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  1. Thanks Ace! Dl'ing now
  2. Race car - MU links are in the other thread.
  3. Hey BP...for some reason when I start games it doesn't detect the buttons sometimes. Ex: I will play street fighter just fine, then try to play NBA jam and it won't read my 1p controls. I go into the in-game button configs and it will still show the previous setup I had for the game, so I change one or two buttons and everything works again. It actually happens a lot. TIA
  4. Thanks. I'll try it later tonight.
  5. Thanks, I'll check them out.
  6. @Phil where did you order the sticks from? I'm looking into swapping mine out as the second player stick is bad and a 4/8 way swap on the fly would be great.
  7. I edited out the rom loading screen and added a crossfade. Lol I figured it was edited. Thought I was missing something to fix that load screen. Thanks.
  8. @bigby nice video! How did you get your game to load so quick? Is there a setting I need to change?
  9. No problem. I am currently working on 100mb links and have about 24 done so far(theres 207 in the entire thing). This is to maybe prevent timeouts and for people that don't have accounts, since they used to not allow non-members to download 1gb links but not sure if its still like that. Message me if anyone wants the links for the 100mb files as I plan on putting all of the links in a text file instead of having to scroll through the whole list on the thread.
  10. Since you have an account, try using the MegaManager, you get it for free with the account. It works a lot faster than regular dl and you can resume and restart if needed. You can get it here - http://megaupload.com/?c=tools
  11. WOW!! I just checked my MU account, and it is getting a lot of traffic. Over 400 downloads for one of the files. I checked the numbers you listed and they seem to be getting downloaded so I don't think its an issue with the link. Do you have an account? since I know they limit the # of downloads you can get per day or something like that. Also, are you using the MegaManager or just using your browser?
  12. Thank you sir! rd, do you have the link to Blank's video? I'd like to take a look as I'm finishing up my cabinet but am still looking for ideas. Thanks mate! Here is video showing Coinops Showroom and the cab - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRqzO1Ba7xo This video is just showing Coinops 2 after I update, doesn't show much of cab though - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Qhn3m1mCfw...feature=related
  13. Update to my links post. All MU links are now up and live. Let me know if you guys have any problems with them.
  14. Bravo blank, your upload work will be appreciated by many No problem...glad I could help out the community.
  15. Sorry, password is "blank" (all lowercase)
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