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Everything posted by Ash_crimson

  1. i used to have one with a built in game alex kidd i think it was anyways there was 2 master systems i think i had the second one... i think...
  2. actually most of them buy the dvds from the people who work with the companies that rate them or nominate them for awards..
  3. The first spidey was pants, its more one of those films they should put on a sunday when everyones bored as hell ... in my opinion comic to movie adaptions dont work to well with the exception of blade and i thought hellboy was alright too... i dont know whether to look forward to fantastic four and ghost rider... or be afraid theyre coming
  4. i trust it 99.9% i aint had no problems... alls good with it!!
  5. I Will soon reign upon you all... just let me get a controller!!!
  6. it was more like seven
  7. i got a 3210 a 3310 and a samsung a300 :S and yes i only use one at a time... and i know theyre all outdated... i just cant be bothered to get a new one...
  8. good news... i hope it comes soon!!
  9. i personally want the high res graphics like in guilty gear... they now have the power to do so, so they should utilise its full potential!
  10. i reckon theyll probably cheat and use new high res sprites from kof2004 and the new samurai showdown game... from the capcom side theyll most likely make an agreement with sammy to steal theres... then itll look better but still use minimum effort...
  11. microsoft sucks! shame bush doesnt hate them... sony is the only one who can stand up to them... nintendo is on a major downer... they cant let them win... its one of those small step for sony one giant leap for mankind things...
  12. im gonna be a busker... so if you see someone struggling to play a saxaphone on the underground give him something... it could be me
  13. yippeee!! were not being screwed this time cept maybe theres been no word of ken being in it.. . i know most of you probably hate ken... but hes better than ryu and no theyre not the same... his storyline is better too...
  14. korea!?!???! this is a EUROPEAN cup
  15. dude that led zepplin one is freehekay
  16. ignore them... go nvidia!!!
  17. NTSC games don't look funky provided that one's TV accepts NTSC signal. Most TV's sold nowadays support both, but mine doesn't.... my tv supports ntsc.... but it still doesnt look right... on other tvs that dont support ntsc it normally doesnt show up or flickers frantically... on mine the sprites just llok 'interlaced' with lines going through them.... When you try to run and NTSC game on a PAL system, usually one of the two things will happen: 1) The game is black and white and looks interlaced. 2) The screen is heavily distorted + see 1) My TV does the first. its in full color... a little distorted on bright colors... ive tampered with the colour settings it doesnt seem to help but im sure it supports ntsc... If it's only slightly distorted and does have full colors, don't worry about it; At least, I wouldn't...unless the distortion bugs the hell out of you. no ive been playing and having fun its a cool game... a pal ps2 version would still be cool with th extras
  18. NTSC games don't look funky provided that one's TV accepts NTSC signal. Most TV's sold nowadays support both, but mine doesn't.... my tv supports ntsc.... but it still doesnt look right... on other tvs that dont support ntsc it normally doesnt show up or flickers frantically... on mine the sprites just llok 'interlaced' with lines going through them.... When you try to run and NTSC game on a PAL system, usually one of the two things will happen: 1) The game is black and white and looks interlaced. 2) The screen is heavily distorted + see 1) My TV does the first. its in full color... a little distorted on bright colors... ive tampered with the colour settings it doesnt seem to help but im sure it supports ntsc...
  19. NTSC games don't look funky provided that one's TV accepts NTSC signal. Most TV's sold nowadays support both, but mine doesn't.... my tv supports ntsc.... but it still doesnt look right... on other tvs that dont support ntsc it normally doesnt show up or flickers frantically... on mine the sprites just llok 'interlaced' with lines going through them....
  20. spain shoulda won... but greece did well... gotta give em credit... they int done so bad so far. but whats with all the damn handballs... ive seen about 4/5 since saturday...its crazy... biggest upset so far was england - france... that pissed me off... 2 goals in 2/3 minutes... it was horrific! England to win though... (atleast in my dreams )
  21. GOOD JOB! chin looks like he wants some ass!!! all nice! 8.5/10
  22. yeah but hopefully the grafix will look better... i think its coz im playing the ntsc on a pal console it looks funny at time... but its playable... and fun
  23. thats some nice work... good job... only thing i can say is wrong is no may lee she was awesome..
  24. Europe usually gets screwed over so that the really good releases never get here...So, I don't know. But like with most things, don't get your hopes too high. my hopes aint too high but i just recently bought a dreamcast so i could play it... but a ps2 version would be nice
  25. all good for japan, america and canada... what about england..
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