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Everything posted by Capcom

  1. made me click also.
  2. just pop in the boot disk. When it says insert disk, just insert the game and wait.
  3. is there Bleem! for XP? I tried downloading some and they would not work!
  4. if you want some superheros. dc-vs-marvel.cjb.net and goto there forum.
  5. i dont remember the links i got it from but there were about 4 different websites.
  6. Quiet you. Hahaha.. when you become a premium member. how many posts does it take to be premium member?
  7. Hey, I was wondering if I could make a new skin for this forum? I'm kinda bored and I have skills with graphics. If it's alright with the admins and all, can you send all the files that are supposed to be edit? PM me or IM me on AIM, MSN, or Yahoo. -Peace
  8. ok, thanks.
  9. (my Words)
  10. How do I change my title from saying Begginer to somehting else? The title is the text under the avatar.
  11. i can't see it.
  12. it's aight. I lil basic.
  13. Is there a way to port a NES rom into a MAME rom? I wanna do that for SMB3 and was wondering if there is a way and how. What would I need?
  14. I heard that 3rd Strike will be emulated on MAME by 2005.
  15. I might program the character for him.
  16. did this character ever come out for mugen? I clicked the link, but it only showed some sprites of him.
  17. does anyone have a rings of power rom that does not have that Sega controller up on the top right of the screen? Does it go away later on in the game or something or is it part of the rom? -Peeeeeeeaceeeeeee ooutttttttttttt................
  18. or an S-Video port so that way you dont can rip sprites and you don't have to clean them. Not to mention it's cheaper and it's better. actaually if you notice alot of punch and kick any mations are missing from CvS2 and they call it CvS2 ryu....plus it looks WAY to shity to be a DC rip. that is how all teh CvS chars from mugen are. it's not a DC rip, it's a PS2 rip. They used the same program as a few other teams who ripped GGX2 sprites and MvC2 sprites. That is also why I can't wait till 3S comes out on PS2 (besides online play and all, I want it to rip sprites also).
  19. that site is a fake but, KOF2003 has been emulated, it works, it's for MAME, and I have it.
  20. um, nobody said it's a great site. It's just a link to Tekken 3....
  21. or an S-Video port so that way you dont can rip sprites and you don't have to clean them. Not to mention it's cheaper and it's better.
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