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About Donatelo

  • Birthday 08/10/1977

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  1. thanks for the information
  2. could you explain that a bit better as i am not sure what you are asking. sorry where have these two games and they work in r8,were those 2 games not already added in r6,where it has this roms Oriental Legend Super Oriental Legend Special Plus Oriental legend was already playable in coinops through the mame core as for oriental legend super and oriental legend super plus they should work in final burn legends 1.5. yes I use the final burn 1.5 more I also wanted to coinops thank
  3. is this for all games or just some? all games I use the roms HazeMD Plus! Plus! 0.014a has also used the HazeMD Plus! Plus! 0.012a,have to use the neogenesis well i have the newest version of the hazemd roms in final burn consoles 1.2 and i cant get cheats to show up either.i am geussing that the megadrive cheats are not available in the cheat.dat. ok thought it was defective on my emulator thanks for information
  4. cheats neogenesis v25 emulator does not work in all games need help please
  5. could you explain that a bit better as i am not sure what you are asking. sorry where have these two games and they work in r8,were those 2 games not already added in r6,where it has this roms Oriental Legend Super Oriental Legend Special Plus
  6. is this for all games or just some? all games I use the roms HazeMD Plus! Plus! 0.014a has also used the HazeMD Plus! Plus! 0.012a,have to use the neogenesis
  7. hi could anyone tell if the wheel coinops r8 Oriental Legend Super Oriental Legend Special Plus and I could pass these roms
  8. hi can someone please tell me why the cheats do not work.
  9. thank you all for your explanation, you are very helpful thank you all
  10. That's right, more on the emulator does not come this updated document? I say this because I change all the emulator. look let me give an example I was using the final burn Legends 1.3 came out final burn Legends 1.4 I put 1.4 is 1.4 I put 1.5 is 1.5 look let me give an example I was using the nestopia x 1.0 came out nestopia x 1.1 I put 1.1 is 1.0 I put 1.2 is 1.0 I put 1.3 is 1.0
  11. an alone 1 has to version nestopia x 1.3. but when I look in the x-box release note sample 1.0
  12. i'm sorry, i dont understand what you are asking? it sounds like you have the xbe to all 4 versions? please ask again. XT- hi friend thanks for helping me, and that the problem I have version 1.0 nestopiax the x-box's when I change to another version 1.1,1.2,1.3, more in the release notes of the emulator is still 1.0 why not just delete your version of nestopiax apart from the videos and the roms and just install nestopix 1.3.i will pm you a link to download nestopiax 1.3 full version. you wont have to copy over any files,just install and your done. I exchanged the nestopia x 1.0 and put the nestopia x 1.3 more in the x-box releases notice display 1.0
  13. i'm sorry, i dont understand what you are asking? it sounds like you have the xbe to all 4 versions? please ask again. XT- hi friend thanks for helping me, and that the problem I have version 1.0 nestopiax the x-box's when I change to another version 1.1,1.2,1.3, more in the release notes of the emulator is still 1.0
  14. Hi could someone help me is this I have already Nestopia x 1.0 and switched to version 1.1,1.2,1.3 so that in the release notes is always Emulator 1.0 has a proper way to change the emulator please help me.
  15. Donatelo

    CoinOPS 2 R6

    Sorry thanks
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