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Everything posted by darkmage479

  1. Jahovic here only figgered it out because i told him. He was freakin when his posts got edited... after i realized that i was supposed to shut up about the april fools (i figgered it out and my posts dissapeared) i pm'd hem and told him to play along. He gives himself too much credit... but this was fun for everybody. And, by the way (one more time)... PRON!!!
  2. If you haven't already, go play Sin and Punishment (jap only). works great. Treasure = OWN and as for framebuffers, for some reason Banjo-Tooie was moved BACKWARDS from the Compatible list to the Error list. Maybe because of random crashes, etc using framebuffers and transparencies?
  3. This is great. i've just wasted 3 hours playing hydro thunder, i'm thanking and cursing Jabo at the sam time...
  4. indeed - it works for me too now. Stupid router and ISP... Life is good - who would have expected a new PJ64?
  5. rrrrrrright... if this isn't a cruel April Fools joke how come none of the links work???
  6. @Gryph: Hayter actually would probably work in the role, but i wonder if he can actually act (as opposed to just voice), since his real job is as a screenwriter (he wrote X-Men, among others). Hideo Kojima said in EGM that if anyone would make Metal Gear a movie, it would be the Wachowski brothers (The Matrix). Hopefully it won't suck. The Wachowski's took their good idea and completely ran it into the ground. @Drake: Crack kills.
  7. how do you unlock the supersecret strikers? I've never seen these guys before.... forgive my idiocy
  8. NFS Underground 2 (which actually isn't that bad, i just BitTorrented it) is not massively multiplayer. We're talking GhettoQuest here. I dunno, i can just imagine the setup: Pimpsta2000 Level:5 Cap Bustin': 15 Grill Guardin': 6 Bank: 200 Bling: 50 this will be like everquest, only for closet white hip-hop fans instead of fat computer nerds.
  9. 1.02 will be the final release, according to the website. How well does this thing work anyway?
  10. how are bittorrent files counted? the tracker? search site? or not at all? if i remember properly suprnova and a couple other torrent sites were based in Czechoslovakia or other Eastern European countries, so where are they on the list?
  11. that's ridiculous. I would pay $3.50 for it and still feel - and look - like an idiot. Stuff like this is why you dont BUI (bidding under the influence)
  12. Indeed. Ikaruga kicks ass, as does Zelda and F-Zero. Still, i'm sticking with Sony because they've given me the best value for money in the past. Though, i was playing Halo 2 with a friend a couple of hours ago, and it's pretty awesome.. the 'hijack' option allows a whole new dimension into the shooter gameplay.
  13. seriously, crack kills. Actually, this system-specifc stuff is a nice incentive. but i don't own a gamecube. However, maybe we can hope for Ratchet and Clank or Master Chief in the respective PS2 and XBOX versions...
  14. meh... i never saw this in any arcade, and i don't go around downloading random roms... especially with a weird name like DImahoo. my download's almost done. and no, i don't live under a rock. edit - got it, it's pretty good, not as good as progear tho... and the style is just weird. worth a 6 minute download...
  15. I can't believe i've never heard of this game. downloading now...
  16. This is great stuff. Third best side-scroller i have ever played, after R-Type III and Final. I still prefer Giga Wing's overall gameplay/strategy to either Progear or Mars Matrix... or i just think the character designs in progear are weaker than the super-stylized Giga Wing fighters. It's still splitting hairs - i love all three of these games. and what is this dimahoo that you speak of?
  17. wow... embedded linux pda operating system... seriously, that owns. If i had spare cash or a need for a pda i'd spring for it like now, but i've got a real laptop. Still cool tho. CE
  18. Will said special edition make it to the States? if not, the game probably isn't worth it. BTW, is the NGCD controller worse, as good, or better than the SF Anniversary controllers that were part of Capcom's special edition?
  19. What are the differences between kof2k2 and 2k2 plus? was the latter dumped from a PCB? The original 2k2 romset i have is 267-xx.bin, size 98mb. is there a way to get King or Shingo in any Neo-Geo KOF2k2 or is that dreamcast only?
  20. Very cool. Wiring up the glowing green lights could be done, but is more trouble than it's worth... does anyone have any real specs for this, i.e. the engine displacement and how they air-cool that biatch inside so much fiberglass... and yes, japan does have everything. I saw a kit once that turns a Celica - or a Camaro, for americans - into the Mach 5 from Spped Racer. I'm waiting for a real-life extreme-g bike, with rockets and everything.
  21. After 1.46 some of the alternate sets were removed and merged for ease of use. different crcs on the m and p roms are likely your problem. A pain if you ask me, but i just run 3 versions of kawaks at once (1.46 loader, 1.48dev and 1.49-51) meh... that progear thing is a real mess. Reminds me of the SVC chaos issues. what about dumping SFII Hyper?
  22. hey!!! you're not dead... who brought you back? can you bring me back too?
  23. so are we getting auto-revive or not? and how long of a 'down-time' will it be? someone revive me...
  24. Eh???? Chrono trigger came out close to the end of the SNES life cycle (1995) The must-plays included Super Castlevania IV (1991) R-Type III (1993) and final fantasy VI(1994) not to mention the launch titles like f-zero. But i see that you are an RPG man. And at 666ghost: You may have all of the crap, but it's all about how it's utiliized. If these developers exploit the touchscreens etc. in new ways then it will be worth buying.
  25. Will you be in charge?
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