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Everything posted by gavin19

  1. Conversely it was probably my best decision. Not so much for tha games as such, but a quick soft mod + xbmc + emulators galore + networked to pc =
  2. The only 3 people I know with PS3s just happen to have bought theirs for primarily that reason, to have a Blu-Ray player first, games machine second. Hell, I don't even think they have an ounce of interest in gaming. Not to mention that here in the UK, the PS3 40gig is still 50% more expensive than the 360 Premium. RROD is no reflection on the quality of the games or live, which is all that matters. If it melts, it's covered under warranty, big deal.
  3. This is true, it's all a myth. But, I can remember watching it back then when I watched it religiously, and can recall thinking there was something suspicious going on. I could have sworn that the Texas Tornado filled in for him at one time. They had similar looks/build and with the make-up he could have passed. But there definately is only 1 Ultimate Warrior. IIRC there were simialr myths floating around about Kane.
  4. I remember a long time ago one of the Nintendo mags gave Super Mario Allstars a 99%, plastered on the front cover too. I still stand by that one. I can't wait either. Gonna grab a 360 tomorrow (well today now), plus Oblivion again just to tide me over until Tuesday. OT - Any DLC I bought previously (for Oblivion), is that tied into my gamertag so I can re-download it for free, or did it go when I sold my 360?
  5. If it's not too much trouble. I could move most of the roms back to my PC and free up some space, just keep the bigger roms on the Xbox for quicker loading. It is pretty simple to set up. If you can get it working then I could write a quick tutorial for those that want to use it.
  6. I used SMB share on an older Mameox a while ago, like 0.74 or 0.75 and it worked ok. I set up the Mameox.ini in the TDATA folder for Coinops exactly as I had my old one, but it doesn't work. Just as you said, black screen, locks up. Maybe it's newer versions of Mameox that caused SMB not to work anymore and it's not specific to Coinops? Anyway, I found it used more memory and I was unable to play the more Ram-intensive roms. I guess it wouldn't do any harm to see it working again.
  7. Confirmed. Loads rom then freezes at blank screen. Locks up xbox, needing reboot.
  8. I liked Otogi, pretty similar. Plus there's 2 of them
  9. Wow. The last game to get a 10 was SC. And just to balance things out, the X360 version got a 10 too, both US and UK reviews. lulzy Thank you. I'll have to keep an eye out for the HDMI port then.
  10. Mame(d)ox is ported from 84u3 source but the roms needn't be from that exact set. Easiest way to get a pretty complete old working romset is to grab BAED3A from somewhere. Otherwise, even the roms from newer sets will usually work, unless they have been renamed, but then you can just un-rename them. Be aware that you can only add 40 extra games too.
  11. Exactly what I done last night. Transfer the fonts over from the 'media' folder of the original Coinops, not the patch, then it will boot fine. As BP said, make sure you are just overwriting the old Coinops with the patch, do not remove anything from the original Coinops. Then after all that you can apply the patch-fix
  12. Yeah, only about 100 or so Aladdin, Cybernator, Pilotwings, Super Mario All Stars, Zelda, Super R-Type, Chrono Trigger, Actraiser, Soul Blazer, NBA Jam, Mortal Kombat 2, Alien 3, Secret of Mana, Starfox, Y's, Addams Family, Final Fight, Earthbound, Jurassic Park, Magic Knight Rayearth, Rock'n'Roll Racing, Pop'n'Twinbee, Axelay, Illusion of Time/Gaia, Metal Marines, Lufia, Streetfighter(s), Super Bomberman, Super Metroid, Krusty's Super Fun House, Hook, Super Ghouls'n'Ghosts, Final Fantasy(s), Breath of Fire, Equinox, Super Castlevania, Super Star Wars Trilogy, TMNT, Tetris Attack, Stunt Race FX.. etc I lost count but I couldn't rem 100 off the top of my head. No doubt I missed a lot of good stuff too.
  13. You need suggestions for good games, or the games themselves? If you meant the former then all the obvious ones, Sonic 1/2/3, Castlevania, Castle of Illusion, Gunstar Heroes, Golden Axe 1/2/3, Shining Force, Phantasy Star, Streets of Rage 1/2/3, Desert Strike, Thunderforce(s), Herzog Zwei, Fireshark, V-Five. I tried to stick mostly to exclusives as I find the SNES/Megadrive joint releases are almost always superior on the SNES
  14. Yes, I understand it's not a full install. I'm just replacing the contents of the UDATA/TDATA save folders and the rest of the contents of the 2nd Quarter folder (with the exception of the empty folders). I'm going to reinstall CoinOPS and try again and start over from there. Maybe I missed something the first time I tried installing 2nd Quarter but I don't think I did. Browse to your Coinops install folder and check for a 'debug.log'. If it's there then it should tell you what is wrong/missing. Yes, I would run Coinops v1 at least once first, then patch, but that shouldn't be the problem.
  15. Registration was open for a loooong time as far as I can remember, it's just not happening at the moment. A lot of newer private trackers have a 30-day no activity auto-prune btw.
  16. I just got a £400 bonus in work, so I'm definately going to grab another 360, and this, upon release. I still have 4-5 months of live left from my last subscription so I'm just going to purchase this one. Plus I want to grab any and all DLC. The DLC made a world of difference as far as Oblivion went, so hopefully this is along the same lines. I'll look into flashing though very soon. Recommended 360 versions? Does the Halo ltd edition have updated internals, or I am headed for another meltdown? Elite maybe? I'm in PAL region btw.
  17. This thread makes it too easy to weed out the PS3 fanboys
  18. Patch fixed a bug whereby any configuration changes that were made, weren't saved when using the 'Back' button to exit back to the game list. To save any changes, you had to exit to dashboard to force a save that way. This has now been rectified. This is the only fix that I'm aware of.
  19. Lol. Yes they may be superior in a sense, but that's utterly irrelevant if you aren't a member. Registrations were open for a long time, but they closed them down around xmas IIRC. The patch is up on Rapidshare btw, PM hellsfury for info. If anyone is unable to download it from there then I will up it to a public tracker immediately.
  20. Welcome to 1emu searius. If you send hellsfury a PM he will send you the details asap. He posted earlier in this thread, should be easy to find.
  21. i can not find ANY torrent on this It's a direct link. PM hellsfury for info.
  22. I restored the xml that came with the patch and did just as you suggested, and it worked fine! For anyone else that might have missed this, you must use Start>Return to Games instead of the Back button, or else it won't save your changes.
  23. That's what I said earlier. When I was trying to change colour settings and pressing the back button it wasn't saving the changes, just resetting. I wiped everything and started from scratch, installing Coinops v1, then the patch over the top. Still the same. No matter, I edited the romstatus.xml only to include 'no sound', the rest I'm going through and picking favourites as I go Thanks again!
  24. No big deal, but when I try to disable 'Color Classic and Hot Games' it doesn't work. It just keeps re-enabling itself. Even when I exit back to roms the Hot games are still green. Also I noticed this before, forgot to mention, whenever you do a 'Scan for New Games' it wipes out whichever games you added as favourites. Maybe this is just on my install? EDIT - the new romstatus.xml only contains the new entries. Where have all the other old entries gone? How do the Status Number entries work, like what do they stand for?
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