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Everything posted by Ash_crimson

  1. Has anyone came across a high quality pic of rock or mignon without a logo on them yet???
  2. as agozer said theyve been mentioned and are already added, i think 30 for terry might be tops... not a bad number at all
  3. does this mean along with the hard drive and this hd loader program there might be more emulators that make there way to ps2??
  4. found some hes on the cover!! 30 for terry
  5. im glad some people aint hating against it i havent found no info for terry in kof kyo yet...
  6. I dont know i thought that was just a manga...
  7. So far 2 people have called it a poll and its not a poll! It's a question! Ireally have to agree with Mr. G here. Why don't you ask next how many games Megaman has starred in vs. Sonic....oh please. maybe thatll be my next post..... but still i dont think either of those 2 pass about 20 (maybe at most 25)
  8. The point is these are 2 of the most used characters in the gaming world. Im just trying to establish which has been featured in the most games... how many other characters can you name that have been included in 29 games (so far)????
  9. I wasnt including handheld games but i suppose i should 29 -27 Terry
  10. AHH! youve broke the balance!! 25 - 24 to ryu
  11. aint they just the same version for a different region? by the way cool sig! hehe thank u. actually it isnt. championship edition came out first and introduced the 4 bosses and double selection. hyper fighting came out afterwards, and it introduced new spiffy colors for their attires, and super fast fighting. and if memory is correct, chun-li's new fireball and dhalsim's teleportation. so two very different games at some levels.... cool i added them already thanks! currently 24 a peice
  12. As far as im aware Sega has dropped Naomi and stopping games for the chihiro board mentioned in the original post for this new board once its released. so Naomi is out of the equation... but Sammy has already aquired and planned a number of new games for the Atomiswave... if/when they purchase sega will the games be delayed for the new board? Maybe Sega will stay a seperate division away from Sammy and focus on arcade production or something??
  13. aint they just the same version for a different region? by the way cool sig!
  14. Just another wallpaper
  15. What will become of the atomiswave or this new board once sammy completes its purchase of sega??? surely they'll consider it pointless having both arcade systems in use???
  16. Wild Ambition was a 3d Fatal Fury game for PSX and Hyper NeoGeo 64
  17. ive just been wondering whos been in the most games not includint copys on other systems! Terry Bogard Fatal Fury Fatal Fury 2 Fatal Fury 3 Fatal Fury special Real Bout Fatal Fury Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 : The Newcomers Real Bout Fatal Fury Special Garou MOTW Wild Ambition KOF94 KOF95 KOF96 KOF97 KOF98 KOF99 KOF2000 KOF2001 KOF2002 KOF2003 KOF Maximum Impact KOF NeoWave Capcom Vs. Snk Capcom Vs. Snk 2 SVC Chaos Card Fighters Clash King Of Fighters Ex King Of Fighters Ex 2 King Of Fighters NG Pocket Quiz King Of Fighters King Of Fighters Kyo Current Total = 30 Ryu Street Fighter Street Fighter 2 Super Street Fighter 2 Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo Super Street Fighter 2 Hyper Edition Super Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition Super Street Fighter 2 The New Challengers Street Fighter Alpha / Zero Street Fighter Alpha / Zero 2 Street Fighter Alpha / Zero 3 Street Fighter 3 New Generation Street Fighter 3 Second Impact Street Fighter 3 Third Strike Hyper Street Fighter Street Fighter Ex Street Fighter Ex 2 Street Fighter Ex 3 X-Men Vs Street Fighter Marvel Vs Street Fighter Marvel Vs Capcom Marvel Vs Capcom 2 Capcom Vs SNK Capcom Vs SNK 2 SVC Chaos Capcom Fighting Jam Card Fighters Clash Pocket Fighters Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Current Total = 27 Im pretty sure ive missed some....
  18. Ash crimson + Malin in kof2003, Terry Bogard and Mai shiranui in all others
  19. That might be a cool place to start! so would that be emulationg a gameboy? or a snes game/addon capable of playing gameboy games???
  20. Well, you have to know the target environment's instructions set and architecture, but not those from the processor it will run on. Assembly in itself is quite simple, it's writing a program in it that's really a pain in the ass. I found a document on zophar.net about Super Gameboy: has anyone ever heard about that? I've never even heard the name before. ive heard of gameboy, gameboy pocket, gameboy pocket color, gameboy color ang gameboy advance but never super
  21. is that what theyre gonna be on then once the roms are released?
  22. so would the roms be zip files or burned iso's??
  23. although the atomisewave is based on the dreamcast wont emulation be very different because it runs an a cart system not discs??
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