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Everything posted by gavin19

  1. I can't locate this patch anywhere, seems I missed the boat Just how big is it btw, just in case I do find it I want to make sure I'm grabbing the proper thing. I have Platinum 2 here which I haven't even installed yet. What exactly does 'arcades' add to it?
  2. I always thought that too, but if you use the MC360 skin it has a game saves option under the 'Games' blade.
  3. This is a few years old. Can't even rem which members are/were which. I do recognise that narcissist Fatal tho
  4. Welcome to the forums sir! Off to a great start I see
  5. RF Jet etc and a lot of mid-90s onwards shmups struggle to run properly due to RAM issues, even on a 128MB modded xbox. It's a shame these couldn't be optimised somehow considering some seemingly more RAM-intensive shmups (Guwange, EspRaDe, DDP) run perfectly well. The only other thing that could be done is to update the Mame(d)ox core to take advantage of the more recent sound/gfx fixes etc. I can't even think of any other games which aren't emulated which didn't at least get home ports, like Joe n Mac. But between Mameox and FBAxxx, it is pretty scary just how many arcade games are perfectly emulated on this little machine. To think I paid £60 for an average SNES SF2 conversion back in 91, and now I have virtually every version/revision of the game, and it's sequels, all in one box. Damn, the Xbox itself only cost me £30
  6. Just watched that today aswell. I really liked it. my wife said it didn't make any sense. I really liked the dialog it sorta reminded me of Unforgiven is a weird way. I also watched National Treasure 2. it was OK. Yeah I thought that too. Unforgiven is a must watch for those that missed it.
  7. No Country for Old Men. 9/10. Brilliant IMDB link
  8. 1emulation co-owner declares he doesn't care about emulation shocker!
  9. You can use several programs to convert eg AlltoAvi If you want to extract the streams from the ogm and mess around with them first then use OGMcleaver.
  10. Yes it's fine. I've re-installed Ndure many times without probs. I don't use dual boot any more because I never used the MS dash once I softmodded anyway. You could also use one of the installer discs eg Slayers/Auto-Installer, to set up a fresh dual boot once you have gone through the Ndure thing again. My Ndure installer just has the basic single-boot UnleashX, no MS dash, I guess it depends what yours is set up to do. If you don't want to use DVD2XBOX then just use the file manager to copy the files from DVD to a folder on E/F or whatever and that should work just fine. Btw, there are a small number of games that won't work from the hdd.
  11. If your pc can handle it you could try screen recording software like Camtasia Studio. Or go the hardware route eg capture card/dvd recorder.
  12. All the files you need are easily enough found. sksapps.com has a lot of useful stuff. You will need a way to get the exploit to Memory card though. IIRC you need Action Replay Max Evo or a loan of a friend's Swap Magic.
  13. Try Sherlock. It checks which codecs you have installed and tells you if any of them are broken or not.
  14. I used demonoid heavily for a while but then it seemed to get flooded with a lot with a lot of off-site torrents which put me off. I still use it now and again. It's nearly impossible to avoid the occaisional demonoid tracked torrent anyway. In fact I grabbed a couple of big torrents last week, and it was only when I checked the tracker after download that I realised they were both tracked by you-know-who.
  15. I have my 1.6 softmodded using a hotswap/ndure. I tried upgrading the hdd once before I realised it was incompatible and bricked it! It is easier though if your Xbox is chipped. Pay a visit to xbins on Efnet and grab all the latest emus, Zsnes, FBAxxx Pro, Surreal xxx, xboyadvance, Pcsxbox 1.8, MameOx 128 Plus etc. Hang on to Unleash too because it can open text files unlike XBMC. Handy if you want to keep faqs on your hdd or edit ini files, which you will invariably have to do at some point. But definately use XBMC as your default dash as there is an emu folder already set up for you, not to mention it's wealth of a/v features. There was also a supplementary codec pack for XBMC that added some extra compatibility too. If you can't find it I can send you it. I have a selection of my most played roms on my hdd but keep full sets on dvd as the majority of the emus have a dvd browser so you can play them straight off disc. This way I didn't need to upgrade the hdd to squeeze all my roms on. For mame the roms will need to be pretty old because MameOx uses the 0.84 core, with the exception of a few recent updates. if you can get a hold of BAED 3A then it has the old MameOx and 4gigs of mame ready to go. For CPS 1+2 and NeoGeo, FBAxxx Pro is the way to go. Certainly you could upgrade your hdd if you wish but unless you want to transfer your games to hdd or a load of music/films, it's not a must have. If you are going to upgrade, check the drive's compatibility first. There is a site with a list of working hdds somewhere. I can't rem the link right now but it's out there. I can't think of much else but if you get stuck I'll probably have been there myself. I have to say I wouldn't trade my modded box for anything. It's like the swiss army knife of modern gaming. Enjoy!
  16. I remember when Mepis was released initially I was one of the first to try it out. IIRC Warren, the sole maintainer of Mepis, decided to distribute free CD copies of the distro. Soon after, people on the forums were reporting attempted sales of these discs on Ebay. It was hard to believe. Ebay should do more to protect less savvy users from exposure to this sort of practise.
  17. The only 2 British rally drivers to have had their own VG franchises both dead within 2 years of each other. McRae's sporting nemesis died Nov 05 of a brain tumour, not long after the first, in what would have been his own series of games, was released (Richard Burns Rally). Coincidentally they were both Scottish. McRae's popularity was huge, this is a massive blow to the sport, and of course his wife and family. And only recently a commerative Subaru was released in Burns' memory, now this.
  18. This is true. I must have gone through a dozen different Linux distros, all for no other reason than to try out a different desktop or package manager etc etc. As far as Windows goes, I use a lot of older software simply because it is less bloated and does the same job give or take a few bells and whistles. Yet looking back, I didn't do one single thing on XP that I couldn't do on 2000 but I felt like a change. 5 years of XP isn't a bad stretch, and Vista does everything that I want it to so far. I'm happy with it. Ironically, the night before last, when I decided to upgrade to Vista, I downloaded LinuxMint, an Irish-origin Ubuntu-based distro. No doubt if Vista starts acting up I'll have that iso burnt and booted before I can say DRM.
  19. Yeah, the links are the same ones given to you if you were to purchase it online. There's the main Vista file plus 2 smaller ones. Total is around 2.3gigs. It's all the Vistas in 1 d/l, there's a choice of which version you want to install. EDIT : Just tried it out and everything works! Only minor problem is that I'm using around 400MB more RAM than I was with XP. I have 1 gig on this PC though so it's manageable. PS - Which firewall are people using? I've been using Outpost for 4/5 years but even the latest version isn't compatible. Any suggestions?
  20. Curiousity has gotten the better of me. I'm d/ling Vista directly from Microsoft now. My friend kindly donated his reg key from his legit copy that he never used. I'm not as worried about the OS itself as much as will it be able to use the array of software I usually use, some of which dates back to the '40s. I'll report back in an hour or 6 when I've give it a run through.
  21. Right, nothing more needs to be said. oh yes, while people go out and completely remake the NES while other people make uber carts that can hold a shitload of roms just because it's outdated doesn't mean it's automatically useless. Oh yeah and hello? PS3 software emulation now? There is absolutely NO REASON to get rid of the PS2 yet/ Sure it's useful, especially considering the Independence exploit doesn't work on v12 and higher. But it's just that it's been done to death already, it's just been refined and repackaged. It's like someone releasing an Xbox memory card with softmod files on board. Sure it's more convenient, but it's something that's been circulating for years already.
  22. 640MB? I'm sitting at just under 200 on XP Pro, with Nod32, Opera, Outpost and uTorrent running. 640MB is way too high. Guess I was spoiled with resource-light Linux distros. My friend has a legit Vista Basic he got from Dell that he's not using. I'll give it a spin and see how it goes.
  23. I can't bring myself to use Vista, legit or otherwise. It just feels too claustrophobic to me. With XP I know it inside out and can do what I want without being asked ten questions first. Not to mention how bloated and cpu/ram hungry Vista is, and the software incompatibilities. Microsoft has always been able to manipulate their OSes remotely, this is just the next step. If it weren't for a lack of software I'd go back to Arch (Linux) in a heartbeat.
  24. Aw I went and sold my 360 last week too I never liked Halo much anyway
  25. Cassini was discontinued around 3 years ago due to the hassle Snail, Barnito et al were getting over the disputed legality of the source code from various emulation sites, including this one. 1emu even had it's own Cassini section at cassini.1emulation.com but after a brief period of discussion it was taken down. Barnito's site was always down due to one thing or another so it was hard to tell if it was permanently offline or just down again. I think there was an update to Cassini released after the main site shut down that was available on Zophar's and elsewhere, but Barnito's site itself has been long gone. Hope that clears this one up for you
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