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Everything posted by An4L_Dr1p

  1. hahahahhahahaaaaaa......that really sucks hard ass. [edit] by the way nice sig
  2. hhmm......well thats ok i'll just ghost if i can. and if not it's no big deal.
  3. thank you.
  4. ok cool... [edit] my IP adress is banned and stuff.
  5. all i know is they kept calling me a noob and i just got pissed and crap.....and they said "baka baka baka" alot. i ainn't banned from the main sight thoe.
  6. ......set yer screen to it takes up the entire screen [edit] on winmugen.
  7. sorry for not posting for so long but i lost the pics while re-installing windows and i have been banned from the forum of mugenguild.cjb.net for a long time......those guys were assholes.
  8. well well well, i thought you forgot......does that tell you some thing that could help me out.
  9. ok i got some basic sprites and that it.. low high punches and kicks. jump duck stance, five different taunts, fire ball, flash kick, blocking sprites and a getting hit sprite. this is my first sprite pack EVER.... i need a programer, i would like show you ppl the sprites......but i have no idea what site that i could put them on. if you want to know. it's a 4 butten char with some comedy o it. it's all a stick figure so that is why it only took me less thatn a day over all to make OH, and does any body have a guide on how to program mugen char.
  10. ok, point proven
  11. i am just giving some advice so ppl don't have to go through sites mixed with porn and emulation.
  12. or an S-Video port so that way you dont can rip sprites and you don't have to clean them. Not to mention it's cheaper and it's better. actaually if you notice alot of punch and kick any mations are missing from CvS2 and they call it CvS2 ryu....plus it looks WAY to shity to be a DC rip. that is how all teh CvS chars from mugen are.
  13. no offence but that is not the best site for DL'ing roms.....search up retro roms, they have a lot faster DL's and they are more secure....one catch tho they only let you DL two files a day at the most, they aer trying to keep there server from floodong bit they have some really good roms. you just have to sing up with them and have your fire wall off while on the site.
  14. that CvS ryu is from the vary shity port of CvS:pro for PSX, naomi is not emulated you would have to rip sprites using a capcher card.
  15. i wanted to start some a tournys for kaillera emulaters. it would most likely be any game that is emulated and laggy, but it would still be fun. i just need a server but i don't have money so yeah.
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