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Everything posted by Ash_crimson

  1. sony-square-enix ?? never happen. sony dont need them they need sony! i think sony would have to buy square-enix for them to work so exclusively.
  2. that doesnt sound like a good idea.. if they did that the final fantasy series would become exclusive to it, no question! which is crazy.. and i dont think another new console is nesacery at the moment
  3. what gives you that idea??? i like the artwork he did for kof2003 and the svcchaos posters... how comes they didnt get him to do the art for neowave? Look at all his pictures from his site (don't remember the link anymore). You'll notice something he always does with the feet. Noise Factory did the the art for NeoWave. im not too keen on it myself
  4. my favourite game theme is simple and clean (i think its by utada hikaru) from kingdom hearts... i just love it
  5. Yes, since IGN was the key factor in their merger (take over) and the only site that reported it. But in the end, will this really affect us? It's not like Sammy is going to shut down any Sega projects. they may not shut down any current sega products but in the long term how will sammy use characters like sonic. in my opinion sonic is probably the biggest best known character in the gaming industry... i just hope sammy dont holding back with the usage of sonic... or maybe even milk it too much... (i hope im making sense...) currently sammy have no real headlining character to promote with
  6. what gives you that idea??? i like the artwork he did for kof2003 and the svcchaos posters... how comes they didnt get him to do the art for neowave?
  7. They was originally supposed to be by dreamwave but word is udon (the company behind the new street fighter comic) will now be doing them? anyone got any info on this?
  8. hey i got another new wallpaper check it out
  9. i loved the ff7 game and im looking forward to seeing advent children im just hoping the film plot can do it justice.... many game to animation / movie transformations dont work out... i just hope they dont ruin it...
  10. Ive added a very basic 1emulation on the bottom left corner...
  11. youll get ya creativity back im sure of it.. and when ya do i wanna see some of your work ill try making my own but not yet... im too tired tommorrow maybe
  12. should i put a 1emulation logo on it then?? Yes, if you want it on Media page. do i use one of the site or create my own??
  13. That would be awesome! Now all we have are these lame wrestling matches where no one gets killed (except for Brett Hart) or eaten by wild beasts. Bring back the good ol days!! Make the terrorists fight a gigantic bear high on angel dust. Now that's what I call entertainment. It was Owen Heart (R.I.P. one of the greatest wrestlers i've ever seen) hell live on.... theres a little blue blazer in all of us....
  14. should i put a 1emulation logo on it then??
  15. thanks the colors aint too light are they? k'dash said my last one was...
  16. my second wallpaper...
  17. time youve bought a new motherboard and soundcard and stuff you might aswell have bought the components seperately and put it together yourself....
  18. before you take my statement out of proportion and start thinking im in agreement of bombing innocent civilians or hospitals ill just say that im not . now from a military look on the subject... people = problems... take hospitals out of the equasion (dont think thats spelt right) then theres gonna be alot of people dying... deaths of opposition regardless of whether theyre innocent or not makes it easier... soldiers are trained to not have a conscience... theyre trained to win... theyll do it by any means nessacery... its been proven theyll go to any lengths in previous wars... having laws in wars doesnt matter aslong as you win... (again thats my idea of how militiary look on the subject)
  19. im a believer... these ufo sightings aint recent things... they date back to cavemen apparently... i personally think the reason they 'visit' earth is strictly research... theyve seen were a race full of hate jealousy and greed... they know we can make it to space and they are just making sure were not becoming a threat to them... (read : Chariots of the gods)
  20. I had to lighten the characters up quite a bit coz the scans i used had lost alot of the lighter details... but darkening them up wouldnt be a problem
  21. i could try if you wanted me too... youd have to give me an example of what you want done though...
  22. both im sorta ?epidextrous? i think thats the word...
  23. i see that nobody has mentioned donald rumsfeld in all this....
  24. what do ya think??? be honest!! rate it!!!
  25. is everyone against me ??? i might have to leave for a while and come back under a new identity... ive only been coming here for a couple of weeks and ive been called gay and dense... not exactly the best way to start out... yeah ill admit im a little slow.. but please be leaniant with me!! i cant help it!! Hey, I didn't mean to offend you...just forget I opened my big mouth...er, that is, typed with my big fingers its cool i aint gonna hold it against ya Ash, I am rarely serious about anything. When I'm serious, I don't use any smiley faces or anything like that. Like in the "Now, For Something Totally Different..." thread. That's me being serious. Hope you stick around this board because its mucho fun! Sorry for making you look inadequate. its cool ill learn to get used to it all in time... a bit of leniancy is all i require... and if you do get problems with me just biatch at me its cool as long as i deserve it...
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