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  1. lol ! In local arcades in my country (Bulgaria) before 10 years, had an intresting hacked version of Cadillacs & Dinosaurs. The game begins in library stage and the main characters had new hair styles and dresses. The name of the game was "Jurassik Park '99" lol. Now i am looking in all country to find this Arcade PCB.
  2. From where to get more mame hacked roms like Bubble Bobble Ultra???
  3. Is it possible? When entereing button config (press left thumb) from here to make an other button to remap(SERVICE MENU or DIP). By default this button will be disabled. Or... When pressing left thumb to choose different options: Button config, screen size, servise menu.... All in one button like FBA legends.
  4. Still cant find "config menu" when CPS2 Core is eneble, or its not set? PS: Thanks for CoinOPS2 BP!!!
  5. Thanks for R7, works great. But i cant still enter "service mode" (to adjust difficult, rounds, time.....) when CPS2core is enebled. Is this function still in progress or i miss something?
  6. I saw a problem with Metal Slug 5. In the middle on mission 3, game freezes in the same place! Tryed with R3,R4 and R5 with different roms = same problem. Just notice..........
  7. Great thanks for R5!!!! Keymapping for CPS2 Core works fine, but still cant enter the service mode. I hope this function will be release in next series Thanks again!!!
  8. Thanks for R2, great job!!! My future request for Epic R3: In game keymapping and service mode for games (when CPS2 core is enable).
  9. Allright man Keep going
  10. Feature requests for next CoinOPS! 1. I want to configure buttons and game options(servise menu) when "FinalBurn CPS2 Core" is enebled. 2. I want an option to remove FAVORITE buttons, or option to configure interface keymapping. Thats from me ))
  11. For my cabinet i use a special JAMMA board for xbox, which allows to connect seven buttons and one coin switch (eight buttons total). I am old school(hardcore player) and i want a basic machine - without submenus, subfunctions! That i prefer COINOPS, just power on my machine, games appears immediately and no other menus on screen (its so perfect for me). Choose a game, wait to load and.... INSERT COIN :P SUPERB.
  12. OK. I've tried a lot of stuff I use FinalBurn to config the buttons, then transfer the .ini files to coinops and it worked (with CPS2core enebled). Whith game options (dips configuration) cant work with this method(something is mess). But this methods to adjusting from FinalBurn to CoinOps, its getting hard to work when i want to change only one difficult level in some game. Never mind man you doin great jobs and i will wait to release a new version of coinops, until then i will not use CPS2core. PS: Where is the official forum to post feature requests?
  13. God bless you man!!! I removed the .cfg files and service mode appears to be configure. OK, i have two more question if you dont mind : 1. Unfortunatly in "FinalBurnCPS2 Core" when enabled, still cant enter the any in-game options, only when i push right thumbstick it says to adjust screen. Any ideas how to enter service menu and adjust buttons in"FinalBurnCPS2 Core"- Enebled? 2. Its about FAVORITES, i dont need this functions . "White button - makes GOLD games" ok, in settings menu i turn off every options who linked with favorites, BUT white button still work (colorise in gold). I want to remove the functions of WHITE and BLACK buttons in MENU, but to work in game mode. Is it possible to do that?
  14. Here is the problem: When i run CPS2 game on every CoinOPS(with Final Burn CPS2 core eneble) i cant enter any of in-game menus. Only when i press right thumbstick it gives me to adjust screen. When i turn off FB CPS2 core, with BACK+WHITE(in game) menu is show up, i choose REMAP THIS GAME and SERVICE MODE(usually it shows F2) is missing????? I dont get it, its very strange, i read all the FAQS, install every release of COINOPS.....and nothing. I cant configure most of CPS2 games. Please someone help me with that!!!!!!! I build my own arcade machine and i cant use a great emu COINOPS(shame fot me). PLS HELP!!!
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