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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Jaegermeister

  1. pong Atari 2600 CBS Coleco Vision SNES Sega Saturn Playstation X-Box The "CBS Coleco Vision" was my all time favorite console system, because it had the best graphik from some Arcade games . greetz Jaegermeister
  2. WOOW Thank you, Devia Eleven greetz Jaegermeister
  3. Yeah, please do it greetz Jaegermeister
  4. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=21421 like the first picture, if no one have this in use It looks cool . "Jaegermeister" in my online name, ( not the drink - I dont like it ) Thank You greetz Jaegermeister
  5. Please can u create one for me ? Like the first from the New Siggys post. greetz Jaegermeister
  6. I would, only if enough people agree. They looks great. I whish I had so one . Very good Work greetz Jaegermeister
  7. Postal 2 and Dark Star One greetz Jaegermeister
  8. Thanks Robert and olaf "Jaegermeister" is my gamer name for some Multiplayer games . Also for german sites : http://www.fuzzyboard.de/arcade.php? This is a Arcade and Forum site . "RaZer" is just username for 1 rom site (cant change name there) lol greetz Jaegermeister
  9. Ahhhh Thanks good old Friend Sturmvogel Here I am, Drake . Thank u too You saw that I was here ... For to read the 1emulation forum u dont need to sign up .Everyone can read it .Whitout registry. In Realy, I never quit this site, cause 1emulation is one of the fastest (is this right languade written?-wrong ! ... sorry I mean very, very fast !), best emu site in the Internet ! My Hobbys are "Mame", "FPS", "Pinnball-emu" and Card games how it was before .... Yesterday I was thinking about testing to log in here -*it was ok sorry about my bad Englisch,I suck -I know, this site is great, greetz Jaegermeister aka Andy
  10. Apoptygma Berzerk - Shine on
  11. LORDI - Hard Rock Hallelujah
  12. placebo - song to say goodbye
  13. depeche mode - suffer well
  14. I am not sure, maybe can this help you : http://arcadecontrols.com/arcade.htm Here you can also find links about cabinets, monitors and so on...
  15. Hehehe...happy birthday....Razer! That's who you'll always be to me. Anway Robert...he's younger than you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks, Sturmvogel I think, I am the oldest here, lol
  16. xavier naidoo - bist du am leben interessiert
  17. Yes, but its a little bit funny ... Andere Frage : Wie komme ich ins Internet, wie mach ich andere auf mich aufmerksam ? Einfach nur so... mal kurz durchdrehen
  18. X-Box360 - 399,00 euro Games - 59.99 euro thats the german prices from Toys'r'us here.The price for the games are the same like for PC games.So thats ok.
  19. http://www.hardocp.com/news.html?news=MTc1...LCxobmV3cywsLDE WOW ! This must be cool.
  20. Rosenstolz - ich bin ich
  21. Good Job, garyoak99. for the next time ure High-scores are saved.
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