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  1. seems to be related to xp without Service packs then. In any case, it was a pain to get it working, if you dont know what youre looking for. A simple nfo within every loader would be useful
  2. Let me guess: youre using Windows 98, right ?
  3. Ive tried for a few hours on and off since the past month trying to get the new games to show up with the loaders. Ive edited the roms, tried a lot of different loaders, did the ASR myself, tried different paths for rom storage but whatever i did kawaks NEVER found anything. Ive browsed the forums here again and found the solution: W98 compatibility mode has to be on the loader.exe. There was never anything mentioned on any site ive been, and only by chance ive found it today on this forum Please make this a sticky! How should anyone guess this?
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