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Everything posted by pestilence

  1. nVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 128MB <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I smell the Evil nVIDIA Hardware Blur. There should be an option to turn it off from your card's prferences. If that doesn't help, try turning off DirectDraw Acceleration from DXDiag preferences. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmm, I don't think I see it on the card preferences(or I'm not looking hard enough). I'll try cutting off the DirectDraw Acceleration. ** Ahh, disabling DirectDraw Acceleration worked.
  2. nVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 128MB
  3. What do I need to tweak to get the current version on mame to run blur-free and without that line that runs down the screen when you say, jump in Samurai Shodown? Here is what I have so far: ### mame.ini ### ### Frontend Related ### clones 1 ### Windows path and directory options ### rompath roms samplepath samples # inipath <NULL> (not set) cfg_directory cfg nvram_directory nvram memcard_directory memcard input_directory inp hiscore_directory hi state_directory sta artwork_directory artwork snapshot_directory snap diff_directory diff ctrlr_directory ctrlr cheat_file cheat.dat history_file history.dat mameinfo_file mameinfo.dat ### Windows video options ### autoframeskip 1 frameskip 0 waitvsync 0 triplebuffer 0 window 0 ddraw 1 direct3d 1 hwstretch 0 # screen <NULL> (not set) cleanstretch none resolution 1024x768x0 refresh 0 scanlines 0 switchres 1 switchbpp 1 maximize 1 keepaspect 1 matchrefresh 0 syncrefresh 0 throttle 1 full_screen_brightness 1.000000 frames_to_run 0 effect none screen_aspect 4:3 ### Windows Direct3D 2D video options ### zoom 2 d3dtexmanage 1 d3dfilter 1 d3dfeedback 0 d3dscan 100 d3deffectrotate 1 d3dprescale auto d3deffect none # d3dcustom <NULL> (not set) # d3dexpert <NULL> (not set) ### Windows misc options ### sleep 1 rdtsc 0 high_priority 0 ### Windows sound options ### audio_latency 1 # wavwrite <NULL> (not set) ### Input device options ### mouse 0 joystick 0 lightgun 0 dual_lightgun 0 offscreen_reload 0 steadykey 0 keyboard_leds 1 led_mode ps/2 a2d_deadzone 0.300000 # ctrlr <NULL> (not set) paddle_device keyboard adstick_device keyboard pedal_device keyboard dial_device keyboard trackball_device keyboard lightgun_device keyboard digital none ### Mame CORE video options ### norotate 0 ror 0 rol 0 autoror 0 autorol 0 flipx 0 flipy 0 debug_resolution auto gamma 1.000000 brightness 1.000000 pause_brightness 0.650000 ### Mame CORE vector game options ### antialias 1 translucency 1 beam 1.000000 flicker 0.000000 intensity 1.500000 ### Mame CORE sound options ### samplerate 44100 samples 1 resamplefilter 1 sound 1 volume 0 ### Mame CORE misc options ### artwork 1 use_backdrops 1 use_overlays 1 use_bezels 1 artwork_crop 0 artwork_resolution 0 cheat 0 debug 0 # playback <NULL> (not set) # record <NULL> (not set) log 0 maxlogsize 10000 oslog 0 skip_disclaimer 0 skip_gameinfo 0 skip_validitychecks 0 crconly 0 bios default # state <NULL> (not set) ### Configuration options ### readconfig 1 verbose 0
  4. Ras Kass - H2O Proof
  5. garoup....how I yearn for thee
  6. To me as well now it seems. I can't find what I'm looking for.
  7. Like "*insertnamehere*.zip" and such... There was one that was only for that and I can't seem to remember it.
  8. NRX is perfectly fine for me
  9. Those are fine....dunno what could be the problem...
  10. Yeah...but it kinds figured that. It wouldn't be this soon.
  11. I have found the correct m and v roms. I must say, this game is a fine way to end the Neo geo
  12. i hate to break it to you but those V ROMs are for SSV (not Special) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I found that out last night...arg. I cant find the actual Samsho5sp ANYWHERE.
  13. Searched everywhere google could find.... I just need that one m1 file you say? Can you put that on your site please?
  14. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't these V roms incorrect for the decrypted set? I know i still need the m1.... arg....my search shall continue...
  15. I FINALLY HAVE IT Seems to work great in NRX except for the sound problems. I get music in the opening and at character select but none in the matches. Also, some voices are screwed up (ex. Tam-Tam sounds like Charolette o_O) no sound effects. I'll assume the proper m1 is still in development btw, is this how it is supposed to look inside the zip? Thanks in advance.
  16. Damnit....and I've missed the link completely
  17. Wow, I've missed a lot....*scrolls back to check if it will soon work on NeoRageX*
  18. so there still isn't a neoragex emulator that will run all neogeo games along with KOF2003? oh well
  19. It doesn't matter. Even the redumped ones wont work properly...
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