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  1. Hey BP, any ETA on the new game pack?
  2. Ok thanx mate, ill take a look at that. GBA_Connect4PerfectionTrouble=Puzzler GBA_WhoWantstoBeaMillionaireI=Puzzler GBA_WhoWantstoBeaMillionaireII=Puzzler MDRIVE_32xSpiderManWebofFire=Beat Em Up MDRIVE_SonicJamIV=Action Sidescroller MDRIVE_SpotGoesToHollywood=Action Sidescroller N64_InternationalTrackAndField=Sports N64_LegoRacers=Driving N64_LooneyTunesDuckDodgers=Action 3D N64_MarioParty=Puzzler N64_MickeysSpeedwayUSA=Driving N64_ScoobyDoo=Action 3D N64_SnowboardKids2=Sports N64_SuperSmashBros=Action N64_YoshisStory=Action Sidescroller NES_Somari=Action Sidescroller NES_TeenageMutantNinjaTurtlesIII=Beat Em Up I notice that that SNES and GBA can only use one of either Toggle stick or D-pad where as the other cores use them both at the same time by default. Its no biggie but anyway you can fix this? Thanks again.
  3. I have downloaded the EPIC pack with all the games etc and like i said its awsome and its now the only emulator im using on xbox. I dont use vids as i only have a 80gb hdd and ive already got xbox games on there. So what ive done is added a few console games myself that were missing and that i used to use with my other emulators, ive updated the cats. But suprisingly ive been struggling getting screenshots for these games to show, so this feature would of helped me out thats all. It looks to be a bit depth issue with my screenshots as somebody kindly pointed out, but ive since give up trying to solve this as i was getting nowhere. Its only about 20 or so games but it bugs me to death when all the other 1,900 odd games have screenshots. No problem then, guess ill just have to live with it, still look forward to seeing what other features / improvments you do make to R3 though. Are you still releasing a game pack, any ETA on this?
  4. Hey there BP, you've done a fantastic job on EPIC, its all come together very nice, im loving it. Is there any chance of seeing the option to take screenshots of console games in R3 ?
  5. Could i have the link please?
  6. Can anybody sort me out with 8 N64 screenshots for coinops, its for a little lads xbox that im setting up. international track and field scooby doo lego racers duck dodgers mario party mickys speedway usa super smash bros yoshis story Ive managed to sort the others out, so if any body could help me with these eight it would be greatly appreciated. By the way many thanks to all those who have helped or tryed to help me already by answering my questions.
  7. Hi BP, a couple of questions for you if you dont mind. In CoinOPS it says you can press BACK and A and B to Take an In Game Snapshot but when i try it nothing happens, so does this feature not work then? Im only using in SD, so does this mean i wont be able to use save states and keymaps?
  8. Thanks mate, you appear to be right as all the pics that dont work are 32bit but i cant find a way to change it. Ive tryed microsoft paint. Any suggestions on a program to use?
  9. Hi all, ive added 16 games to Coinops EPIC and they all work fine ive also added the screenshots but only one of them shows. They are all named correctly, the same as the roms, they are all pngs and ive even tryed resizing them to sizes the same as other screenshots that were already in Coinops. So thats it im stumped, anybody got any other ideas? Thanks.
  10. Need help adding an xbox game to coinops epic. Its super mario war, i used xbe shortcut maker to make the shortcut xbe and ive made the pointer zip named correctly and it shows in the game list but when i select it the xbox just reboots. Im thinking its to do with the paths, so could anybody show me what a correct path for this should look like please? Thanks.
  11. Thanks BP thats what i was thinking, you see im setting up an xbox for my friends 6yr old and thought it would be easier for him if when he switched on xbox it went straight to coinops, especialy with it now launching xbox games. I appreiciate your a busy guy BP and youve got better things to do, but is there any chance you could explain how to do this or point me in the right direction? It sounds like what im looking to do. If anybody else could tell me please do and save BP a job.
  12. Hi all, could anybody tell me if its possible to have coinops epic as my main dash when i start my xbox, so basicaly i switch on xbox and it boots straight into coinops? Ifso how would i do this?
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