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Everything posted by deadsoulz
I was wondering if you could include some clrmamepro dat files with your patches? I hope its not asking to much you already do enough I know =P But I like to make sure I have my sets matching with the releases. Thank you, --Cody
Can someone please upload these fills for FBA_XXX to alt.binaries.neogeo, or drop me an email (deadsoulz@soulmachine.net) if you can send them antoher method if you don't have newsgroup access. If you need anything let me know, here is a link to the clrmame pro dat file. For the roms I am missing. http://deadsoulz.soulmachine.net/deadsoulz_FBA_XXX.zip Thank you, DeaDSOuLz
fbaxxx new build with banned support
deadsoulz replied to sammaz's topic in Final Burn (FBA/FBL/FBC)
Looks like another new release today 09-01 build -
fbaxxx new build with banned support
deadsoulz replied to sammaz's topic in Final Burn (FBA/FBL/FBC)
yeah I hope someone compiles one, and releases it anonymously to alt.binaries.emulators.neogeo. -
Is anyone going to compile and release there uber versions on the newsgroups?
news.astraweb.com , and usenetserver.com are both great unlimited services at a good price, the best newsgroup proivder though it probably still easynews.com but they are also not as cheap. As far as good clients go there are a few, but I use Newsbinpro.
The Main file is the xbe file. the xml file is just the configuration file.
I think the best feature that FBA-XXX needs is a Rom Audit feature, so it only shows the games that will work on your screen. (the roms you have the correct sets for)
Anyone getting Bank Error when running Samsho5 with this latest build?
Thanks Again Prican, I am using the Dat that was posted shortly after your latest build was posted on a.b.neogeo, I hope this is the best one to use, =)
Any luck on getting any of those posted?
Thanks PR you rock, Sorry for the dual post, I got some error on the first submit
Can anyone help me find these roms, or post them to a.b.neogeo? Also when I run samsho5 it passes all the checks, but it give a bank error. Any ideas? Bang Bead (prototype) [Prototype, All (decrypted) data identical to bangbead] [folder: bangbedp - parent: bangbead] missing rom: 259-c1p.bin [size: 2097152] [CRC32: 0xe3919e44] missing rom: 259-c2p.bin [size: 2097152] [CRC32: 0xbaf5a320] missing rom: 259-c3p.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0xc8e52157] missing rom: 259-c4p.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0x69fa8e60] Bang Bead (Fully Decrypted) [None] [folder: bngbeada - parent: bangbead] missing set: Bang Bead (Fully Decrypted) [None] missing rom: 259-c1n.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xc50a91c3] missing rom: 259-c2n.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x820ab36e] Fatal Fury Special [Alternate set, Japanese title is Garou Densetsu Special] [folder: fatfurspa - parent: fatfursp] missing set: Fatal Fury Special [Alternate set, Japanese title is Garou Densetsu Special] missing rom: 058-ep1.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0x36be707d] Jockey GrandPrix [NOT WORKING] [folder: jockeygp] missing rom: 008-c1.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xa9acbf18] missing rom: 008-c2.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x6289eef9] missing rom: 008-m1.bin [size: 524288] [CRC32: 0xd163c690] missing rom: 008-m1d.bin [size: 524288] [CRC32: 0x1cab4de2] Jockey Grand Prix (Fully Decrypted) [folder: jockeygpn - parent: jockeygp] missing rom: jgp-m1d.rom [size: 524288] [CRC32: 0x1cab4de2] missing rom: jgpn-c1.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xea259019] missing rom: jgpn-c2.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x97f270be] The King of Fighters 2001 (set 1) [Original version] [folder: kof2001] missing rom: 262-m1d.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x73c1f5b0] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (non encrypted) [bootleg, Kof2001 Korean Hack] [folder: cthd2k3n - parent: kof2001] missing rom: 5003-m1d.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x534fd1e7] The King of Fighters 2001 (bootleg) [bootleg, Bootleg from original] [folder: kof2001b - parent: kof2001] missing rom: 2k1-c1.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xf298b87b] missing rom: 2k1-c7.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xef682ed2] missing rom: 2k1-m1.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x73c1f5b0] missing rom: 2k1-p2.bin [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0xc01720aa] missing rom: 2k1-s1.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0xde828076] The King of Fighters 2001 (set 2) [Alternate version, Has AES mode] [folder: kof2001h - parent: kof2001] missing rom: 262-m1a.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0xece052b5] The King of Fighters 2001 (decrypted C) [Decrypted C-ROMs, Has AES mode] [folder: kof2k1nd - parent: kof2001] missing set: The King of Fighters 2001 (decrypted C) [Decrypted C-ROMs, Has AES mode] The King of Fighters 2002 [None] [folder: kof2002] missing rom: 265-v1d.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x0fc9a58d] missing rom: 265-v2d.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xb8c475a4] The King of Fighters 2002 Plus! (bootleg) [bootleg, Hacked bootleg] [folder: kf2k2pls - parent: kof2002] missing rom: 265-p1p.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0x6a3a02f3] missing rom: 265-s1p.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x1a3ed064] wrong placed file: C:\fbax\kf2k2pls\265-v1d.bin (move to parent: kof2002) wrong placed file: C:\fbax\kf2k2pls\265-v2d.bin (move to parent: kof2002) The King of Fighters 2002: Challenge to Ultimate Battle (decrypted C & V) [Decrypted C-ROMs] [folder: kof2k2nd - parent: kof2002] wrong placed file: C:\fbax\kof2k2nd\265-v1d.bin (move to parent: kof2002) wrong placed file: C:\fbax\kof2k2nd\265-v2d.bin (move to parent: kof2002) The King of Fighters '97 Plus (Bootleg) [bootleg, Plus bootleg, has bosses and other extra features] [folder: kof97pls - parent: kof97] missing set: The King of Fighters '97 Plus (Bootleg) [bootleg, Plus bootleg, has bosses and other extra features] missing rom: 232-p1p.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0xc01fda46] missing rom: 232-p2p.bin [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0x5502b020] missing rom: 232-s1p.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x73254270] The Last Blade (set 2) [Alternate version, Japanese title is Bakumatsu Roman: Gekkano Kenshi] [folder: lastblda - parent: lastblad] wrong placed file: C:\fbax\lastblda\234-c5.bin (move to parent: lastblad) wrong placed file: C:\fbax\lastblda\234-c6.bin (move to parent: lastblad) Power Instinct Matrimelee [Japanese title is: Shin Gouketsuji-Ichizoku] [folder: matrim] missing rom: 266-c1.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xf2240352] missing rom: 266-c2.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x338a9142] missing rom: 266-c3.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x6233412d] missing rom: 266-c4.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x304a2d9f] missing rom: 266-c5.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x18382650] missing rom: 266-c6.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xc5e7a840] missing rom: 266-c7.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xbfaa985c] missing rom: 266-c8.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xefaf3f3c] missing rom: 266-m1d.bin [size: 65536] [CRC32: 0x09327db8] missing rom: 266-v1d.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x3ebe88cc] missing rom: 266-v2d.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x2a13562d] Power Instinct Matrimelee (AES hack) [bootleg, Has debug settings in AES mode] [folder: matrimah - parent: matrim] missing rom: 266-m1d.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x6cdfbb6d] missing rom: 266ah-p1.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0x1e59c746] missing rom: matr_c7.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x7866197c] missing rom: matr_c8.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xa9ff5b5c] wrong placed file: C:\fbax\matrimah\266-v1d.bin (move to parent: matrim) wrong placed file: C:\fbax\matrimah\266-v2d.bin (move to parent: matrim) Power Instinct Matrimelee (decrypted C & V) [Decrypted C-ROMs] [folder: matrimb - parent: matrim] missing rom: 266-m1d.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x6cdfbb6d] missing rom: matr_c7.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x7866197c] missing rom: matr_c8.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xa9ff5b5c] wrong placed file: C:\fbax\matrimb\266-v1d.bin (move to parent: matrim) wrong placed file: C:\fbax\matrimb\266-v2d.bin (move to parent: matrim) Metal Slug 4 (Bootleg) [None] [folder: mslug4b - parent: mslug4] missing rom: ms4_c5.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x0a4918cf] missing rom: ms4_c6.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x4d8bc320] missing rom: ms4_v1.rom [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0xc1b2af81] missing rom: ms4_v2.rom [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0xcbbdc6fa] missing rom: ms4_v3.rom [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0xc4f1a3cc] missing rom: ms4_v4.rom [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0x40126a0a] Metal Slug 5 (set 1) [NOT_WORKING] [folder: mslug5] missing rom: 268-c6.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xb1531523] missing rom: 268-m1d.bin [size: 262144] [CRC32: 0x6866d696] missing rom: 268-p1.bin [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0xd0466792] missing rom: 268-p2.bin [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0xfbf6b61e] missing rom: 268-v1d.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x14848c5c] missing rom: 268-v2d.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x696cce3b] Metal Slug 5 Plus! (bootleg) [bootleg, NOT_WORKING] [folder: ms5plus - parent: mslug5] missing rom: 268-p1p.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0x106b276f] missing rom: 268-p2p.bin [size: 2097152] [CRC32: 0xd6a458e8] missing rom: 268-p3p.bin [size: 2097152] [CRC32: 0x439ec031] missing rom: 268-s1p.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x21e04432] missing rom: ms5n_c4.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x899fb2af] Metal Slug 5 (set 2) [Encrypted C-ROMs, Bootleg P1] [folder: mslug5a - parent: mslug5] missing rom: 268-ph1.bin [size: 6291456] [CRC32: 0x3b4eda6b] missing rom: 268-v1a.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x0ab43275] missing rom: 268-v2a.bin [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x358b1419] Metal Slug 5 (decrypted C & V) [Decrypted C-ROMs, Bootleg P1] [folder: mslug5nd - parent: mslug5] missing rom: 268-ph1.bin [size: 6291456] [CRC32: 0x3b4eda6b] missing rom: ms5n_c4.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x899fb2af] Neo-Demo [An amateur demo of NeoGeo hardware] [folder: neodemo] missing rom: demo-c1.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0x870b28ea] missing rom: demo-c2.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0x1ecf8128] missing rom: demo-p1.bin [size: 524288] [CRC32: 0xfbfce2a4] Neo Geo [bIOS only] [folder: neogeo] missing 'uni-bios.rom' BIOS rom: uni-bios.rom [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x00000000] Neo No Panepon (Set 2) [None] [folder: neonopon2 - parent: neonopon] missing rom: nnp2-c1.rom [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0x0833c9e7] missing rom: nnp2-c2.rom [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0xfbf5f67f] Neo No Panepon (Set 3) [None] [folder: neonopon3 - parent: neonopon] missing rom: nnp2-c2.rom [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0xfbf5f67f] missing rom: nnp3-c1.rom [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0xe0573498] Nightmare in the Dark (Fully Decrypted) [None] [folder: nitdnd - parent: nitd] missing rom: 260-p1a.bin [size: 524288] [CRC32: 0xbdef9b73] Bust-A-Move [folder: bustamov - parent: pbobblen] missing set: Bust-A-Move missing rom: bam_m1.rom [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0xf424368a] missing rom: bam_p1.rom [size: 524288] [CRC32: 0xac1e9ef3] missing rom: bam_v1.rom [size: 524288] [CRC32: 0xf8872aed] missing rom: bam_v2.rom [size: 524288] [CRC32: 0x5c8cf5fe] Pochi and Nyaa (Decrypted C, Zupapa M/V Roms) [Decrypted C-ROMs] [folder: pnyaan_ - parent: pnyaa] wrong placed file: C:\fbax\pnyaan_\267-m1d.bin (move to parent: pnyaa) Robo Army (set 2) [folder: roboarma - parent: roboarmy] wrong placed file: C:\fbax\roboarma\032-c1.bin (move to parent: roboarmy) wrong placed file: C:\fbax\roboarma\032-c2.bin (move to parent: roboarmy) wrong placed file: C:\fbax\roboarma\032-c3.bin (move to parent: roboarmy) wrong placed file: C:\fbax\roboarma\032-c4.bin (move to parent: roboarmy) wrong placed file: C:\fbax\roboarma\032-v1.bin (move to parent: roboarmy) wrong placed file: C:\fbax\roboarma\032-v2.bin (move to parent: roboarmy) Samurai Shodown V (Bootleg Fixed) [None] [folder: samsho5bf - parent: samsho5] missing rom: ss5_p1a.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xe67f3ee2] missing rom: ss5n_c1.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x726abb40] missing rom: ss5n_c2.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x76806188] missing rom: ss5n_c3.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x82db9dae] missing rom: ss5n_c4.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xf8041153] missing rom: ss5n_c5.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x2219186a] missing rom: ss5n_c6.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xd225120d] missing rom: ss5n_c7.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xd245d493] missing rom: ss5n_c8.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xeb06c9cc] Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Legends 2001 (Decrypted C) [Japanese Title is Sengoku Legends 2001] [folder: sngoku3n - parent: sengoku3] missing rom: 261-p1a.bin [size: 2097152] [CRC32: 0x6fc85b45] SvC Chaos: SNK vs Capcom Plus! (bootleg) [bootleg, Bootleg, extra features enabled] [folder: svcplus - parent: svcbl] missing rom: 269-p1p.bin [size: 6291456] [CRC32: 0xcf4f2251] Zupapa! (decrypted C) [folder: zupapan - parent: zupapa] missing set: Zupapa! (decrypted C) Thanks in Advance, if you need any I have let me know. --deadsoulz
You Rock!
Worked okay for me, I used Record Now, of course I edited the iso to fix the little emu problem with the 2 emu's being swapped, then rebuilt it first.
Can anyone post these fills for FBA-XXX on a.b.e.neogeo? or somewhere else, I will fill stuff for you as well if you need. This is what I need. bangbedp [folder: bangbedp] missing rom: 259-c1p.bin [size: 2097152] [CRC32: 0xe3919e44] missing rom: 259-c2p.bin [size: 2097152] [CRC32: 0xbaf5a320] missing rom: 259-c3p.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0xc8e52157] missing rom: 259-c4p.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0x69fa8e60] cthd2k3 [folder: cthd2k3] missing rom: 5003-p2.bin [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0xa5bcf859] jockeygp [folder: jockeygp] missing rom: jgp-c1.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xa9acbf18] missing rom: jgp-c2.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x6289eef9] missing rom: jgp-m1.rom [size: 524288] [CRC32: 0xd163c690] kof2k2nd [folder: kof2k2nd] missing rom: 2k2_m1.rom [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0xab9d360e] kof97p [folder: kof97p] missing set: kof97p missing rom: 232-p1p.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0xc01fda46] missing rom: 232-p2p.bin [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0x5502b020] missing rom: 232-s1p.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x73254270] mslug4nd [folder: mslug4nd] missing rom: 263-v1.bin [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0xc1b2af81] missing rom: 263-v2.bin [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0xcbbdc6fa] missing rom: 263-v3.bin [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0xc4f1a3cc] missing rom: 263-v4.bin [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0x40126a0a] mslug5n [folder: mslug5n] missing rom: 268-m1.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x8431c7d6] pim [folder: pim] missing rom: 266-m1.bin [size: 262144] [CRC32: 0xe38179f2] rotd [folder: rotd] missing rom: rotd_p1.rom [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0x1bd7512d] missing rom: rotd_p2.rom [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0x6bd93367] svcboss [folder: svcboss] missing rom: svc_p1.rom [size: 6291456] [CRC32: 0x397e7f8e] I can't imagine them being to big, I don't need the whole sets just whats listed here. Thanks in advance, and I will do for you what I can. Thank you, DeaDSOuLz
Can anyone post these fills for FBA-XXX on a.b.e.neogeo? or somewhere else, I will fill stuff for you as well if you need. This is what I need. bangbedp [folder: bangbedp] missing rom: 259-c1p.bin [size: 2097152] [CRC32: 0xe3919e44] missing rom: 259-c2p.bin [size: 2097152] [CRC32: 0xbaf5a320] missing rom: 259-c3p.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0xc8e52157] missing rom: 259-c4p.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0x69fa8e60] cthd2k3 [folder: cthd2k3] missing rom: 5003-p2.bin [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0xa5bcf859] jockeygp [folder: jockeygp] missing rom: jgp-c1.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0xa9acbf18] missing rom: jgp-c2.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0x6289eef9] missing rom: jgp-m1.rom [size: 524288] [CRC32: 0xd163c690] kof2k2nd [folder: kof2k2nd] missing rom: 2k2_m1.rom [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0xab9d360e] kof97p [folder: kof97p] missing set: kof97p missing rom: 232-p1p.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 0xc01fda46] missing rom: 232-p2p.bin [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0x5502b020] missing rom: 232-s1p.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x73254270] mslug4nd [folder: mslug4nd] missing rom: 263-v1.bin [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0xc1b2af81] missing rom: 263-v2.bin [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0xcbbdc6fa] missing rom: 263-v3.bin [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0xc4f1a3cc] missing rom: 263-v4.bin [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0x40126a0a] mslug5n [folder: mslug5n] missing rom: 268-m1.bin [size: 131072] [CRC32: 0x8431c7d6] pim [folder: pim] missing rom: 266-m1.bin [size: 262144] [CRC32: 0xe38179f2] rotd [folder: rotd] missing rom: rotd_p1.rom [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0x1bd7512d] missing rom: rotd_p2.rom [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 0x6bd93367] svcboss [folder: svcboss] missing rom: svc_p1.rom [size: 6291456] [CRC32: 0x397e7f8e] I can't imagine them being to big, I don't need the whole sets just whats listed here. Thanks in advance, and I will do for you what I can. Thank you, DeaDSOuLz
I will be watching the newsgroups closely for your release PR =)
Looks like a new release today from FBA-XXX dates 05-13 schweet some good additions. Not to mention this latest build includes clrmamepro dat files =) Whoohooo!!
If someone could make a dat that would be sweet, save a lot of trouble uploading and downloading rebuitl sets all the time. If you need some help making the dat here is a great how to for clrmamepro http://www.mameworld.net/easyemu/clrmameguide.htm#dirdat
Can someone that has a complete working set for Prican's Latest FBA-XXX release create a dat file in CLRMAME pro and post it? If you need server space to put it on I have some.