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No. I turned it on and tried to rescan, but again, it's not picking up the stuff I've added after CoinOPS did its initial scan. EDIT: Nevermind, the issue was my fault. Oopsie. One thing I'd like to mention is that it would be nice to have multiple screenshot and video directories to match up with the number of ROM directories so that those of us who want more games can also have our preview videos along with them. Just a thought.
I downloaded the full version of Coinops 2 and I've been trying to add more games to it, but it doesn't seem to matter if I rescan again and again, the new games won't show up on the list unless they were already on the hard drive when Coinops was first installed and first scans the games. I've attempted to add the Streets of Rage Remake as well as more NES games. On my first Xbox, where I installed Coinops and started it up before attempting to add anything, nothing aside from the games that come with Coinops show up in the list. On my second Xbox, where I installed Coinops but did not start it up before installing Streets of Rage Remake, it shows up properly. On both consoles, attempting to add NES games after playing Coinops the first time - making sure that the ROMs are all following the list of console ROM names that come with Coinops - none of them show up at all ever. I was using Scan All Games from the Advanced Options menu. Anyone else having problems?
The Madnab version of the emulators with support for Ressurection Xtras allows you to set two different screen setups and automatically switch between the two depending on the game you are running, so you can have GBA and GB with correct aspect ratios and using the same emulator.
BP, were you able to add pixel perfect and scaling options to the different cores like we talked about a few days ago?
Where can I get the source for Coinops?
i am presuming megaman 8bit deathmatch does not contain any actual wad files for the game? WAD files for the game are included, but you can't just use the WAD alone in any Doom source port aside from skulltag as far as I know. The changes are quite extensive. Xboyadvance, the madmab version, allows you to set two different screen resolutions, one for GBA and one for regular gameboy. That would be nice to have because right now in coinops only one can be proper resolution and the other gets stretched. have you tried the wad file for megaman deathmatch in odamex?? No, because as I said, it will not work and requires skulltag. No other source ports can run it properly.
i am presuming megaman 8bit deathmatch does not contain any actual wad files for the game? WAD files for the game are included, but you can't just use the WAD alone in any Doom source port aside from skulltag as far as I know. The changes are quite extensive. Xboyadvance, the madmab version, allows you to set two different screen resolutions, one for GBA and one for regular gameboy. That would be nice to have because right now in coinops only one can be proper resolution and the other gets stretched.
It would be REALLY awesome to have a port of Skulltag to Xbox (another Doom sourceport focusing on multiplayer) so that we can have Megaman 8-bit Deathmatch running. http://cutstuff.net/blog/?page_id=1490 The source for Mario War can be found using these links: http://72dpiarmy.supersanctuary.net/viewto...?f=1&t=1435
Get an account on Emumovies.. or get the AVI version of the Hyperspin previews.
The other problem with that is that directories contain a max of 4096 files on Xbox. This isn't a problem for ROMs since we have support for multiple ROM directories, but there is no support for multiple preview directories and that's turning out to be a real problem for me, unfortunately.
Even if CHD is supported, I wouldn't bother. Not a single one of them runs at any decent speed on Xbox anyways.
One thing that I know I asked about before was if we could add more ROM directories since there is a limit of 4096 files per Xbox directory. Since there are multiple rom directories we can enter into Coinops, it's not a big deal or a huge worry, however it appears that there is only one videos directory allowed, which will quickly fill up if there's no way to add multiple video preview directories. Also, I may have found a bug. When renaming and adding ROMs for consoles to Coinops, I found that all my previews wouldn't work. For instance, I added the NES version of 1942, called NES_1942.zip. I added the preview file named NES_1942.xmv to the Videos folder. It is a confirmed working and proper xmv that comes from the Ressurection Xtras project (shoutouts to everyone involved there, by the way - great stuff!). Heading to the ROM list and highlighting the NES version of 1942 does not play the preview video however. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the fact that I have the arcade 1942 also installed with the preview video and works. I know that it's not a matter of all previews for consoles isn't working as my SNES videos appear to work fine.
Same here, but I doubt there's anything he can do about it. Even if you plug in the standard USB to Xbox adapter, the kind people make themselves for plugging in keyboards and stuff like that, you still need something to talk to the Xbox and tell it that it's a controller and all that. You have to buy a certain adapter for that. I've only seen them a handful of times though.
Yeah, my INI had MaxX at 897, I believe. I went into SNES9xBox and told it to give me the proper SNES aspect ratio. Because the X was below 1000 though, I decided to find some better numbers and here's what I changed: screenx=128 screeny=18 screenmaxx=1024 screenmaxy=720 The INI is no longer being overwritten and it is properly centered on my screen. It's not a difficult change now that I know why the INI was being overwritten and I don't mind editing them for myself until you implement support for pixel perfect for console games. I guess I'll make the ini files available to anyone that wants to do the same thing once I have them all done. Thanks for the help, BP.
Okay, here's what I am trying to do. (I would have asked over MSN, but I don't see you online.) I'm playing with Coinops on an HDTV. I've added some console games to Coinops and I want them to be displayed at a proper aspect ratio. As the FAQ says, the aspect ratio options (Pixel Perfect 1X, Scaled, Stretched, etc...) only work on Arcade games right now. When I try to run a console game, say Super Mario World for SNES, it plays but the screen is stretched badly and isn't in its proper aspect ratio. When I hit Back and White, I get the option to resize the screen. I resize it to look correct, then hit back to go back to the game. The game then properly plays in the screen size I set it to. If I quit Super Mario World and go back to the Coinops gamelist by hitting Back and Start together and then select Super Mario World again, the game again starts up in the stretched aspect ratio that it was in the first time. The screen size I set for that game or any other console game is not remembered (but it is for all arcade games). Being able to set the screen size for individual games is great, but on consoles where most games used the exact same resolution, being able to set the screensize and aspect ratio for all games for that system is most important. No one wants to have to properly set the screensize manually each time they launch a console game. All the Xport emulators allow you to set a universal screensize/aspect ratio for that console in the .ini file. Knowing this, I edited the .ini files for the emulators found in the saves directory within my Coinops directory in the hopes that I could set it manually, however it appears that the .ini file is overwritten with the default options including video size before a console game selected is launched, erasing my changes and again giving me stretched screens. So, is there a way to set the default core resolutions and aspect ratios so that all my console games look correct within Coinops? Thanks in advance.