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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Jaegermeister

  1. FarCry, has a little from Doom ( later missions )
  2. I am playing still the arcade flash games, but more on a other site (a Fruit emu site ) cause they have 997 games. Some games are same, but they have many other and newer games.
  3. hahaha nice clown
  4. Tokio Hotel - Durch den Monsum
  5. Ok, lets "jump" now from 0.99 to 0.100. Lets see how it works... I hope good, so many updates now....
  6. mame32 are now same quickly updated like bevore. I though it takes longer...
  7. ... there is nothing... aktually music are all crap... fu.ck the top 10... pff... music in 60, 70,80, and some of the 90 s are very better than the crap of the 2000 s... ok, waiting for a good...
  8. http://www.mameworld.net/maws/ try this great information site about all mame roms. There you can find some infos about "knights of valor". like this : ---------------------------------------------------------------- title Knights of Valour / Sangoku Senki (ver. 117) set name kov manufacturer IGS year 1999 genre Fighter (hof) category Fighter / 2.5D (hof) driver status imperfect driver source pgm.c -----------------------------------------------------------------
  9. I eat also in the kitchen, sometimes in front of my PC or TV, thats Pizza, Doener Kebab, Hamburgers and hot dogs and so on. One time in a month I go to Mc Donalds, Burger King, or Pizza Hut.
  10. hmmm, thats a little bit sad I run only mame32 ...
  11. "The Warriors" is a cool movie.With Michael Beck, James Remar and Dorsey Wright. If you like this movie then you should also watch "Judgment Night " with Emilio Estevez, Cuba Gooding,Jr ,Denis Leary and Stephen Dorff...
  12. http://www.planetvids.com/html/Tetris-Master.html WOW ! I cant belive it...
  13. Happy Birthday IJTF_Cinder
  14. Happy Birthday to LordKanti and Heat
  15. Nena - Willst du mit mir gehen
  16. DJ Tommekk ft. Fler - Jump Jump
  17. Depeche Mode - People are People
  18. Yeah ! I have the game since 2 days , it "rocks" I play also "Cold Fear" - cool horror game shooter
  19. Missy Elliott - Lose Control
  20. M.Saban/C.Klein - Das alles aendert...
  21. Same prob I had 2 years back. (damn fuc** IBM Harddisk). Now I have from all downloaded software backups - and this 3 times. Its a disaster if I lost all my 1056 roms. How L.S.D says.
  22. Nena - Willst du mit mir gehn
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