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Everything posted by lunchbox

  1. The only wmv converter that I know of that can convert files to wmv8 format (needed for the xmv converter) is "STOIK Video Converter". You will need to change the converters "profile" to record in wmv8. I had to experiment with this program quite a bit before I got videos that were up to quality. There is a freeware version on the net.
  2. Where can I find the list for current ShowRoom titles?
  3. VARIA METAL will work if you edit the Virtual Memory. Their are also two entries in there for this game, I recommend removing one when you edit the file.
  4. I see now that all of the features of the patch were integrated into mame at ver .61, I would like to know how to integrete the port definitions, looking like this.. INPUT_PORTS_START( dirtfox ) PORT_START /* 63B05Z0 - PORT B */ \ PORT_BIT( 0x20, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_UP ) /* Gear shift up */ PORT_BIT( 0x80, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_JOYSTICK_DOWN ) /* Gear shift down */ NAMCOS2_MCU_PORT_C_DEFAULT PORT_START /* 63B05Z0 - 8 CHANNEL ANALOG - CHANNEL 0 */ PORT_BIT( 0xff, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) PORT_START /* 63B05Z0 - 8 CHANNEL ANALOG - CHANNEL 1 */ PORT_BIT( 0xff, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) PORT_START /* 63B05Z0 - 8 CHANNEL ANALOG - CHANNEL 2 */ PORT_BIT( 0xff, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) PORT_START /* 63B05Z0 - 8 CHANNEL ANALOG - CHANNEL 3 */ PORT_BIT( 0xff, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) PORT_START /* 63B05Z0 - 8 CHANNEL ANALOG - CHANNEL 4 */ PORT_BIT( 0xff, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) PORT_START /* Steering Wheel */ PORT_ANALOG( 0xff, 0x7f, IPT_DIAL|IPF_CENTER|IPF_PLAYER1, 70, 50, 0x00, 0xff ) PORT_START /* Brake pedal */ PORT_ANALOG( 0xff, 0xff, IPT_PEDAL|IPF_PLAYER2, 100, 30, 0x00, 0x7f ) PORT_START /* Accelerator pedal */ PORT_ANALOG( 0xff, 0xff, IPT_PEDAL|IPF_PLAYER1, 100, 15, 0x00, 0x7f ) PORT_START /* 63B05Z0 - PORT H */ PORT_BIT( 0xff, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_UNUSED ) NAMCOS2_MCU_DIPSW_DEFAULT NAMCOS2_MCU_DIAL_DEFAULT INPUT_PORTS_END Should I be doing this as a PM? This way I could point you directly to the sites.
  5. Hey BP, have you seen the "IPT_PEDAL patch" for Dirt Fox? I assume that since the game "Hydra" already works, that the patch is already in there. Are there settings for Dirt Fox that will steer left and right on a normal Xbox controller? I already tried removing the steering/shifter conflict. Also calibrating steering in service mode, still will only steer left. This game has even worse problems in Win MAME 135u3. Is there a solution or should I forget this one? another reference: DIRTFOX NAMCO SYSTEM 2 PORT DEFINITIONS
  6. Screenshot and video names must match the rom or pointer name in the "roms" folder Try this for ultra X weapons. Open "vm.txt" file from your coinops folder with "notepad". Find the line "ultrax 4 48 65535" in the "vm.txt". Change it to "ultrax 4 16 65535". Make sure there is not two enteries for this game in this text file. Use the "find on this page" tool in the edit pulldown menu to check. Save the changes and close this text file. Now overwrite the old "vm.txt" file in your coinops folder with the new text file that you just changed. Make sure you are in standard definition and have fun! Note- you can do this with the vmhidef.txt file as well. OR... Lower the "Commit Size" under "Virtual Memory Configuration" in "advanced settings" to "1024". It will have the same effect and you will not have to change any text files. Just remember to set the Virtual Memory Configuration back to "automatic" when you are done playing the game. Whoa!!, confusing to write for such a simple task. I hope it is understandable.
  7. I dont have DoomX on my box (I like the versions on the Doom3 disk). I imagine it runs alot like XDuke, in which case I say "Hell yeah 720 p!" XDuke looks great in 720 p. and no noticable slow down at all. Also, What about using the odamex core for this, looks like sources may be available for that too.
  8. Ahh, I am not too familiar with compiling (SDL MAME for xdsl only), even less with xbe, but I see something that says update in the archive folder, and the nfo says something about patching. Not sure, but I think the WinDoom source may be where these files are. Sorry, this was no help. I may be able to find something better. Did you see the Wolfenstein XDK source in there as well?
  9. DoomX_0.12_Diffs?
  10. It looks like DoomX is bundled with the source code and is the usual places, but I do not have it. Hey BP, I am wondering if you would be interested in a vm listing of games that dont run on a normal xbox without changing it manually. Most are 3D games, and run a little slow to very slow. They all boot up the best that they can on a normal xbox. I recently got Brave Blade, Raystorm, Dancing Eyes, Xevious3D+G, Gallop Racer and Die Hard Arcade running, among others. Also, a romstatus list for "mutes", Daraku Tenshi and a few others could use them. Not sure that it is needed, but I thought I would throw it out there anyway.
  11. I had this problem as well with ReigniteX. I deleted the Udata and Tdata folders for KI-XXX (64646464) and it worked fine after that. If that does'nt work, you have the wrong U98 files in your Killer Instinct roms.
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