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Everything posted by Ash_crimson

  1. useless but collective - anime cels
  2. dude i was first to have an fserve i beleive...
  3. Good work! i like them... cept shingo looks a little lonely otherwise all good.
  4. It's virtua fighter... not worth getting upset about... maybe if it was a street fighter or kof game... but snk and capcom seem to both be leaning towards ps2 for most releases... and anyways just coz its announced as an x-box exclusive doesnt mean itll stay that way...
  5. Thats a simple solution... i hope it works... but i wont hold my breath
  6. mine works fine and i never did that using WinXp Pro i didnt either its just something i read on here previously..
  7. Well yeah but those games are also for Dreamcast. So Chankast already has that covered. And for an alpha those games play pretty damn well. Atomiswave is more important because that is what all the new SNKP games (KOF, Metal Slug, Sam Sho, etc.) will use. Bring on the Atomiswave! but still.there are people who doesn't have the isos for the mvc2 and cvs2. u know?.. so naomi first !! lol the isos are all available on dc++ and many on BT sites... emulating NAOMI over ATOMISWAVE is a ridiculous idea... NOAOMI's library of games aint gonna go up wheras ATOMISWAVE has some BIG titles heading its way!! and theyre not just SNK PLAYMORE stuff Sammy vs. Capcom and no doubt Capcom Fighting Jam will appear on this...
  8. try setting the loader to win 98 compatability... there was a post about loaders not adding games to the lists before...
  9. screw naomi i want an atomiswave emu by the time kof2004 drops
  10. thats some old programs your after.... its easier to just use programs like cubase sx, logic, reason or something like that on your pc... reason 2.5 rox!!!
  11. it looks good buit shen woos hair could use some neatening up and if you could find a clearer logo would help... other than that a good peice
  12. my scanners broke... the lights are on but the little elves aint at home to make it move or i would scan some. orochinagi has some reject art on their forum... as for inserts ive seen some on ebay but thats about it...
  13. shouldve picked a better comic hero... ghost rider or deadpool maybe??? a ghost rider game will probably be inevitable if theyre still going ahead with the movie...
  14. ive never been a fan of tekken... ive always thought it was one of the worst fighting games ever along with battle arena toshinden... both have an animes which suck too!
  15. yep yep, according to my friend who went to e3 and played, its jus different attires. same goes for kyo too. Well it would be cool to do the Rising Tackle with MOTW Terry. It would suck if when you select that outfit it doesn't let you do that move. I'd be pissed. What the two people said above. To be quite honest, I like the MOTW Terry better than the original one. the original terry is cool but the real problem is that hes been around too long without any real changes the motw brings a considerably new and fresh look to an old and very respectable character.
  16. sure i can give it a try...
  17. ive installed linux on my system before... it gave me more hassles in 2 days than windows has ever given me... i wouldnt mind dabbling into it again but this time id make my system dual boot... theres so many different versions of linux out there, which would your guide be for???
  18. it requires adding new data into the source code. its easier to add stuff like that in fba and mame because theyre open source. the proper releases of kawaks as of yet dont contain the code needed to properly emulate kof2003. in fact it might have been added theres just no way of adding the dat to the latest kawaks release to test it. but if its not there it isnt needed for 2/3 years when kawaks will be made to support kof2003.
  19. cool im liking them! good work
  20. falcoon is probably working on kof2004 artwork.... and the dude in the picture below hasnt yet been added to either kof:mi site
  21. for some reason the girls artwork looks better than the guys so far in my opinion... leona reminds me of some anime character but i cant think who or from what
  22. Why? Just cause he didn't feel like going to work that day? I mean come on, be honest, we've all been tempted to call in a bomb threat to our schools/workplaces on some days! being tempted is one thing but actually doing it is another... they need to be harsh to show that practical jokes like this may be taken serious and cause up evil.... think of all the wasted emergency services time!! they couldve been out saving lives or eating doughnuts!!!
  23. harsh?? i think he needs the electric chair!!
  24. it works in kawaks thats for sure coz ive played online against people before... only downfall is these people who cant play and have to use macros to perfrom all the moves thats not playing thats pointless!!
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