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  1. Hey, I got it to work!!!-now both samuari showdown V and svc shows up. Apparently, I just had to change the compatibility option to windoes 98 (im running XP). Thank you very much though, for your help. If it doen't trouble you too much, could you explain to me about those hex numbers or whatever. I haven't patched anything anything yet, so i might need to know how to figure them out. And wht is a CRC exactly?????? Ha, yep, showing my noob-ness. Thanks alot again!!!
  2. Hi, thanks for the reply. I looked at the asr.dat file and the name of the rom matches actually for samurai showdown 5. Not sure what's goig on. Your help is definitely appreciated. Any suggetion would be great for me to track. I will check back in the moring (its night time here actualyl). Thank you!
  3. Hi, i recently downloaded WinKawaks 1.46 with loader to play samurai showdown 5 and snk vs. capcome. I was able to get the roms but both games are not recognized by the emuator. Its kinda strange since other games are recgonized on it. If anyone can help me on how to get this thing started, I'll be very greatful. Oh, also, supposedly tere's patch that comes along with the snk v. capcom. Is there a specfic way that im suppose to put it into the zip file? How do you use it? Sorry, a noob here. heh Thanks for the help
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