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  1. Nice, Nice very nice!!!
  2. wonderful news!
  3. yeah the start menu booted quick with no problems going into the trivia file, then again I am running it on a trusty. This weekend (or late friday) will copy over the entire r6 from that box to my regular softmod one and run it. when going through the mame history dat (renamed to text and opened in microsoft word) the formatting is there, but when doing a copy/paste over to regular notepad for the text file I lose the formatting. I then go to every line that goes beyond the right margin of what I want, hit enter to put it on the next line below that. Were you referring to a sort of batch program to go through all those text files and tell them to make the right margin "such and such" with a scrapper, if I am assuming it would just dismantle the dat file into however many text files (or separate the dat into individual text files by game/rom name) that would save a HUGE amount of time. In fact something like that might not even make it a project at all, being able to get it done in one night rather than several. I did look on google the other day to see if anyone converted the dat file into ini files or text, etc (even pdf) but no luck with that
  4. Not to add to your massive list already, but another game that could work if the crosshair controls could be made to react better (a lot better) when using a joystick would be the shooter game "crossbow"
  5. Thanks for r6!! The game info pack is still a work in progress but coming along slowly. I have to reformat the text files (well the new ones that were needed) otherwise they go off the screen in Coinops. I need to make sure that does not happen. It is also trying to find more time, I should be able to get another good crack at them by this coming weekend since most of all my other non related projects are now done
  6. whichever method would work best for coinops go with. Technically moves and trivia could be part of the same text/ini file if need be
  7. Source: Answers.com (huh... go figure) So yea, I miss-quoted earlier... 88 was the famicom, release of the arcade unit was 84 (Japan)... yes the machine was in that style. I recall the bezel ( or the header piece that shows the title of the arcade game on the cabinet) as saying Exciteabike. Nothing with VS, though that was the machine being used. I seem to recall though having some different sound effects. The arcade I saw this in was an indie owned (not a chain) in a regular mall. Perhaps it is very possible someone made a custom header piece and screwed up the name, or possibly if it was some sort of hack flashed into a VS machine, that could also explain the header name and possible other minor tweak differences I recall seeing. I can tell you I was not old enough to drive at the time and my friend being a year or two older was (though that would have made him 16 or 17 and putting this in 1987 or 1988). I thought it was cool as hell back then being able to drive to the "next town over" with a friend and not by Mom or Dad. So thanks to you guys here I can at least now confirm it had to be VS excitebike, but I am still convinced I played some sort of bootleg or hack of some type due to the firm memory of the arcade header name and the flashing bike either way thanks again, I now just hae to figure out one more game from my youth I recall playing and then all 3 mystery games can be put to rest (the second mystery game turned out to be Special forces or it was Special forces 2) keep this thread open and just use it for any "trying to remember the game and is it in mame questions"
  8. I think it might have also to do with most having the 128 upgrade BUT with a higher processor (trusty or trusty related board) and NOT just the 128 ram upgrade alone with the regular default processor. So even though I have to patch the default xbe files in order for coinops to play at the regular xbox speed on my Trusty box, I am not what he is looking for in testing. You also have to keep in mind that it is very possible not many know this thread and forum are up and going. Judging from comments posted on older various coinops torrents, most have no idea about this place or even the xbox-scene forums
  9. It was a stand up normal cabinet (like your second link), though I think it was a connected machine so it had the two screens and two sides (for two players) at a slight angle further supporting the VS theory. Is it possible a revision of some sort might have existed at one time? I know the bike was flashing instead of changing colors when you got that infamous cheat reward
  10. Works and looks great! In addition to FBA having some move sets, I know the stand alone port for the arcade Killer instinct games had move sets as well I am going to take the arcade rom set for epics, put it in an older version of pc mame .8 something (I beliee I have 83 or 82) and use the history dat. Just makes it easier in creating new ini files for those games that would still need it. After that it would be onto console games and I suppose for those cheats/hints type material would suffice
  11. I will gladly test it out if you like. On the other thing, no offense taken. I like what you are doing with coinops and I do like how it is going in the direction of being one main emu for everything. My time is usually limited, but I can also do what I can with other games that do not have any ini info files created yet that do exist in coinops. I can also keep it strictly with the rom set that came with the epics 21 gig torrent
  12. Is it possible I was actually playing excitebike all those years ago and had no idea??? I can still swear the title of exciteabike, the slightly better graphics and the bike actually flashing white, however I just stumbled upon this youtube video, it is from the VS arcade version. Evidently if you trip up a number of riders you get rewarded and your bike turns yellow black, your temp gauge also gets greyed out and you drive in turbo.This cheat reward is not in the home versions. This would also make sense of the comment back then from my friend telling me when the bike was flashing "this is why it is called excitebike". Check the time around 1:38 to see what I mean. In all my years of reading and searching info about this game (well at the time the bootleg version I still kind of think I played), I never saw this "cheat" info listed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xf-nTOcH_ck I still think I saw a boot of excitebike, but at least this seems to answer most of the puzzle
  13. http://maws.mameworld.info/maws/romset/sprcros2 ? Nope, it was not that either. Though the graphics were similar to the mystery game I played, you were playing excitebike. Same 2d side scrolling like the regular game. You could look at the game and say "oh it's excitebike with better graphics"
  14. I pretty much use the same setup as stated by Fumanchu" though I still have mame128x on as well, I think the console games and set up run smoother on the madlab editions (I do like the xtras but I am not going to kill myself if I do not have them). For the massive 21 gig epics that was floating around, I did not strip out any console games, the more the merrier I say, I like having a few alternatives to run whatever game. I do however like the easy access (right analog stick pushing in) setup menu in final burn legends. The way it nicely loads up while shrinking the main screen and technically pausing the game for you and giving you every option of whatever game on the right side including the exit game options I still prefer yours as my main arcade emu however and I am fine with the gui that goes with it, though if something similar to the FBL menu I mentioned could be incorporated, well then that might make coinops really take the cake
  15. Awesome! Thank you very much!
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