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Everything posted by pestilence

  1. I need to convert World Heroes 1 and Art Of Fighting to work in my ECGC emulator...
  2. Eh. And lolz is down again. Off to Blah Sr. i go...
  3. I've registered since lasy year and now i can even download 1 MB files because of some donation crap.
  4. That site was always one of the greats but now it requires registration AND a $30 donation to download anything!!!
  5. I just got Super Mario 64!!! This looks better than the actual game!!!!
  6. Ok, but wheres a good place to start looking for ROMs?
  7. I'm about to start expanding my emulation folder.
  8. Pentium 4 2.59 GHz 80 gigs 512 MB RAM Intergrated Intel Video Card but i think that should be good enough...
  9. And setting it to 60 doesn't work and turning vsync on makes it slower
  10. To some older games it does a bit..
  11. Isn't the normal FPS you should have is 60? I keep getting 59.98453 and a small bit of lag in some games but nothing too serious. Since I've configured it to get blurriness out, is it something I did? Tell me what I need to change. My MAME Configuration ### MAME.ini ### ### Frontend Related ### clones 1 ### Windows path and directory options ### rompath roms samplepath samples # inipath <NULL> (not set) cfg_directory cfg nvram_directory nvram memcard_directory memcard input_directory inp hiscore_directory hi state_directory sta artwork_directory artwork snapshot_directory snap diff_directory diff ctrlr_directory ctrlr cheat_file cheat.dat history_file history.dat mameinfo_file mameinfo.dat ### Windows video options ### autoframeskip 1 frameskip 0 waitvsync 0 triplebuffer 1 window 0 ddraw 1 direct3d 1 hwstretch 0 cleanstretch none resolution 1024x768x32 zoom 1 refresh 0 scanlines 0 switchres 1 switchbpp 1 maximize 1 keepaspect 0 matchrefresh 0 syncrefresh 0 throttle 1 full_screen_brightness 1.000000 frames_to_run 0 effect none screen_aspect 4:3 sleep 0 rdtsc 0 high_priority 0 ### Windows Direct3D 2D video options ### d3dtexmanage 1 d3dfilter 0 d3dfeedback 0 d3dscan 100 d3deffectrotate 1 d3dprescale auto d3deffect none # d3dcustom <NULL> (not set) # d3dexpert <NULL> (not set) ### Windows sound options ### audio_latency 1
  12. nevermind i have it now
  13. Weirdanzeige i thank you! I tryed some of the options for configurations that you did in your mame config thread since you said you get no blur and i worked!
  14. well my settings now are 1024x768 and 32 bit color
  15. ^gave me the same thing though it WAS easier to configure
  16. I have an Intel Intergrated Graphics card *edit* and changing resolutions isn't helping
  17. How do you get rid of the certain blurriness on the screen? It's like Interpolation on the NeoRAGEx. Will this game run games you can play on the NeoRAGEx? And finally, what is the latest build?
  18. If its for NeoGeo....
  19. Renaming them doesn't work.
  20. They both work perfectly but I've been curious about this. If I want to play Plus, I have to click on Chaos and vise-versa. Why is this?
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