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Everything posted by gavin19

  1. Lie in bed and watch re-runs of Diagnosis Murder Oh wait, that's what I normally do
  2. I just use Thunderbird, that way I can have all my Yahoo, MSN and Gmail in one place Also FF3 is faster than FF2 but not by as much as is being made out. I have been testing my own extension from 2 through all the 3 RC releases and it is moderately faster. Compared to Opera and FF it sort of does. Opera is 'better' than FF IMO, but it's just that FF is so much more extensible with all the addons. Opera's Widgets don't compare sadly.
  3. If you wish to update any of those lesser extensions it's easily done. Just navigate to your extensions folder - C:\Documents and Settings\Agozer\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\random\extensions Then go to the specific extension folder. My own is {A83EAB45-8809-47a3-85BC-049859A856AF} Within is a file called install.rdf. Open this in a text editor and edit the line <em:maxVersion> to read - <em:maxVersion>3.0.*</em:maxVersion> Save, reload, and that's it. Unless the extension itself clashes with FF3, which is highly unlikely, then you will have it working again
  4. I only downloaded RC3 last week too. I just read though that apparently it is exactly the same as RC3.
  5. HD playback is enabled from DVD out of the box. As for streaming, I use the old Windows Media Connect as it's the least intrusive/intensive of all the solutions. It uses like 15MB, it's not like it's Adobe Acrobat or anything. I'm not comparing it to what they were able to do with the old Xbox, but that's what I meant by complete. As in the ability to do everything, backups/Live/DLC/emus etc, while remaining undetected. Yes, Live wasn't an option on the old Xbox either, but now Live/DLC plays a much bigger part in 360 gaming A lot of games are missing, partly due to the older core, partly crippled hardware. However, thousands of games are playable on XB1. It's only either newly added games or 3D games which aren't there. Hell screw all this. I'd give my right arm for XBMC on my 360 even if it meant sacrificing Live or whatever.
  6. Their servers are taking a beating, it keeps timing out on me Apparently they have set a record for most downloads in a 24 hour period too.
  7. It has been cracked though. But IMO a complete crack, allowing for DLC, Live etc seems highly unlikely. HD playback is built in, it wasn't hacked. The original Xbox came out when most people, at least here, hadn't even heard of HD/LCD/Plasma etc. The processor is too slow, that's all there is to it. To expect it to play back 720p is unrealistic. Actually it can handle it IF the bitrate and framerate are low enough, but that's another story. As far as the 360, there are several limitations on formats which are pretty inexplicable too. Most HD content comes in mkv format which it can't play. It allows 5.1 surround for avi but not for h264/MP4, yet allows unrestricted audio with WMV VC-1. It can't play Divx3 Low Motion either, which a lot of 'scene' releases were encoded with. All that said, it does play most of what I have, but I definitely would not get rid of Xbox1 as it is not a good replacement. I guess N64 emulation would benefit. Mame too, although Xbox1 can handle 90% of 90s stuff as it is, plus some newer stuff. I never use filters, but I'll take your word for it People wanted it cracked in so far as allowing backups to be played. Anything outside of that is a bonus for most people, and I don't think if it meant sacrificing Live/DLC that there is enough interest to go any further. People expect it to be like an XBMC part 2, I can't see it happening, though I would love it.
  8. The most specific date I seen was Summer 2008 and that was back in the middle of March when screens/vids were released. I didn't like the look of it tbh.
  9. Restored a lot of Xbox emus/roms today. Had a dig at some old Master System favs. Sega Chess (for some reason), Asterix, Secret Commando, and Golden Axe Warrior.
  10. You just never know. I doubt it though. The 360 is so integrated with Live, patches, DLC etc that it would be impossible to have an XBMC-like setup without losing out on something or other. As far as emulation goes, what could the 360 do that the Xbox1 couldn't. Maybe a port of a Saturn/DC emu but that's it. I already have a Saturn and DC anyway so I don't care. The Xbox1 emulates pretty much everything pre-PSX era as it is. At least 'backups' can be played, unlike the PS3. Look at the crackdown on the Wii at the minute by Nintendo too. At least 360 users can download any game they like and play away. The only cost is the 360 itself and as many DVD9s as you need. I wouldn't mind a lot broader codec support a la XBMC though, it is limited in that department. Like you can't have 5.1 with HD content, only stereo. Wtf? Unless you use the external HD-DVD that is. But still..
  11. Wow. It's a great little puzzle game. It had a smoother version on the Dreamcast though.
  12. MSX is always synonymous with Konami. Nemesis, Parodius, Salamander, Twinbee, Contra, Castlevania. Also check out Golvellius, Dragon Quest, Bomberman, Aleste, Ys and Zanac. There's loads more but I haven't tried out any MSX emu for the Xbox, I'm assuming they all play ok though.
  13. Post a link to whatever you like. It must be a link that when you share it, it gives you a massive sense of pride, brings a tear to your eye, and is likely unknown to the other members. Behold, I bring you The Freeware Database!! A whole boatload of freebies just waiting to be downloaded and enjoyed for free (without a keygen)
  14. Me. The Wire made the Sopranos look like a flocking joke. What a complete genius! It's only took him a full month to realise that GTA4 is just a rehash of all the others with a little extra in the gfx/game size department. That was apparent from 30 minutes in to it. And, I don't care what anyone says, they messed up the driving. Yes, I got used to it, but it was never once as fun as throwing an old Sabre Turbo around a corner in VC.
  15. IIRC FBAxxx can utilise merged sets, I have never tried it with CoinOPs though. It's worth a try I guess.
  16. You should pay a visit to xbins and update as many emus as you can. Welcome to 1emu
  17. I thought GC has asked a girl to OPEN WIDE! L.S.D. Always ready to reduce things to sex
  18. Just watched a show with a great twist at the end, almost as good as the Usual Suspects. Deceiver Great performance from Tim Roth, and from the supporting cast. Minor-ish early role for Zellwegger. Good show.
  19. It was a unique and great looking game for it's time. It was one of the first to use that mechanic that you see in newer games like Bourne for the 360, like the action stops and you have to react to a set piece with a quick combo of button presses. I always meant to grab the sequel for the Xbox, just never got around to it. I imagine it'll be pretty hard to dig up nowadays though.
  20. Watched Fight Club in HD. I used to despise this fillm with every bone in my body. I still do. The one thing I especially hate is the twist in the movie is always rated up there with the Sixth Sense and the Usual Suspects. Now Sixth Sense was spoiled for me so I didn't even watch it, but the Usual Suspects twist is so much more subtely done, it's not even a contest for me.
  21. I got all the exploit files together, including the psx original, then made the iso + burned. I then managed to get a lend of a Swap Magic disc, booted the Independence exploit installer, and that's that. I had a backup MC too, so once I had it set up I made a copy over to the other card just in case. I was always under the impression that HDLoader referred to an external USB hdd, it seems not. I was looking forward to just dumping all my games onto my external Seagate, especially now my laser is fading I just priced a network adapter and they still retail for £35 here! wtf. I think I'll give it a miss
  22. I am guilty of that. I think I've only made like 2-3 threads in 4 years Even the fact that I make the top daily poster on a regular basis is a bad sign
  23. I picked up my 2nd 360 a few weeks ago. Worth every penny just for Oblivion alone. The fact I can now watch HD movies is a big plus too. About the lack of posts. I have noticed that lately. Sometimes hours go by without a single post. Maybe it's the summer season approaching that's taking it's toll
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