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Everything posted by Jodo901

  1. Hmm...not sure if that will make a difference or not Xbox Junkie. So you were up and running with KI1&2 before you upgraded to Inferno R2? Any possibility that your game files are corrupted somehow? (sent you a PM about this) Looking like a great start on N64 momaw27. Isn't there a Project64 compatibility list out there somewhere? Maybe a good reference for you?
  2. I have the same files Xbox Junkie and I know KI 1 is fine, didn't boot KI2 yet. 1 - have you updated to R2 yet? 2 - assuming you have - There should now be a KI1 and KI2 folder in the main coin ops folder This is where the game files go (unzipped in the folder), respectively. 3 - The pointers go in the main Roms folder and are just empty folders that are in zip files. 4 - you may need to re-scan your games first in Coin Ops, not sure Hope that helps 2 quick questions for anyone who can answer. 1- where are settings that I have changed for controller input located(mameox)? Is that in a tdata/udata file or in one of the many ini and config files in coinops? 2 is there any CHD support? Not sure if it's even up and running on MAMEoX or not but I was taking a shot in the dark to see if I could get Chaos Heat to run. It doesn't show up in the gamelist even after I re-scanned my games.
  3. I fall into the same category of this being a very "spare time" thing. I'm working on getting more MAME roms tested and up and running for those of us "old school arcade geeks". Once I have something worth bringing to the table I will, but at this point it's only a few games. Although delivered a bit obnoxiously cba.gy has a point. Still no one (not just dogging on BP here) has given or linked me to any information on the controls issue that I mentioned or even answered me. So...where's the teamwork?
  4. @ Xbox Junkie - Ooops, my bad Haven't played with the skins at all yet. And I was wrong about the game background sizing anyway. I gut a larger dimension pic in there than 640x480...so I guess I will mess with tat a bit at some point also.
  5. B I'm with HyTymez on this one. I think the people who are interested in seeing more consoles in CoinOps have been waiting patiently. I'm trying to compile a MAME rom pack with some favorites that weren't in the Showroom set, and I'm guessing there are many of us on and off this forum that are tinkering with Inferno. How well people could actually be organized into a group? No idea. For me this is a "spare time" project. If I come up with something good enough I am sure I will release it into the wild. @Xbox Junkie - Make absolutely sure the png is named properly as this will cause it not to show of course (black screen). A 1mb png file is really large, I'm guessing that your dimensions are too big. The largest working background I have been able to get is 640x480. I guess it may go bigger than that but I think when I tried it I got a black screen also. Most of the original shots from Showroom are 400x300 or 300x400. Can anyone help me with the controller config issues I mentioned for Star Trek or at least point me in a direction? I know very little about this kind of thing, but I'm trying
  6. I'm sure I will find the ARCADE list helpful as well, thanks I got to the control settings fine now, but there's another issue. As I mentioned I'm trying to get controls working for Star Trek. The standard MAME configuration running on my PC gives me the following and these are the settings that work for a game controller: Dial Analog (NONE) Dial Dec (Left) Dial Inc (Right) In Analog Control sub menu Digital Speed (10) Autocenter (0) Reverse (off) Sensitivity (100%) The problem in CoinOPS is that both the Dial Analog and the Autocenter options are not there. There are two settings for P1 Dial which I'm assuming are the Dial Dec and Dial Inc, but without the other 2 controls to set the ship just won't stop spinning. Unfortunately I don't see an ini file for startrek that I could mess with. Any ideas?
  7. Thanks for posting about pointers fumanchu, I saw that and just snagged it. Then later when I read about it in the "- Readme and FAQ" it made sense to me right away so I understand how to make pointers. And thanks for the quick response about the MAME core. Now of course I have another question...for anyone capable of answering it How do I (or can I) get properties up for changing the controls on any given MAME game? I can pull up "cheats" but that is all I see. OR is there any way for me to create cfg files for a given game? I'm trying to fix the controls for Star Trek, which is running fantastic...but the controls are screwy.
  8. Quick question for anyone who might know. What version of MAME (or MAMEoX) is running the MAME roms? I would love to try and add some more of my favorite Arcade games to the new version but I see no DAT file for compiling purposes. TIA
  9. OK found it, that was easy enough
  10. Excellent!! Glad to hear you have completed Inferno!! I will look around for it, but if there is a link anyone can send to me that would be nice also I would definitely be interested in doing some game testing for GamesROOM if that is what you are looking for also.
  11. Please don't let the bored idiots that obviously have nothing better to do with themselves overshadow those of us that are really appreciative of what you are doing. Showroom was amazing and from the sound of things Inferno is going to blow it away. I realize that this is my first post and I'm trolling, but I'm hoping for "No Lock". In any case I can't wait for Inferno, thanks for all the hard work you are putting into this. You Rock!!
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