
  6. http://nebula.emulatronia.com/ Here you go, enjoy!
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