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Everything posted by zhugeliang

  1. okay okay i dl'ed the game, but its complete cept for the fact that it hasnt been approved by microsoft yet so they havent signed it but other then that its flawless and as for the free soundtrack i work at a gamestop so i can just snatch one of those from the store =D, we get free promo stuff all the time. plz dont tell corporate
  2. oops =P best on ps2 thanks for the correction ASSHOLE jk jk
  3. is there a reward for your head kantl?
  4. i played it at e3, it was pretty nice. didnt give it too much time as i only have a xbox but the game looks very promising. graphics are some of the best ont he xbox and the whole finding food to eat is pretty sweet. apparently there is some kind of wierd thing that happens when you die tho that hasnt been explained yet. when you die the words time paradox appear on the screen and apparently there is something you can do in 30 seconds that changes it but i have no idea what it is. maybe its like the rewind feature in full spectrum warrior but if it is then you can almost guarantee it will only work on the hard drive for ps2 if you have it
  5. seeing the capcom chars in neogeo form was pretty amusing but yeah the gameplay in this was weak. also some of the animations for the chars was pretty weak too, oh yeah.... how much did zero suck in this game?
  6. well you can get your hands on a copy if you go to the right places so far the game is looking pretty schweet
  7. Was it just me or did anyone else have a hard time trying to get to the boards, it kept tellin me there were too many connections and that I couldnt get it, how whack was that. I almost had a panic attack
  8. wow cleveland eh? sounds very boring, but i bet the strip clubs are insane out there. isnt that where bone thugs and harmony were from?
  9. these games are pretty insane, the kuf is kind of like kessen and dynasty warriors rolled into one. pretty fun if you ask me. silent hill i didnt really play yet cuz its really dark right now and im all alone so it wont get no play time til the weekend when the girlfriend visits. if you look up these games it ognna say that they arent out yet but i do have them from through the grapevine any of you guys plan on playing thes?
  10. vivendi universal has yet to make a game recently that kicks any form of ass. chronicles of riddick was not what it was cracked up to be like everyone else seems to think. that thing had so many jaggies in it it was almost painful to watch any cutscenes. they have a nice line up of games coming out soon so maybe this one will be ok. a couple of games to look out for from then is red ninja and men of valor. those 2 look very promising
  11. that sounds like a pretty good idea
  12. i think he mentioned that baed 3 was a arcade compilation if my memory serves me correctly. that should be pretty awesome
  13. what is this quote mania topic?
  14. think it could be any more retarded then the village?
  15. i know you can system link with the regular gameboy and color roms but how long do you think until we can play gba games on split screen? p.s. are you still working on your compile for fbaxxx prican or should i just start messing with the official build?
  16. dude this is the game that that one kid in europe was supposedly obsessed with and killed his friend because of it. smashed his best friend in with a hammer so they pulled this game off the shelves in the uk. now his parents are sueing rockstar and sony over the crap for 20 million, flockin bunch of jabronis
  17. the quote about the ladies was a joke cuz i know there are barely any on here but if the ladies do see this
  18. esprade guwange on fbaxxx or mame
  19. when you get a tattoo in kanji (japanese writing) but you arent even asian
  20. lol my END OF THREAD was just my 3 words =P it couldve just been easily counteracted with NO ITS NOT but your the man for posting it on your site dude. are you retyping everything together? thats insanity
  21. sounds like nezumi USED to work for netscape post IE j/k good statement man
  22. did you see my other post about Slim Shady? How can I not be one of the Cool Guys.... I'm member of 1emulation.com.... muahahaha
  23. yeah maybe im wrong but the motherboard I have now isnt too old I think and that dam sound is a biotch. I have a VIA X533 i believe Ill check my box of manuals in a sec but that dam sound kills all!!!
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