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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Jaegermeister

  1. Bioshock 2 , Rouge Warrior and Aliens vs Predator
  2. F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin DEMO Tomorrow I go buy the game .
  3. Stalker - Clear Sky
  4. Far Cry 2 and Brothers in Arms - Hells Highway
  5. Kabuki Quantum Fighter ? http://www.nesplayer.com/reviews/kabukir.htm
  6. Forums , then visit the FAS
  7. usually 5-6 hours weekdays , 7-8 hours on weekends
  8. Condemned , Prey and Stalker-Clear Sky
  9. COD 4 & F.E.A.R - Perseus Mandate
  10. still here And I am playing all these flash-games like before , mostly every day , but just on a other page since the Arcade-sector here is closed . It would be nice to see the Arcade games here back , some good old players like Sturmvogel are not aktive anymore , all the Highscores should be deleted .
  11. Mr.Blobby - Mr.Blobby
  12. Soldier of Fortune - Payback
  13. A Cheeseburger in a can ... from a german foodfactory ... for 3.95 euro !!! Good night - better go to Burger King or MC Donalds
  14. 1. Xevious 2. 1942 3. Gyruss 4. Cabal 5. Mayday most played last time on MameUI64
  15. Songs are original TV shows are all in german movies and series like the Simpsons are all in german Aktually we have a TV show that plays live in the Australian jungle . If we have here 22.15 then its 7.15 in Australian. In the Netherlands all movies and TV Series are subtitled.
  16. Very Great News was so long waiting for this .... Deus EX 1 was superb , the 2. Deus Ex was not so good but now is time for a new hope
  17. Bioshock , waiting for Soldier of Fortune -Payback (Import) .
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