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  1. SNES - Saves worked on what I tested (Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past) (At least for what I tested, apparently jobo has had some problems with Super Mario Bros All-Stars) MDRIVE - Not working on what I tested (Beyond Oasis, Landstalker) PCE - Haven't tested, I'm new to PCE/Turbo-Grafx so I don't know what game has a save feature I could use to test (Do you know any?) N64 - Worked on what I tested (Mario 64, Castlevania, Castlevania: Legegacy of Darkness, Paper Mario) (It was weird, it didn't work at first but then started working after I had a second controller plugged in, not sure if that affected it but that is what happened so I figured I would tell you) PSX - Worked on what I tested (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night) NES - Not working on what I tested (Legend of Zelda, Zelda II) SMS - Same deal with PCE, not sure what (if any) game has a save feature to use to test (If you know any, let me know) GB - Not working on what I tested (Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening) GBC - Not working on what I tested (Pokemon Crystal, Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages) GBA - Not working on what I tested (Metroid Zero Mission, Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance, DBZ Legacy of Goku II) Like I said before, on the ones not working it would appear as if it was saving correctly but when you left the game and came back to it later the save would be gone. (Note: I also tested Pokemon Fire Red Version on GBA, but that wouldn't let me save at all; when I started up it gave me an error like "The 1M Sub-Circuit Board is not installed" and would give me an error when I tried to save in game.) Sorry for my ignorance but I really don't know how they work. I believe they edit the memory or something (like codebreaker codes), anyways to get to them in the xport emus you open the menu in game (right stick) and there is a cheat code database option where you can do stuff like enter new codes, select codes from the database, or edit the codes you have on and stuff. Other than I'm afraid I can't be of any help as I don't know anything about coding and stuff.
  2. I tested SNES (Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past) , PSX (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night), N64 (Castlevania, Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness, Paper Mario, Mario 64), NES (Legend of Zelda, Zelda II), Megadrive (Beyond Oasis, Landstalker), GB (Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening), GBC (Pokemon Crystal), GBA (Metroid Zero Mission, Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance, DBZ Legacy of Goku II). On the SNES and PSX games, saving worked (EDIT: It seems to be working for N64 now, too, though the only thing I did different was have a second controller plugged in) . On the others, I would go to save in the game, everything would appear to be going fine and working well (on games that allowed it I could exit to the game's main menu and it would show the save as if everything had worked), but then when I would exit the game to CoinOPS and come back to it the save was gone. Also, on N64 games the screen resizing, keymapping, and save states don't work. I press the buttons and nothing happens. And is there any chance of you adding cheat support for console games?
  3. I was playing Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, saved my game (in game, not via save state), and when I came to play it again later the save was gone. Are console in game saves not supported? (In other words, is using a save state my only option for saving the game?)
  4. Your problem is that you put the xbe in the roms folder, it belongs in the CoinOPS root folder. The directions are straightforward.
  5. Isn't in game keymapping what he just added?
  6. Could I get a link please as well?
  7. Can't wait to try out Epic R2. At the moment the only features I could think of that I would want added is cheat support for consoles. Also maybe the rewind and fast forward functions, but that's not really as important (though I am sure my sister would absolutely love that feature added, she always has to use rewind on the other emulators because she isn't exactly that good at video games (doesn't stop her from liking to play them, though)).
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