i downloaded the bios files it loads up then this like music box thing shows up it plays but no music can be heard do i have to unzip both files (the sound file and iso) i got them from emuparadise.com some 1 please help me
i may have a virus scan that should help you out i used it to get rid of my trojan it was a rare trojan but it worked wonders on my pc just E-Mail me on AOL and i can send you the file
my controllers are Nostromo n45 controllers there usb (i bought them from Amazon) i know one works but the other one has issues do i have to do something within control panel or something i dont know i'll try again
ok i have this controller it works fine so i bought another one plugged it in for some reason one controller will work then...ok well lets just say they both dont work to well. any one know if its even possible to use to controllers at once on emulaters at all ?
one small complaint everytime i open the program it say capture driver not install properly does any1 know how to get rid of that it works fine but with a little clicking on options scrolling down and clicking windows (wmd ) image capture but do i always have to do it that way
o i tried to do what nemo did but it aint helpin i changed the inf file as he did but still no luck i doesnt even find the driver u think it has to do with my other cam being plugged in
is it possible to use your eye toy as a webcam on your pc it shows up as a cam but you need some drivers or something...i wanted to know because my web cam sucks a$$ its a Creative webcam nx i only paid 30 bucks but its really dark
yeah some of the files are not written like that i'll try it and see if it works.........thanx for all you peoples help it finally works also theres no you know grooves