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Everything posted by Ash_crimson

  1. is there any tutorials or guides to help me that are specifically written for compiling fba???ive got microsoft visual c++ and ive downloaded the source code but theres loads of files, but not sure which one would compile the program... i dont know if im making sense but i do sortov have a small idea on what ive got to do im just not to good at expressing myself clearly..
  2. Hey, is it possible to add newer roms to the list in FBA? I cant find a loader or nothing about... Normally I use Kawaks or nebula but FBA is completey new to me and I cant seem to add anything new... any help would be much appreciated .
  3. I voted SNK but i really like sammy's high quality approach guilty gear looks fantastic and if kof2004 looks anything like it i will be pleased. Capcom however is still great but really started heading in the wrong direction quite a while back... i do like their games but they just lack something that keeps you hooked now... as for midway and namco ive never really been into them...
  4. Im definately gonna play games forever... and the way i see it if technically your an adult at 18 then a large number of games are being designed for 18+ anyways... games are definately becoming a broad source of entertainment with a large number of older generations looking to amuse theselves in there spare time (im talking crap again.... )
  5. Personally I use Kawaks, Nebula and NRX. I dont like MAME purely coz ive had difficulties with it (yes im a bit of an idiot ) but hey out of them all i prefer kawaks. But like Agozer said its depends on the person.
  6. Theres still no site configured at the address though... maybe theyll make a return soon and show us theyve been out doing some very productive work... i would like to see a mugen with a kof2003 style engine. 3 players with tag abilities would be cool...
  7. Back to the Samurai Spirits Zero rom when its dumped is it gonna have the same problems as KOF2003 and need a special emu or mod?? i kinda hope not coz i got like 3 different emulators at the moment i just want one but not mame .
  8. It sgreat to hear that Rock's getting another outting but surely they gotta use the new Terry if hes going to be in it or he'll have to be a kid. How comes theres no Kim or Mai???. I would have liked also to see Angel make a return in 3D. She woulda been cool but SNK Playmore aint allowed to use her which is a shame but the game looks alright. im not a fan at all of 3D fighters i always find the speed of the games are wrong.
  9. Has anyone found any KOF2003 fighters available for M.U.G.E.N yet?? ive tried mugenguild but they dont seem to have updated since january ive tried running searches in google but nothing... and i have no clue where to start in making a character
  10. same games im after playing...
  11. I think Darkstalkers characters will go great with characters from guilty gearbut from the street fighter side of things only a few will even vaguely go with it, Sodom maybe since he wears armour and uses weapons . I would like to see some rival school characters in it shame snk aint involved though coz samurai shodown characters would maybe go together better but since theyre not ryoma and strider would be the best capcom got. (I dont think im making much sense and im sure youll be like WTF!! but hey its my opinion anyways )
  12. Hi im a noob here so sorry if this has ever been asked before but has the hyper neogeo 64 been emulated yet? I havent been able to find out much about it anywhere? Any information would be great thanks. (Sorry if this is in the wrong section aswell)
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