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  1. For me, it would be a huge benefit to have Ketsui and ddp3 in CoinOPS (I don't really care about ESPGaluda but I know they're all the same to you). I plan on putting my xbox in a cabinet at some point and having those games in CoinOPS means I wouldn't have to have a mame pc in there as well. Less boxes, less wires
  2. I use a Sony PVM 2030 with RGB cable right now. I was looking through the CoinOPS options and disabled "720p Hi Def Support". That may have made a difference in the output but I need to study it more. Does anyone know if that option will affect 320x240 games?
  3. Which Extron do you use. I see Super and Super GX. Is there a preferred model to use? thanks
  4. Thanks for that link. I'll check it out later when I have some time to digest it Maybe I will get 240p going. But for now my display is good. I seems a little smoothed over but the colors are great and it's way better than composite or VGA.
  5. Thanks so much for CoinOPS!! It's a great piece of software and amazing that so many games are now playable on one machine (and not having to use a PC). I play a few 1v1 fighters and beat em ups but mostly I play vertical shooters. I have my xbox connected via RGB SCART cable to a Sony PVM 2030 monitor with a homemade SCART->db25 adaptor. It looks great! To the person who asked about rotating the screen, the option is in Settings. Enable Advanced and then it's on page 2. It's called "Display Mount" I believe. It would be great if this setting could be changed in-game.
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