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Everything posted by thedonjuan

  1. Thanks all for the replys greatly appreciated
  2. I got the games through a site that sells back ups at 2$ a pop
  3. I recently purchased a dreamcast with over 200 games now i don't know what to start playing first.Whats some good dc games.PLease give me severeal so i have a good idea of whats good.Thanks crew!!!
  4. conker's and excitebike 64
  5. I was the first to have this handheld.I loved atari because i grew up playing 2600 when I was a child but atari disappointed me several times with crappy system support.Did anyone have a good lynx collection
  6. Guilty Gearxx reloaded king of fighters 2002
  7. YOu knw what really pisses me off.I loved that genre so much that i bought every adventure game lucasarts and sierra online put out.As soon as i saw it on the shelf I got it.I know severeal peopel who feel the same way yet tey saying the genre dead.Petitions alll over for sam and max.NO MORE MONKEY ISLAND!!!!Just sad
  8. I have audigy 2 platinum pro.My games won't recognize 5.1 even though i have klipsch 5.1 ultras with 2 sws woofers.
  9. awesome game.Sammy surprised everyone with the original gg.Reloaded superb.Its crazy to think these are the same guys that made survival arts
  10. My pc is athlon xp 2800 1 gig system memory 9800 pro.I'm running doom with all settings maxed out but i'm having problems only when i switch to surround sound i lose sound must not be compatible with my klipsch dd5.1.Any one with same probs
  11. I'm not a pro at this but I used cdi to nero transferred it over to nero and then burned it with nero to a disc.I had another title and i'm not sure if that game is a large file or not.Let me know if that helped
  12. What your thoughts on the 3DO system fellas.Worth repurchasing or don't waste my time
  13. remember the old school sierra games that you have to type the action on the keyboard to play.I have great memories of police quest and leisure suit larry.Do you think the adventure scene is dead.Day Of THE TENTACLE FOREVER
  14. I remember having a sega saturn.Mr bones,guardian heroes,knights,and dark savior where some of my favorites.Post your i'm getting ready to get another off ebay and would love to know whats your best picks.
  16. I run my mouth too much?! I'm not even serious. You're the one proclaiming your god-like skills at KI. Geez...well I like to run my mouth just to get you all riled up! And then I came in, punched both in the face and said. "Stop this crap you angsty nerds and go fondle your Pokemon cards instead." Thedonjuan: It's quite useless to brag about one's skills on a message board, since very few people (or no one at all) will take you seriously. Agozer just looking to see if theres some local competion out there I never bragged
  17. I can own you anyday in Killer Instinct. Hell I can play with BOTH my hands tied behind my back and have my legs chopped off. That's how good I am. You're taking it far too seriously dude...no one cares if you are extremely good at KI. Yeah seriously i'm just looking for some local competition to play against but you run your mouth 2 much.Have fun!!!!!!GAMERS UNITE!!!!! THE DON
  18. I LIVE IN FREMONT CA.I have an arcade setup at my house or we can go to the local golfland in milpitas to get it on.Please don't run your mouth and say you can whip me.Show with your skills not your mouth.If you want a challenge just meet up and prove your wouth.MUch love gamers THE DON
  19. killer 3 all the way man
  20. I beleive killer instinct has always past the test of time for best fighting game ever.Let me know some feed back.If anyone in the bay area whats a challenge let me know.
  21. Your dad probably has seen the whole video game scene grow from commodore to xbox.I noticed older people either go two ways don't unde\rstand what we see in games or love them as much as us.Be happy your dad is the P.I.M.P he is and maybe give him some pointers on which games are great.MUCH LOVE GAMERS THE DON
  22. WOW!!I remember when I use to check this forum so frequently for new roms.Now its so incredibly slow I'm wondering if I'm losing my hobbie.Seriously though post some thoughts please!!!!!!!
  23. I suppose I will get a dc again.I wish I never sold my old one many years ago.Thanks for answering my questions.TRUE GAMERS NEVER DIE!!!MUCH LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. I also remember the greats.Maniac mansion I still want to beat again.The secret of monkey island made me wish I was a piirate when I was a kid.Sam and Max.Day of the Tentacle sheer brilliance.Lucasarts your losing your fans.WAKE UP!!!!!!!I don't know about you guys but I sorta forgave them. when they cancelled the sequel to full throttle but this one will be hard to forgive.
  25. I noticed sf3 third and 2nd strike listed on tthe new mame 32 81 set.Does this mean where that much closer to playing it or am I juust getting my hopes up
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