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  1. softmodded
  2. Another question... I want to install XBMC as my new dash, and wipe the drive in the process. can anyone PM me a tutorial? also, how do i access the folders that contain save states and emu configs? Here are the emus i'm using- -BlueMSXbox -Coin-ops Inferno (going to update soon) -didnt Xspectrum -dosxbox -Final Burn Legends (need to update) -gnuboy -MameOX128 Plus! -MednafenX PCE -MekaX -NeoGenesis -NestopiaX -Surreal64 CE -ViceX -WinUEAX -XboyAdvance -xRaine -ZsnesBox Game ports -Streets of Rage Remake -Duke Nukem 3D
  3. I need some help with some of my emulators. First, NestopiaX isn't showing all of my roms. i wish to uninstall the emulator and re-install via the current version. I tried deleting the folder manually, but when i re-installed it, the issue was still there. how can i completely be rid of the emulator and its associated files? Also for coin-ops, which mame rom set is compatible? some roms i added won't show up, despite being the parent rom. Also, when i rotate the screen for vertical games, the controls reverse. how can i keep the controls the same? Is there a definitive list showing all the games that are supported in Final Burn Legends and Coin-Ops? Also, the games for the NeoGeo Pocket Emu run a bit slow. Can i do anything to fix this? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  4. I've got an 80gb hdd I'd like to use for my xbox, but I'm unsure of how to prepare the drive. can anyone here give me a cliff-note tutorial, or links to good online tutorials? also, is it possible to re-format the drive for standard computer use?
  5. heh heh.. me again I have some issues withe some emulators.. NestopiaX- Most of my ROMs won't show up in the emu. i moved my games from the MednafenX_nes ROMs folders, to NestopiaX, since what i want to play doesn't work well in MednafenX. the games i recently added to the folder won't show up in the emulator, although they play fine in MednafenX. do the ROMs have to be zipped to appear? BlueMSXbox- The translation-patched games i added wont run at all. the MSX just keeps reseting. they work fine when i load them on blueMSX windows. ViceX- Mayhem in Monsterland won't run at all. works fine on windows Vice64. MednafenX_pce- Most PC Engine/Turbografx games have 2 different screen resolutions, the "standard" and "wide" (Sidearms, Hero Tonma, R-Type) screen sizes. Some games switch between both, for example Military Madness-"standard" for the title screen, "wide" for the gameplay, Ys book 1&2, "wide" for gameplay and beginning scenes, "standard" when you talk to NPCs in their homes. I brought that up because what i try to do is set each game to their appropriate sizes, 512 x 464 for standard, and 556 x 464 for wide. unfortanetly i can't seem to figure out anything for the games that switch resolutions. some games look nice at first but soon become kinda squishy looking later on. is there any way to get the emulator to automatically adapt to the games that change resolution?
  6. Hello, long time lurker and first time poster with a bit of a dilemma.. I'm trying to save space on my stock HDD in my softmodded Xbox, and need help burning rom folders on CD-Rs and DVD+Rs to save space. I wan't to keep the emulator on the HDD. The first time, i tried to access the folders via emulator but the game wouldn't load, and more often than not, the emu would completely hang on me. I can access the folder and transfer the files to the HDD via file explorer. I'm using Quix to build the ISO, but barely helped, so i guess I'm doing something wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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