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Everything posted by gavin19

  1. Damn I already signed up to Xbox too It was the only non-US one as well I used to pay a fortune for imported EGMs when I was in my SNES era, it was awesome. But even the online subscription is US-only ( Thanks anyway mister.
  2. Hmmm.... Suprnova is down for good. Does anyone have suggestions on where I should post the torrent so the most people will find it? skinlayers <{POST_SNAPBACK}> bt-xbox-sky.com or torrent-lab would prob be the safest bets IMO.
  3. Is it so hard to believe someone has a crystal xbox? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol. It was a (poor) joke. Hell, I'd believe him if he told me he had a crystal ball.
  4. Nice site, tho I have been a few times before. I just found the two bits of old SF artwork that I have been looking for for years, the ones I remembered from the SNES SF2 magazine reviews in the UK. EDIT - That page, here, actually has all the old classic SF2 artwork I wanted. Flocking marvellous.
  5. Strange thing was that the film was supposed to lampoon the Dawn of the Dead remake, which it did very well. Sensibly, in the UK it was released within a week or two of DotD to cash in, while the always-alert US market decided to wait 8 months (? or so) to release it ?!
  6. Here's a related article Only now is it sinking in that Suprnova has gone. I must have tried like 10 times today forgetting each time I did so Any other sites known to be gone? Apart from Suprnova, Torrentbits, Youceff... more?
  7. It's sad to see Suprnova gone mostly because of it's iconic status in the bt world. It wasn't the best torrent site by any means, but by Christ it was good. It just seemed to be one of the 'untouchable' sites, but alas the mighty have fallen. However it is only one of many good torrent sites so no worries. A sad development nonetheless.
  8. I thought I knew every torrent site but never heard of torrentbits. Hmm. Anyways, loads of new sites are popping up all over the place. For every 1 that goes under, another emerges. Have no fear sir. I do NOT condone piracy btw
  9. I wanna pic of you holding the clear case xbox in one hand and waving with the other. Please.
  10. Gryph made a good point about the reviews, since he noticed that there are some games which don't ( yet at least ) fall under the emulation umbrella. However I think it maintains the whole gaming theme. If I want movie reviews or whatever then I use imdb. If i want gaming/emus then I use 1emu.
  11. Why, the best site is xbox-scene of course! Click ME to go there.
  12. That's what I read. But by that stage I had already done them so I can't confirm it personally. Here is the exact order that I used to beat it Target 1: A van right at the start. Shoot his van and he gets out, then rail him again to kill him. This should take no more than five seconds. Target 2: A bicycle just to the left. Turn around and get behind him. Fire until he gets off, then shoot him again. This shouldn't take very long either. Target 3: Another van down the street. This guy won't get out of the van when you shoot him, so get behind him at a steady speed and unload until he catches fire. You should have these first three down in about thirty seconds, and no more. You need all the fuel you can get now. Target 4: A Sanchez towards Downtown. This is your first difficult target, and it takes some practice. Get behind him at a steady speed and follow him as soon as you start shooting. You need to blow him up before he gets his speed up, or else you'll never see him again. It's all about timing and practice, and once he's gone, you should be free for this mission. Target 5: A third van northeast of the Sanchez. You should have about 50% fuel after target four, and if you do, you've got this made. Get behind this van as well, follow him for a bit, and then unload until the van catches fire. As soon as it does, start high tailing it back to Zero's. When you can see his pink blip on the roof, start decelerating and land somewhere near the spot. It doesn't have to be exact. I had about thirty seconds of fuel left when I finally got this mission down. Also when wanting to fly somewhere, first land, point yourself by steering around with L1 or R1 and then take off straight. Only other tip is to steer using L1/R1 as much as you can to maintain stability. EDIT - I never thought but you could try using the slo-mo cheat if that helps any.
  13. lol. That's just about the most unfair mission in the whole game. Irony is that you don't actually need to complete Zero's missions to advance. Some tips tho - - If you just land and dont move you do not waste fuel, so you can be placed at a junction and simply wait for the targets to come to you - You 99% need to use this specific order. 1st - The closest target, just a little infront and to the left. 2nd - Go back and along the street to the next one 3rd - Now the next target should be just straight down the road if I rem right ( you go down a sloping road then they are there ). 4th and 5th - The most important of them all. Fly in the general direction of the two targets then land when you get close and watch where they go, then position yourself somewhere on the ground so you don't waste fuel. Then you have to fly back to the rooftop ( usually have little or no fuel at this stage ). I know u r an amatuer but just keep trying and you'll get it
  14. Bear in mind though if you do upgrade your hdd then you will most likely not be able to play Xbox Live. If you do then you can either swap the hdds around when u want to play Live or if you haven't signed up for Live then you must change your hdd first then you should be OK. If you don't use Live then it don't matter. Whatever the case.. upgrading your hdd is the best thing you could do with your box, cuts down on the load times quite a lot and you can save backup copies of your originals to keep them in mint condition.
  15. U jealous baby?
  16. Funniest quote of December. Oh and stop hijacking my exquisitely-crafted-review-of-SA thread u fanboys
  17. Never even heard of Wild C.A.T.S... [reminisces] In my day (yawn) it was all about Transformers. Nothing else was never as good. But I also watched He-Man, Thundercats, Inspector Gadget, M.A.S.K(?) and TMNT (first series). [/reminisces]
  18. I don like desktop shortcuts.
  19. Currently juggling SSF2X Grand Master.. and Vampire Chronicles, both DC.
  20. I already have 'mad sk1llz'. ..and I don't need to check if I'm a nerd, I am. Thanks anyways.
  21. Well this is supposed to be current affairs. Try imdb maybe?
  22. Only ever burned 1 psx game (FF7), but it was over 3 discs. If you just use Alcohol to burn the image there is a PlayStation preset down near the bottom of the screen if I rem rightly. It takes care of everything for you, and just burn slow-ish to make sure. You could test the game first with ePSXe to make sure it is running OK.
  23. Yes, he's gorgeous. Nice job with the rogue's gallery btw. Nice(sometimes) to see the face put to the name.
  24. Purely from a gaming perspective I like movie tie-ins. For the most part they are crap but at least you can 'identify' with the characters that you have maybe used and interacted with for years. Example - SF the movie is crap, but I just like the fact that you were able to have 'fleshed-out' versions of most of the SF favs. Blanka was atrocious all the same. And Bison was camp to say the least. Otherwise I like ensemble films like 12 Angry Men, Usual Suspects, Glengarry Glen Ross and Heat, to a degree.
  25. em, OK. Thanks for the insight chaps.
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