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Everything posted by thedonjuan

  1. I always loved capcom but now it seems that I'm leaning more towards SNK as I get older.The graphics are not as good but I like the gamplay better.I guess thats one for SNK
  2. saturn bad ___.You've never played guardian heroes.dragon force,die hard,or any other saturn classics have you.Thanks fellas.I actuallt have 2 saturn and 2 21 pin mod chips.The sodering is just so rediculous to get right its almost not worth thr trouble.Both saturn happen to have the 64 chip so i wanted one already done and tested oh well I'll keep looking.Yes ebay doesn't sell a modded saturn.Atleast at the moment they don'tThank you fellas for taking the time to help me out.I hope I can return the favor one day.Any other helpful suggestions will be appreciated.
  3. Can someone please help me find a modded sega saturn for sale.I looked all over and can't seem to get one.
  4. Finally someone says shadowrun that games awesome
  5. MY favorite machine of old times are dreamcast,and nes.Please pick your most favorite 2 older systems and two games for each to go with it dreamcast -snk vs capcom 2 power stone 2 snes-super mario kart super mario all stars
  6. i didn't like it at first but i grown to love it as one of my faves that i play often
  7. masterpiece anyone up for a game on kaillera holla back
  8. Is the double dvd worth getting if you already have the original dvd
  9. I was looking to buy a 50 inch dlp to hook my tv up for all my emu games.Do any of you recommend a big screen tv that will run a comp beatifully.I want to make a stand and hook up a slik stik or x arcade to resemble the big screen sf3 cabs.Beats paying 5,000 for a mame cab
  10. Whats the best way to run burned games on saturn.I know dc runs straight off with the exception of a few which you use utopia but is the saturn similiar or you have to mod it
  11. yes,p64 i played with already
  12. I also like star gladiator 2
  13. snes super double dragon blackthorne super mario kart pilotwings genesis guardian heroes comix zone sonic the hedgehog \nes mike tyson punch out super mario bros\ kung fu donkey kong jr donkey kong 3 battletoads
  14. Please keep to the classic sierra and lucasarts. Monkey island when i i found the sword master by following the old man in the shop back to her house without him knowing and defeating her with my cunning comments. Police quest when i had to look in the manual and actually learn how to read people their rights to get those words just right so the computer would understand that i was trying to arrest someone
  15. Beg to differ, 3 Would be the worst. I think 3 is kinda sweet but definetely different from the rest of the series
  16. And this post make me go download Indiana Jones and The fate of the Atlantis Ha ha ha ha.I just rebought that game great choice friend
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