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Posts posted by Annihilitor

  1. Pikkey: First off what version of CoinOPS do you have? How big is the package you downloaded? The latest is CoinOPS EPIC at about 18 GB. To "install it" you simply extract the archive and copy over the contents to your Xbox. In your case the F: drive is fine. Using the file explorer to launch the default.xbe is how you run CoinOPS. What happens after you launch the default.xbe? Are you presented with a screen that is showing a video of a game and a list of ~2000 roms? Have you tried launching any of them?



    You right.


    I've downloaded Coinops Inferno HD, about 18gb of package.


    When I run default.xbe , it make appear the menu with all the arcade games installed, with the demo video running.

    Games work, even if it takes too long to start (2 or 3 mins) but right now I'm focused to make a correct installation.


    tnx for the reply!


    Delete all the folders in UDATA and TDATA, restart and launch CoinOPS. That is get rid of the 2 to 3 minute load times.

  2. Yeah I'm with Phil. If it's not POSTing then it sounds like a hardware issue.


    Wait. "once i had ms dash used krazie soft mod, then i was gonna wipe dash folder on e: and put coin ops lite as the dash smile.gif but i failed sad.gif"


    Do you mean that after you took out the modchip you were able to boot krazie's softmod? If so, what did you do next? Did you wipe C: and use the shortcut maker to point to coinops default.xbe?

  3. Just landed here to beg for an answer.

    I've discovered Coinops (what a great job!) a month ago, and I realized it was the perfect reason to resume a working XBOX I've found between the trash.


    Where I've lost my last nights is about how-where to install it, even because it seem there are no docs about, anywhere on the web.

    Everybody talk about a problem or a hint, nobody about install procedure. Or at least, google didn't give them to me.


    I only succeed to run coinop installing the entire coinops in a folder on F partition, and using a file explorer to launch the "default" file that make it run the "carousel" but something tell me that's not the correct way to make it work.


    So, please is there any guide around about "HOW TO MAKE IT RUN" ?

    Any suggestion are welcome.


    Thanks in advance




    Pikkey: First off what version of CoinOPS do you have? How big is the package you downloaded? The latest is CoinOPS EPIC at about 18 GB. To "install it" you simply extract the archive and copy over the contents to your Xbox. In your case the F: drive is fine. Using the file explorer to launch the default.xbe is how you run CoinOPS. What happens after you launch the default.xbe? Are you presented with a screen that is showing a video of a game and a list of ~2000 roms? Have you tried launching any of them?

  4. What colors are flashing? Are any of the colors solid? Do you get any video or sound from the TV? Do you see the XBox splash screen before it restarts? How quickly does it restart? Did you try turning using it with the original HDD (I'm assuming it's the original) before you swapped it for the 40GB?

  5. Phil, do you have the X-Arcade Tankstick + Trackball (http://www.xgaming.com/store/arcade-joysticks-and-game-controllers/product/x-arcade-tankstick-includes-usb-cables/)? If so, how well does the trackball work with CoinOPS EPIC? I made my own control panel but I like the idea of the "pinball" buttons and have been considering getting that controller for a while. When using the trackball does it function as player 1 or do you have to make any specific changes? I assume you use a controller port to USB adapter in port 3 on the xbox? Thanks in advance!

  6. Samurai: How much free space is available on the hard drive? If you only have 200-300 MB available that will cause roms to take 2 - 3 minutes to load. Also, since you've tried a number of MAME emulators I would suggest deleting all of you saved files in UDATA/TDATA as those can also cause problems with loading roms.

  7. Look at the pinned thread for CoinOPS EPIC. It's the latest version of CoinOPS that comes packaged with ~2000 roms for not only MAME but other consoles as well. All the games that I've tried, which is almost all of them, work flawlessly or close to it.

  8. FPS wont be happening as its not really needed


    I want some help testing the console remap feature...its all go press Back and Black and there are the keys


    at present it says A B X Y and goes for ever I want the keys to be just the ones on each console you want to change and named the way they are on the console...like psx is square triangle circle X not A B X Y...I have removed stuff like it allowing for 2 keys as I see no need for none gui stuff so you slect the key you want and press the key it should be....also it maps all games and all controllers at that point to that keymap for that system....


    who can do the testing and saying button A is actually the circle button psx and only needs buttons left right up down A and B mapping for this game all the others are a waste of space and confusing


    Thanks for the answer, BP. Figured I'd ask. I can help with the testing as well. If you prefer to use MSN I can give you my SN.

  9. is there any must have console stuff except for easy save states...easy remapping and aspect ratio correction stuff?


    No additional must haves for me. What would be on my wish list but certainly not a must have is the ability to display FPS for console cores.

  10. Is there a way to change the name of the roms as the appear in CoinOPS EPIC, after they've been scanned? I've added a number of roms but I'm finding some of their names are incorrect and I'd like to change them. Thanks in advance for any help!


    Ignore this please. I was on holiday for a couple of weeks and didn't answer BP's response. There is no naming issue with the roms that I've added. Just my poor English and thinking it was the correct name :) Thanks for the help BP.

  11. Is there a way to change the name of the roms as the appear in CoinOPS EPIC, after they've been scanned? I've added a number of roms but I'm finding some of their names are incorrect and I'd like to change them. Thanks in advance for any help!

  12. This hasnt gone well I can only think that most people are very happy with what is in EPIC and dont really want anything else


    :devilboy: which is good news I guess....I was going to spend a week or so adding 200-300 games over the next few weeks but it looks like its not really wanted or needed


    if there is no real response in the next week ill close the thread and remove it and move on


    I would certainly appreciate an extra 200-300 games.

  13. Is there a way to run the n64/midway/ and other consoles roms from the f partition


    the PSX files allow you to select but the other consoles seem to require the D partition even with the rom paths specified in the coinops setup screen.





    I'm running CoinOPS Epic off of the F drive with no problems. You don't have to make any changes to the paths in the settings, just make sure that you're using the right naming convention when adding roms.



    I should have been more specific. My xbox drive is partitioned with only 1GB left in E but 98 left on F:

    Normally I put the coiopns files under games on the e partition and point it to the roms which i place on the F drive

    It works for the arcade games but not for the other systems....if i put the other system games on the E under the coinops directory they work fine


    any thoughts are appreciated



    Ah, gotcha. I just tested it out with your setup and it worked fine for me.


    Setup: CoinOPS installed on E: and roms installed on F: - I put the NES rom Faxanadu (great game btw), renamed to NES_Faxanadu, in F:\roms. Within CoinOPS I changed the second rom path to F:\ROMS (I used all caps, i don't know if it's case sensitive) then I scanned for new roms and it showed up just fine. Hope this helps...

  14. blitz (MidWay Games: Sports)

    blitz99 (MidWay Games: Sports)

    blitz2k (MidWay Games: Sports)

    gauntletdl (MidWay Games: Maze, Shooter (large))


    Or any game that requires CHD images. MAMEoX128 Plus! uses a folder on the root called "hdimages" that you place the images in. This would be a very welcome addition.


    Edit: Using MAMEoX128 Plus! 20060505 on a non-128MB Xbox I am able to get the NFL Blitz games to run at playable speed after tweaking the Virtual Memory for a while. I haven't tried Gauntlet Dark Legacy yet.


    Edit 2: I was wrong :devilboy: NFL Blitz games are painfully slow. I looked at some of the minimum PC requirements for these games and it's a 3.0ghz P4. Looks like you can ignore this request.

  15. Is there a way to run the n64/midway/ and other consoles roms from the f partition


    the PSX files allow you to select but the other consoles seem to require the D partition even with the rom paths specified in the coinops setup screen.





    I'm running CoinOPS Epic off of the F drive with no problems. You don't have to make any changes to the paths in the settings, just make sure that you're using the right naming convention when adding roms.

  16. I think also because people cant or arent prepared to include games additional games themselves because they want screenshots/videos made by someone else. It makes Coinops look more professional if every game has a video rather than most with videos and some with a black screen. It ruins the effect otherwise.


    I agree with you. Hell I'm guilty of it myself, I was drawn to CoinOPS because the base of the work was already done. I use CoinOPS for a BarTop and HyperSpin + Emumovies with emulators for a freestanding cabinet. I've added a bunch of console games and I'm finishing up the videos and screenshots now. I'm using the screenshots from Emumovies and converting the Ressurections Xtra teams WMV's using XMVConverter. So far it's working out quite well.

  17. Hey guys. Sounds like I joined the forum in the middle of some feud.? Another quick question. Is there any way to navigate back to the game menu after you have finished playing a game? I've had to reboot every time I finish playing a game in coinops to select another one. I'm hoping there's some sort of shortcut key...



    Start + Back in Reignite will bring you back to the game menu.

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