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Everything posted by zhugeliang

  1. i dont know if tekken is gonna run in mameox becuase it doesnt really support games with 3d graphics but im probably wrong. I know tekken 3 runs in pcsxbox tho
  2. it tastes like
  3. ok just tried playing street fighter one in mameox and it runs choppier then a mobo, but i think it ru ns just fine on a computer
  4. i guess this makes it so that sengoku3 isnt a banned rom anymore eh?
  5. love to stay
  6. dude that was such a lame commercial.
  7. btw prican can we expect your fbaxxx anytime soon? = ) I read in one of your other post that you were working on a mame compile too? Are you just making it so the newer games can run on it and if you are do you think they will run faster then they do on fbaxxx?
  8. links are illegal check your pm box worm i replied today when i got home from work
  9. the priest nodded
  10. in many ways
  11. yeah guess someone has to hack and slash their way to the gamertag buggy. oh well maybe well get lucky and get it on a booster disc or the next oxm
  12. kings quest 1-7 owned all. those things were insanely fun
  13. like Michael Jackson
  14. cock-a-doodle doo
  15. those are some amazing creature type things. wish i could see some of that stuff in person, would be awesome
  16. I recently dled the chd for beatmania 1st mix and though the vmm options do get the rom to load initially it freezes after the rom/ram check. I can get it to run with the settins at 2048. if anyone knows how to fix this plz let me know while I try to get it working myself
  17. how are you getting the games to load? i have the chd for the 1st mix but it wont get past the rom check/ram check. it just oks everything cept the hdd and then sits there. what do i do from here? well i am running it in mameox maybe i should try posting there =P
  18. so i dl'ed the hurricane that someone put out on the net and got as far as signing it for my hdd but thats as far as it gets. has anyone else checked this out. I dont have xbl thats why I dl'ed what was out on the net. seems that I need to have a gamertag that matches the game save. just wanted to see if anyone else had tried this. btw I put the post here cuz its about something you can do with mod'd xbox's prican, so plz dont scold me =P
  19. 1ammunition haha thats a good one I got mine I hope you got yoself a gun. -Nas
  20. but the best
  21. screw their versions of fbaxxx Id rather have pr version anyday haha. jk. thanks to them for making the layout for pr. I just dont want to have to find new versions of roms that I already spent many days searching for ones that work in pricans last compile.
  22. I just saw it last night so I thought I would share with you guys. Its pretty funny tho eh?
  23. yeah most people who get tattoos now are abunch of weenies who just want some attention. like getting a tattoo makes you cool or something. anyone can get a tattoo so its like wtf makes you so cool. if your gonna get it cuz it means something then right on but if you just want some attention thats gay.
  24. delete it, gonna let them know it was you?
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