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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Jaegermeister

  1. yeah, its disabled since the last 2 weeks .
  2. Depeche Mode - people are people
  3. I like the Zelda control panel, it looks cool . Console game or not .
  4. die fantastischen vier - ernten was wir saehen
  5. Yes, the X-Arcade are very expensive, but I love it and like to play with it .
  6. Iam self dont think that all these mame cabs are crap but take a look ... http://www.wickedretarded.com/~crapmame/
  7. beyonce & shakira - beautiful liar
  8. arcade games on a other forum site
  9. Dario G - carneval de paris
  10. Wolfenstein 3d Spear of Destiny Doom I+II Blood I+II Elite Frontier Elite II
  11. David Bowie - When the wind blows
  12. I had just 3 games Turok, Goldeneye and Star Wars rogue squadron. I selled the console after 4-5 weeks ...
  13. timbaland feat. nelly - give it to me
  14. Nice Idea, lets start to read http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...;blogid=27& site added to favorites
  15. nelly furtado - say it right
  16. Nena,olli & remmler - ich kann nix dafuer
  17. Windows XP SP2 Pentium 4 3.20 GHz 1 GB DDR2 Ram Nvidia GeForce 6600 GT Realtek AC97 Audio Samsung HD 160 GB Targa 19 " TFT Monitor
  18. 0.37 with the games "Xevious" and "Mayday"
  19. The pu.....t Dolls - Buttons
  20. scooter - back in the UK
  21. Congratulation, DragonKeeper greetz Jaegermeister
  22. chakuza feat.bushido - eure kinder
  23. ville vallo & natalia avelon - summer wine
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