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Everything posted by supa_al

  1. I sorta experience the same thing. When i use my sp for hearing mp3's, songpro, with the light off, with a full charge i only get about 4 hours. Yet when i play games, they last juuuust a bit longer... Hm, who knows.
  2. Props to the old man. Some people dont have any respect anymore, saying what ever they want where they want. That reminds me of a guy who was answered a phone call while in the theater. I was watching AVP at the time. I told him to shut the f up. He didnt and so i got one of the theater workers. They kicked him out and so i laughed. But yeah, common sense people.
  3. Who said it was false? Looking back at this, im just baffled.
  4. Ive managed to find a clip of it....im not entirely sure this was it. But you can see in the far distance between the trees, before they leave, something swings. http://www.snopes.com/movies/video/oz.rm
  5. It is true, and i have seen it. My friends mom recorded it back then when it aired on television. Where it happens is where they meet the witch for the first time. When she dissappeears they continue and one of them falls, forget who, tin man or scarecrow, but anyways just then you can see clearly in the background, a sillouet(cant spell it right) of a guy hanged and people trying to bring it down. This is only in the original version. The version that came out like 15 years later has it edited, showing nothing. Perhaps a local library has the original version, i should go and check it out.
  6. DS all the way. Im not hating on the PSP....it will do fine. The screen is beautiful, SONY does make excellent monitors/screens n such. But the fact is, i wanna try something different. That is what the DS is all about. Plus, i dont wanna wait for a game to load. Portable is all about quick gameplay, save the loading times for Consoles. If i wanna watch movies, i can get a Movie player for my SP or DS. If i wanna play my mp3's, i just use my songpro for my gameboy. As for who will dominate the portable market, Nintendo already has a Big headstart IE: Gameboy. Honestly, both DS and PSP will do well, but neither will dominate.
  7. Oh dude, want nostalgia, how about the Super Mario Bro show. Or when on fridays they showed Zelda. Captain N was cool too. You cant forget He-Man. About the X-Men anime, ive seen all the shows, but then i remember. They changed the way they showed the credits. They started to show a bit of the Anime version of X-men. At first it was strange, but it was cool. Why they only showed it when the credits rolled was beyond me. It was like they were showing the anime credits version, but with american credits. It sounds weird, but thats what i remember.
  8. Ahh,....the good ol days. Those were some great cartoons. X-Men was awsome, the new one sucks butt, Spider-Man was cool, Wild C.A.T.S was awsome, and the Turtles was great. Iron-Man was dope, so was the Hulk. Does anyone remember when the newer episodes of X-men ended, when they showed the credits they showed in the background like an anime version of X-men. Anybody remember that? I've always wondered if they were gonna show that. I, am, Iron Man.......I, am, IRON MAN!......lol
  9. Daeval What im gonna do is just build the Arcade Cabinet. As for the gaming, im gonna add a dedicated pc just for mame....and probably for the snes n stuff. Buy yeah, from what ive seen, i would rather just build it myself. The only thing i see that costs is the monitor. Aside from that, i could just do the cabinet, and make the fittings so i can add the joysticks and the controllers. I got a friend that works at Home Depot so he can help with the cuttin n stuff. K'dash, How is yours coming along? Thats actually how i want to build mine.
  10. Ive decided to build an arcade cabinet just for MAME. Here is how its gonna lay out. I want to do a version where you sit down instead of standing up. Those big ones where it has more than one game. When i find an image ill post it. But im gonna add in a four controller layout. 2 joystick versions and 2 controller versions. Anyways, would it be cheaper to make it or to buy a version like this and change it to my liking? What are your thoughts.
  11. Try Ikaruga for the Dreamcast, or Mars Matrix or Border Down, or Bangai-O, or Giga Wing, or Psyvariar 2, or Zero Gunner 2, or.....man so many to list.. They are addicting and hard. Especially Ikaruga. Could never beat it, and thats with co-op.
  12. i got a p4 3 ghz, 1 gig of ram and KI and KI2 run fair enough. I guess it would still need more power to run at full speed.
  13. Why the F do these kind of people have kids in the first place? Too many people having kids when they shouldnt, which are both non psichotic and psicotic. This world is truly getting f'd up.
  14. Man, that is bad ass. If i had the bank, i would definetly buy it. Bulky or not, it still cool.
  15. What kind of patch do you have? Also does the screen just stay black? Normally you can just hit ESC and you can exit from it.
  16. Ok, thanks for the help IJTF_Cinder, very much appreciated.
  17. "You MUST install Windows 2k BEFORE XP, or you'll render your XP installation useless" This is interesting. So in order to do this, i must uninstall first XP, then do 2k, then install XP again.....which seems a pain in the butt. Hmm.. Thats a pretty clean setup you got though, but what if i could install another drive, and add 2k to that one, or 98 or something. Would that cause a problem. I would just want to find another way of adding another OS without uninstalling XP.
  18. Ok, so i guess i can install one of the OS on, for example the h drive, seeing that the XP is under i believe G.
  19. yeah, i got only 1 HD. So would H be then a partition?
  20. Ic, ok that is good to hear, also that i should have them separated. My computer apparently has partitions....let me see Under hard disk drives i have; Install(C:), Swap (F:), WinXPPro (G:), Data (H:) So i guess it would hurt if i install either 98 or 2000 under the Data (H:)? But they all say under details: Local disk So are they partitions?
  21. I had a question in regards to having both xp and either windows 98 or 2000 installed at once...is it possible. Why i ask is because of Mugen. If you are using XP and have Mugen, you will understand why i would like to switch. Mugen is not XP friendly. Therefore i would like to know if it is possible to have these OS installed, enabling me to either pick xp or 2000/98 when i boot up. Have any of you guys done this? Would there be a problem in doing this if possible?
  22. i would agree with L.S.D Kids here have too much liberty, most dont care about anything nowadays. Third world counties care more about education than here in the US. One good reason why the this country is the way it is....blame the parents. That and divorced parents.....they themselves should be given plenty of credit, take it from my personal experience. I know many people who are from divorced parents, and believe me, they aint no saints.
  23. Hahaha... this is funny These kids are from high school right? Meaning under 18. No curfew??? WTF? It just shows you how much parents care nowadays. The future as we know it is screwed. Im in collage, and many, I mean MANY people i know went to the halo 2 party in SF, bought the game, got drunk, and went to see the incredibles....in one night, and they still showed up for school. As for the HS kids, they should have no business being up late, staying at home and playing games. No excuse.
  24. Are the steps messy to convert an snes to a parallel port connection? Also does doing this function in mame? Just doing these converstions sound complicating.
  25. Im not sure if id be able to hack my snes controller, id probably mess up. It sounds like an excellent idea, but im sure you know what ur doing. How is setting up your panel going?
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