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Everything posted by supa_al

  1. So most of us has seen the DS on hand. Yet the games comin out is not the greatest. What are the kind of games (such as titles) that the Big N will need in order to succeed with the DS, here in the US. As it seems, when the psp releases here, Big N will most likely need to do some changes, because most gamers will perfer the psp. Here are few that i thought up: -A capcom fighting game, EX: Marvel vs Capcom, 2 (3 perhaps...haha) -A smash bro game -A fps game, more though, because as of now Metroid and a new goldeneye game is not enough -A whole lot more of RPG's Aside from this, they need a whole lot more of fighting games, such as 2d brawlers, vs. What are your thoughts
  2. Tecmo is working on a game for nintendo, for the DS. From what ive read and understand, it is a ninja gaiden game.....(oh hell yea). I do agree with you NeoMaster. Big N is making quite a lot of things, and one and foremost is ignoring the hard core gaming public.....which is a big no no. It is great that they are trying different things, but c'mon, why the hell arent they having online support? The system can do it. Apparently they dont see a great market in it......(duh? Xbox, PS2, hellooooo, online gaming...) Second, i think that loosing rare has hurt them. Big N had platforming down, but Rare was the one bringing in the nice games.
  3. I think it is awsome. They are the only ones who are trying to create something different. Hopefully, and i do mean hopefully, they dont create a system that will take time to develop for. If that comes, not many developers will create for it. Just like the the N64, but thats because of the format they chosen which led to $ issues. Awsome system, but it costed some to develop and not enough 3rd parties. If they want to succeed, they will need to offer different options for developers. Offer what other consoles will be able to do (LIKE ONLINE, geeshhh). That and then some, meaning their new fun way to play games. E3 will be very important for Big N. As a gamer, and hopefully all of u agree, i would like for them to succeed, plus microsoft & sony. Each one brings something different to the table, and i for one like variety.
  4. After watching the videos from Gametrailers.com, it is safe to say that this game is gonna Rock Big Time! I saw the behind the scenes footage of it and it does look like they are bringing in the player in an "epic adventure." It does make you feel like a true bad ass. From music(oh dam) to the enemies, bosses, weapons. Everything seems done just right. Im gettin a ps2 just because of this game. Period. Most likely a slim PS2. Now Resident Evil 4. I have a gamecube. I have this game. It is bad ass. I highly recommend playing it on a HD TV, with surround sound n all. You wont regret it. If people like a game alot, truly like it, then why not experience it on the system for it. I wish GOW would come on all systems but it is not. But that aint stopping me from getting a ps2 and buying the game. Why wait for a game thats gonna be dumbed down(not too much though) when it is already released? Plus for a system that is cheaper than ps2? Thats just my 2 cents.
  5. hehe....its interesting how some people have mentioned that ds sucks for the lack of games that are on right now...not innovative n stuff, and say that psp will be better, but once the price is mentioned, 90 % of the people have said screw it. Not saying in this board, but in other such places. It comes to show u that people should realize that sony does not back down on price. Never has. Because they know that it will still sell.
  6. An external hd box is a storage case where the hd lies in. Basically, a case for a hd.
  7. Resident Evil 4....on HD....oh man. It brings tears to my eyes.....so beautiful. On Gamecube. Yes. On GC. Trust me, it looks sweet.
  8. MK Deception was not a priority because they wanted to get the online thing implemented. Ed Boon stated this. PS 2 and Xbox was a priority. They are adding in Shao and Goro so the Nintendo fans can get something out of it since No Online is on it.(Booooooo). As for Resident Evil 4 being the Sheit on PS2. I dont think so. People would have forgotten it by the time it gets release. Plus it would not look as good. Fun? Yes. Look good. No. Ive been playing some games on PS 2 on my HD Tv.. they look like crap. The jaggies are HORRRIBLE. Resident Evil 4....on HD....oh man. It brings tears to my eyes.....so beautiful.
  9. I recommend a SimpleTech. It has been reliable for me. No prob what so ever....yet. External is cool because you can take your info on the go. But like garageink said, you can get an external box if you would like to upgrade later. If you are looking for a bargain on these kinds of things, check out: www.jr.com Really good deals(cheap prices) If you like Metal Gear, here is a box for you. http://www.techimo.com/articles/i82.html
  10. Is there a way to when you want to train, you will directly go to the training stage instead of selecting a stage?
  11. I recommend Linksys. I have one, and havent had any problems with it. Happy Hunting.
  12. After picking this game up, i must say this is the Resident Evil of all the resident evils. Just like that. Im at the chapter after defeating the freaky sea monster. Dude, that boss fight......oh man. I'm gettin goose bumbs just thinkin of it. It's an amazing fight. This game gives the feeling of tension a new meaning. Wait till you fight villagers that surround you....youll know what i mean. This game is just purly bad ass. Any RE fan must pick it up. The way they set up the camera in a few fights is just amazing, plus the cutscenes. For example when the sea monster tips leon over, you get a perspective of the creature, while you gotta bust out of there and into the boat. Just bad ass.
  13. Actually, the remakes on the cube (0 and the first) are bad ass. The first remake will scare the hell out of ya. Zero may not be as scary, but looks much prettier(VERY). Some have been skeptical about getting a cube, but it really is very cheap. I have been skeptical bout a PS2 but i may get one, the slim one as God of War and Devil May Cry 3 are coming out. Honestly, the first remake will make you crap in your pants. The PS 2 version may not look as pretty, but no doubt will contain more content n such. As towards wether or not Zero and the remake come out, i doubt it, but nowadays anything can happen. The DVD does come with the Collectors Edition, i have checked with them.
  14. Skythe- Yeah you do get a dvd with it, but you also get more in gamestop plus with the dvd, that is what changed my mine. If Gamestop didnt do the whole collection thing, i would have gone with EB I wanted to get something from them as well, a gameboy game from Capcom, but i had a problem as well.......BOOOOO. Oh dude, solidius23, you should just get a used Cube for like 60 bucks and get RE4, dont wait for the ps 2 version...that one will suck.
  15. I agree that Gamestop sucks... But then again i couldnt pass up on this cool edition http://gamestop.com/product.asp?product%5Fid=B220482A I normally shop at EB, but their offer just wasnt enough for me.
  16. Resident Evil 4 releases this Tuesday....excellent I have pre-ordered from Gamestop, special collectors edition..so bad ass. Anybody going to get it? Even though it is not exclusive to Gamecube anymore, who cares?
  17. I have to agree with solidius23. I only have a bout 300 gigs of storage, 1 internal hard drive/2 external, But only about 60 gigs of it is work that i have done(drawings,projects,hw) The rest of it is full of crap(good stuff kids go for) A terabyte of storage is cool, but use it wisely. (What do humans always want, more power)
  18. An excellent addition towards the stages scenes.
  19. This looks sweet. Will this work on the Dos version of mugen? About making first, how about Akuma? He has always been a favorite, but thats just my take. On other characters, have you picked out other possible takes, such as Cable or Jill? That would be cool.
  20. Excellent, that worked. Thanks robbbert. Yeah, this virus scanner is very effective. It never fails to amaze. Its insane how much crap could load on to your computer.
  21. Ok, well il see if that will work. ..........Interestingly enough, i have not found a way to do so. wah.
  22. I got Networks Associates VirusScan. When it detects something, it will delete it, or quaretine it, sending to a folder named Quarentine. Does anybody know how to delete the contents of the stuff in it, basically the do's n don'ts?
  23. The art is dope. The gameplay sucks though. What kind of rehash is this? They got a great character line up, but the fighting is blah. And the mars and zero characters play like 2 pounds of monkey poop.
  24. Man, that game pissed me off. I had high hopes, but it all went down the tube. Anyways, Fav character would be VIOLENT KEN, SHIN-AKUMA, DEMITRI Megaman Zero, what the hell happened???
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