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Everything posted by pestilence

  1. I still haven't. I'm stuck playing online
  2. I'm about to get one from some of my computer games and I wonder if it will work for emulators like a joystick.
  3. It has the same thing there. Might as well find a new rom set.
  4. LOL thanks guys
  5. I redumped it and it worked but in terrible quality. Oh well...
  6. Well I'm new. *is shy*
  7. That's what i'm thinking. And that particular rom was the reason my EGCG emulator was messing up. Huh.
  8. Doesn't work. Sound is missing and sprites are horrible.
  9. Well those files are supposed to be there. It works on every NeoRAGEx emulator except the EGCG one... Anything I need to make it work on there?
  10. It's like 20 files NOT.rom or.bin, just some numbers. The real one is supposed to be like 9 files. But it worked on 0.9c so I said forget it.
  11. Well, I'll be damned. It was my Art Of fighting ROM that was messing everything up. I took that out and I works perfectly. I feel like such a dunce.
  12. Then there just has to be something wrong with some of the romsets....that's all I can say. Try out each romset. Don't tell me I have to change all of them to xxxx-xx.rom But if that's the case i'll do it.
  13. Well if i just have those roms. it does it perfectly but when i try my whole collection it shuts down randomly.
  14. Nothing. I've even got the latest ZLIB.DLL from the official site and it still shuts down when i click import. I've had it. I'm sticking with 0.9 until they fix it completely. Thanks anyway though.
  15. Yes, they are named liked that but there isn't exactly a "roms" folder that came with the emulator.
  16. The EGCG one- NeoRageX.exe password.txt. zlib.dll
  17. I've heard about doing that but I don't know the first place to look. I'll try find it though. Thanks.
  18. Same thing. I try to click import and it closes down. Is this a glitch or something?
  19. Every one I've tried either tries to import and shuts down, starts up and shuts down, or automatically lists the roms but doesn't play then right and gives me a bunch of (?) links at the buttom.
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