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Everything posted by darkmage479

  1. DAMN THIS ROCKS!!!!! Thanks for all your help k'dash and gryph.... now we only have to wait for a proper non-unibios dump and the right v roms. I can then and only then die a happy man.
  2. step by step explanation please gryph and k'dash. this is the unibios 2.0 from bioshouse, right? please provide the direct file link (ending in.zip or.rar) thanks. with the fatalities, this game will
  3. going over some gameplay faqs there seems to be one other undiscovered feature: somehow you can perform a "Mu no Kyochi" or "circumstance of nothing" by pressing BCD at certain times. When does this work and what does it do? i'm sure k'dash has an answer...
  4. its qcb+CD as far as i know, but that does the 'generic' fatality even in mvs mode. Im not sure about the bios tho...
  5. just to clarify: 1. if i set the violence to level 3/with, does that enable fatalities? 2. aren't Yumeji and Sankuro supposed to be in this game? i don't see em... anyhow, this is a fine last gasp for the neo-geo. Couldn't think of a better way to die myself...
  6. okay, i consider myself a car expert, so here ya go: 1:1960 Chevrolet Impala 2:1960 Chevrolet Biscayne 3:1962 Ford Falcon 4:1947 Cadillac coupe 5:1955 Cadillac Eldorado 6:1969 Lincoln Mark III Continental 7: 1966 Pontiac Tempest/GTO 8: 1940 Ford Model B Coupe 9: Custom 1955-1960 Pontiac Chieftain 10: 1969 Mercury Cougar 11: An almost unrecognizable custom 1989 Ford F-150 12: 1971 Cadillac Eldorado
  7. On second thought you're probably right. Couldn't have said it better myself k'dash.
  8. bah... who cares? I still don't understand the whole concept behind AC. Sure, FFVII was popular, but the basic storyline - flame incitation warning - was just not that good. For me, all the Final Fantasys after VI read like bad romance novels. Why not make a 3d update of FFVI or Chrono Trigger (best RPG ever) and then a movie to go along with it? FFVII should be remembered for its revoultionary graphics and not its only average (by Square standards) plot.
  9. post the names of the files in your romset and either me or gryph can whip up an ASR for you.
  10. F-Zero GP Legend of course. I still don't know why Nintendo doesn't market its new products and instead spends ad space on Pokemon and other rehashed crap.
  11. AWESOME!!! I HAVE THE LAST POST EVER IN THE ROM REQUEST FORUM!!! In all seriousness, good work GC. I've only been a member a few months and the site is always evolving in a positive manner. v3.0 can only get better. Great work and i hope all the transitions go smoothly.
  12. pretty cool eh? Who says history can't be fun? L.S.D., who produced this video? It's a lot more professional than most of the other videogame-related TV interviews, etc out there.
  13. okey.... we know who Romero is, but why would he work at Area 51? I don't get it...I've never played Daikatana either. Area 51, for those of you who don't know (warning: Boring, technical explanation ahead) is an airbase in Groom Lake, Nevada. Many people have claimed to see alien spacecraft there and also claim that the government is storing alien technology and possibly live specimens. Unfortunately, the truth is less exciting. In the 1960s, the top secret A-12 (later SR-71) spyplanes were tested at Groom Lake: The airplanes were originally painted silver and could easily be seen during tests, but the Air Force never officially condemned the UFO rumor because at the time the secrecy existense of the A-12 was even more important. Sorry if i bored u all. Cool pictures tho huh.
  14. BUMPNESS bah... shiba, you bumped this thread just to show up my comp... how much are you paying for that 6800? i got my gfx card wholesale (my dad is in the computer supply business) for about $120. beat that shiba.
  15. okeeeeyyyyyy, how about some screenshots? actually, from what i read, this game seems like a fanboy tribute and lacks the depth that makes a fighting game great, but i'll withold judgement until i play it or at least see some screenshots... And Gryph: "Sh*t, i think i ran over Bill and Ted..."
  16. i dunno... the game looks cool enough but i'm not sure it's right to hype the game, especially since the fanboys considered MGS 2's story sub-par. I hope the new aspects of the gameplay are really an essential part so the game doesn't feel like a rehash... I'm still waiting for Zone of the Enders 3 (if they ever decided to make it). ZOE 2 was much better then MGS 2 and was my second favorite Konami game ever (after Super Castlevania 4). I'll still buy MGS3 though.
  17. Gryph, i know all about the malpractice suits that are hurting today's medical practices (my dad supplies practices with patient records software), but think about the big picture. The Democrats will help get healtcare to the millions of americans who don't have it and will also - as you said yourself - have a better agenda as of the 2004 election - the one that matters right now. I was at the DNC and I shook Kerry's hand, and let me tell you, the man has got a better plan than all of Bush's strategists could come up with. P.S. - Gryph, good on ya for going into medicine. Are you planning on being a GP or specializing? If so, in what?
  18. I already brought this up in Magnis's CvS 2 review but nobody responded... his review made me revise both my edit grooves and i've been recovering my skills after more than 6 months of not touching the game. Here you go: P.S. - im not sure if this is in the right place but oh well...
  19. man that's harsh... how can you give this game such a poor rating when it sports such excellent graphics, play control, and replay value? our intrepid reviewer here sounds like all the fanboys who griped when the game originally came out because they only got to stare at Snake's mullet for the first chapter... He totally ignores all the aspects of the game except for the elements which he considers 'repetitive' but are actually KCEJ's attempts at providing humor and continuity... MGS 2 is a remarkably well-done game - as a game. As a movie it's better than most of the crap hollywood puts out, but not great. I find it VERY HARD to find any faults with any of Kojima's products. Moral of the story - don't be hatin a game just because you don't understand it. This makes me sick.
  20. i remember playing with legos as a little kid. Best. Toy. Ever. i guess some guys never really grow up eh?
  21. the best game soundtrack EVER: Super Castlevania 4. I remember being awed by the quality of the soundtrack, and i can safely say i'm jaded because i've played the violin for 14 years. Techno pipe organ (especially in the opening and final boss tracks) = r0x0r.
  22. Man... nobody's paying attention to my F-Zero GP Legend review... thanks for the free publicity GameCop.
  23. Gryph is right. What's confusing is that in CvS1 Vega (as in Psycho Power red guy), Orochi Iori, Evil Ryu, Morrigan, and Geese were unlockable, but they're available from the start in CvS2. Also - a suggestion: Post your best EX Grooves here: EX1: N Gauge; Cancel Anything; Run-Dodge-Small Jump-Counter Movement EX2: C Gauge; Just Defense: Run-Counter Movement-Tactical Recovery
  24. this proves the point that bad things do happen to good people... sorry K'. At least your comp wasn't damaged. In addition, i give you a big for having FPS skills commendable enough to be competitive at a level like that. At least everything went without a hitch at the Olympics...
  25. judging by your hardware Hybrid Heaven should work fine. Perhaps you have a bad ROM dump. Do you have the NTSC or PAL version? Try the (U) release. The only low point i see in your hardware is the video card. Everything works fine on my comp because of a little thing we call GRAPHICS OVERKILL: 2.6ghz p4 SuperMicro P4SPE with 800mhz bus 512MB DDRAM Jaton nVidia GeForce FX5600 256MB video card - ownz0rs but first check your ROM before messing with hardware.
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