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Everything posted by zhugeliang

  1. Great job T, you da man!
  2. For me on 1.17 all cps2 games seems to be loading perfectly fine in HD mode 480p and the hd filtering. There seems to be a problem with neogeo games though like Metal Slug seems to not want to finish loading now. Very strange as moving back made Samurai Showdown V accessible again. Go figure. All the games have been checked for compatibility with romcenter and they are all a "go". Thanks for working so diligently T.
  3. How long of a loading time doyou experience Thrax? Mines looks like it finishes loading but then just hangs there.
  4. Can anyone tell me what mame set this goes up to? Is it still .83?
  5. Hey T, Great work on the emu. I just wanted to add that most games that require loading seem not to be working. They load to half or maybe all the way but just lock up and stay there. It has happened with Marvel vs Capcom, Samurai Showdown 5 and Metal Slug 5 just to name a few. Great work on the emu again, can't wait to be able to scroll down and play ninja turtles! Update... I reverted back to 1.17 and that seems to have fixed samurai showdown but when I go to play Metal Slug, that is no longer working. Metal Slug 3 and 6 to be more specific. I am playing with the settings to 480p btw with the hd filter. Thanks,
  6. Am I right in assuming that this might work on a regular 64mb xbox and possibly be better then the regular Mame emulator? Anyone know what core this one uses?
  7. After hours of speculation it turns out that when I updated to another version of xbmc it happened to be a date of which the auto region switch was flubbed. It started after I updated and I wish I would've thought of that first before all the other stuff I did to save myself some time. But in the end I just backed up my e drive and formatted it. Turns out that even though I got rid of the xbmc save it somehow was stuck in my saves even without the files. Kind of like it erased it and wouldn't let it make another one but there was no wsay to get to it other then formatting the drive. All is well now. Thanks for replying Glitch
  8. I was wondering if anyone here could offer me some advice on this situation. These 4 games are dl'ing and apparently extracting just fine but when I transfer them to the xbox to play then they just get caught in the death loop. I eve tried burning Castlevania and trying to play it that way but still no go. Just resets itself to the dashboard. I tried switching the region coding and no go. I opened up my box and realligned my ns xenium and still no go. I switched dashboards from xbmc to evox to avalaunch and still no go. I dl'ed pars from newsgroups to see if I got bad files but they all are in the clear. Any ideas what this may be? Also, say in evox after I transfer Castlevania to the box then it would show in that dash but in nexgen it would not. Is it possible that something is getting flubbed during the transfer? It all started after I tried to update xbmc and xbmc would not load. Next thing I know everything is all f'ed up and the new games that I transfered from my pc and through craxtion were not working. I think possibly that the HDD is not writing the data to be acessed. Like it is transferring the data but once it is there it is under a lock of some sorts. That would explain why it is caught in the death loop and Nexgen is not reading the xbe. Someon help me plz...
  9. Can you actually play those things on the xbox or are they only for the pc?
  10. Ahem.... Did anyone mention Halo 2 yet? Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Shrek 2, Lord of the Rings 2 and 3, Dynasty Warriors 3 and 4 and Samurai Warriors just to name a few. Then there are all the emulated games you can play on the Box. Hope that helps
  11. yes there has been, not on the regular radio stations but on the custom soundtrack on the xbox. You would be able to switch songs off of your hard drive on the fly, like changing tapes or cd's. But this one is structured like a radio station so I don't kno whow it works or if they implemented it at all.
  12. Is there any way to skip songs on the soundtrack? I tried every singel button and I can't find a way to skip songs. I hope they didn't leave that part out of the game. that would suck big time
  13. Amen to that, I usually try to upgrade every 2 weeks but sitting down and customizing everything everytime is a biotch
  14. nice, thanks prican. really quick question though. I went to the site and there are like 5 different patchers. Which one are you talking about? Is the patch something that lets me burn the disc onto a dvd5 with bonus content or would I have to burn it to a dvd9?
  15. a patcher eh? will that help me to make a god of war iso without losing anything in the game like the bonus movies?
  16. I have been scouring the net looking for information on how to burn a ps2 game but they are all jumbled and far in between unlike xbox related scene things. Can anyone let me in on one universal way to back up my games? I know most say that you can use dvddecrypter and extract the iso. is that it? Just burn it after that and I am set? Or do I have to rebuild the iso like an xbox game? Someone please help me.
  17. Speaking of, do you guys know where I can pick up the most recent vm.txt? The one on sourceforge is soooo outdated its not even funny.
  18. My personal favorites Guwange Esp.ra.de gunbirds anyone got any other ones that I should try out? I have a complete mame.87 set so more then likely if you can recommend it I have it.
  19. yeah, I know. I'm the lucky guy. It's pretty sweet playing halo with her. We actually went through legendary on Halo 1 together. That was insane. Halo 2 we couldn't cut cuz of that stupid no respawn crap.
  20. awesome, thanks for that. I been looking all over the place and my gf and I just gave up on trying the play the game because it is so irritating to try to run around and find those dam things. Thanks alot.
  21. Gamefaqs doesnt have a faq for the coop campaign. I checked them all. Even the ps2 ones. That's why I resorted to here.
  22. Just going out on a whim here but I was wondering if anyone would be able to give me a clue as what I should be doing in the second coop mission where you have to take out the two aat's or something like that. THe missile launcher things. My girlfriend and I found the first one out int he courtyard and disabled that one but when they start to count down on taking out the second one, we have no idea where the hell it is. I restarted and ran all over the dam place but I cant find it. Can anyone give me a clue as what I should be doing here? Like where the hell the second missile launcher is?
  23. Don't forget that if you are making a emulator to run off a disc that you either set up the ini or xml, or whatever it is that sets the settings before you make the disc. Either that or you will have to alter where the settings are saved so that it saves to your hdd or you will never be able to change the settings unless you bnurn the disc again with new settings again.
  24. I get to go this year for the second time. I'm really lookin forward to xbox's next generation line up of games. Especially after that dude saying that he saw a list of big name japanese developers ont he bandwagon. It should be awesome.
  25. I'm having a hell of a time trying to get all the cds for hte game. would it be possible to somehow hook me up with cd3 and 1 faster then a port blocked bit torrent? Those speeds are super slow.
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